Good Movie...
This movie seems to have gotten a bad rep from the critics. After 2 Super Hero Movie tent poles since March, the superhero genre is a bit fatigued. But let me say this first, this movie is GOOD!
I don’t know which film the critics were seeing, but they are dead wrong about this particular film.
X-Men Apocalypse is about this super mutant who has been alive for thousands of years and was then buried since 3600B.C. This mutant is back to wreak havoc. Kill all humans, end the world etc…
Only the X-men can stop them.
A lot of the movie now falls on the newer and younger X-Men. This movie does a good job of slowly building up and explaining every character and how the events around them influence their decisions.
Singer does another competent job of direction and this movie feels a bit reminiscent of x2 from 2003. The music is at times nostalgic, at times new. The acting is even all around. The trailers make it look like this movie will focus a lot of Mystique/Raven. It features her, but she doesn’t steal the limelight. She shares almost equal time with Beast and their chemistry still shines through.
Over all, this is a great 3rd part after First Class and Day of Future Past.
This movie could have been better, there is no denying that, the build up is there but somehow the climactic feeling of the end of the world is quite missing and that is my only issue with the film. When things come to a head, it doesn’t feel epic even though it should.
Rating : 7.5 / 10 .
Overall it’s a good film that follow the previous 2 films. It’s essential that the viewer has seen the previous two films in this trilogy.
Rohon Nag
since it was set in the 80s. I fail to how that is not a win ? admittedly bryan singer is not very good with the action, not as good as it can be. But the quality is pretty even over all x-men film which I am NOT judging based on civil war but rather the other parts of this series.
Piyush Arya
After 1 week of the movie release, I am hearing mixed reviews. I think this movie worked for some, not for others. Though i will not hesitate to call it one of the weakest in X-Men series http://www.mymovierack.com/franchise/x-men-collection
A School Yard fight of SuperHeroes
Captain America: Civil War Movie Review :

Captain America: School Yard Brawl Is a more appropriate title for this film. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the film, but this reminded me of my school days when in the break we used to play aba-dhupi, aka standing in a circle and throwing a ping pong ball at each other. For those 10 minutes, everyone was my enemy, but the moment the break got over, we were all friends. That, in short describes this film.

Plot summary is... Captain America and Iron Man have a fall out over the Sokovia accords and this movie deals with that conflict.

The action is awesome, the direction is top notch, but the stakes are at an all-time low. Unlike Avengers 1 & 2, Winter Soldier, there is no huge change, no fall of hydra or city wide battle. This is a fun romp of seeing your favourite superheroes fight it out in battle royale style.

Is it as pointless as Batman V Superman? not quite, for one thing, the movie doesn’t take itself seriously at all, there are so many self-referential jokes inside it, poking fun at Cap’s shield’s physics is one of them.

Plus the dialogs are hilarious, the comedy moments even during the fighting is laugh out loud and everything said is insanely quotable ! this movie is a walking talking meme generator !
Add to that characters we already know and we love, it all combines into a winning mixture of fun, humour and action.

Scriptwise, both the sides are equally balanced, with no side coming out as right or wrong, its OK to support either side. This movie is also more of sequel to Age of Ultron as compared to Winter Soldier. There is no point seeing this without seeing Avengers 2 and Winter Soldier.

Take this seriously we cant.

Spoilers :
Character wise, Spider-man is definately an stand out, outshining the more sombre and quite Black Panther. Everyone else seems to fit into their roles pretty well. Vision is turning out to be quite an interesting character. No one character went totally wrong in this and everyone does an amazing job. I am now very excited about the new Spider-Man Homecoming movie ! this smart quips and trash talking is so well done in this version.

Rating: 8/10 . It’s fun, its full of action, it’s cool, but it has no weight to it at all. Enjoyable over all.
But how would some one sign an accord without revealing his/her identity? They have to 'sign' using their real name and obviously unmasked( its them and not some comic con cosplayer).
Rohon Nag
the government / UN can keep secrets, Re-dact documents, there have been many real life spies, we never came to know of them. they will hardly go to the media and say ' this person is on our avengers team ! '
Rohon Nag reviewed Fan
Narcissistic, Thrilling and Bold
It’s obvious from the trailers that this film is YRF’s love letter to SRK.
This has to be the most narcissistic film EVER made. But is the movie any good ?

