Many people don't believe that this movie has the Charm to please us, they think that we care about their beliefs. This movie is a Charmer and will leave a positive after effect in you. You will be mesmerised after watching this tale of a Young rapper who
struggles all the way up to the top, in an entire different culture. This movie is Emotional, Mind Blowing and it stars Eminem, what else do you need ? Okay, would an Oscar work ? Go watch it. You'll Love it.
SHOBHIT KHARE reviewed House
Ever since the First episode, you get stuck to the series, I guess this series made much more doctors than books. This series is a Masterpiece, it gets a hold of you and never leaves you. The main lead is played by Hugh Laurie as Dr. Gregory House. The Character has a unique kind of vibe to it, you will love it, hate it and admire it all at the same time. House is the opposite of every doctor you'll ever see, but he's the best. Let Dr. House treat you, I guarantee all of your diseases will be
treated with care.