Yes. Definitely. The movie is good, but after the end, the entire audience was left with the question, why ? what was the point of the film ? what was it trying to say ?

Fan is about a guy called Gaurav, from Delhi who is super-Star Aryan Khanna’s (SRK) Biggest fan. He wants to meet his idol, show him his trophy. Instead his dreams get crushed and he plots revenge.

The direction of this film is very good. In the first half most scenes are VERY realistic and true to life, not over blown or treated like a typical blockbuster. But the second half raises the stakes, adds a thriller element and also becomes a bit over the top. But that is to be expected from an SRK film.

Music wise this movie suffered a lot. The music was adequate but not inspiring, nor did it manage to carry out the action scenes that well.

Now we come to big selling point of this film. SRK’s Double role and acting. I am not a huge fan of SRK, but he has truly outdone himself. His double take as Gaurav the Fan and Aryan the star are portrayed SO differently, that just from body language its clear who is who. If the aim of this film was to show case SRK’s range, it did so rather well.
Special mention for Gaurav’s makeup. His nose is very different from SRK’s real nose and his eyes are bigger to. I have NO idea how they did those, make up, FX, prosthetics, god knows. But they managed to make Gaurav look like a 25 year. It was simply amazing how much they looked alike YET different.

Normally I would rate this film a Six out of Ten. But plus 1 point for the AMAZING double role, makeup and two SRK’s interactions with each other. Also Plus Half a point for SRK’s acting as Gaurav.

Displaying shades of Darr, this is SRK’s most innovative & narcissistic film in years. This is miles and miles ahead of Duplicate by Mr. Bhatt and his best double role till date.

Rating : 7.5 / 10.

Footnote : I don’t know if this film is trying to disrespect fans in general or just saying that over the top fandom is a bad thing. But either way, why comment on it? since the first day first show audience is always the FANS!

Piyush Arya
+1 for makeup
A Visual MasterPiece
This is supposed to be the most technically advanced film EVER made.
And… It shows… The animals, the leaves everything is digital yet they look more or less, REAL.

If they didn’t have voices and didn’t speak, they would have 100% fooled the audience.

This brings me to my biggest issue with this otherwise amazing film.
The voices don’t seem to go with the animals, I am not speaking about casting, the film is perfectly casted (English Version – Yet to see Hindi)
But when animals speak, you expect them to be a bit cartoony, when REAL looking animals speak, it just breaks the illusion of the realism.

but don’t get me wrong, I liked this film a lot, except for the voice aspect, this movie is well directed, well paced and the scenery and animals are simply breathtakingly real.
The acting by child actor Neel Sethi is pretty good, the entire film rests on his shoulders and he doesn’t disappoint.

Be warned this is NOT our childhood Jungle book, the story is very different, Kaa is not Mowgli’s friend here. This is based off the 1967 Disney film and doesn’t have the same story beats as the animated film we all grew up on.

So, overall this is a visually spectacular film, with low story content, the music is hummable and good. The Kids are going to love this one!

As for the adults, they won’t be put off, it’s not cheesy or childish despite being a kids film !

Jon Favreu has shown great range from Iron man to chef to this… kudos to him for making this risky film.

Rating : 7.5/10
Serious bombastic and slow
Movie Review :

The ultimate gladiatorial match, night meets day, man meets gods and then tires to kill him.

This is the premise of the 2016’s DC tent-pole Batman V superman Dawn of Justice.

Right off the bat, Let me tell you, I disliked man of steel. I rated it 6/10 and despite its good intentions that movie made no sense logically or otherwise. The same issues plague this movie as well, character decisions make no sense, things happen for no reason, too many dream sequences and the main plot is NOT batman Vs superman, that is just the distraction. The entire movie does not come together well in the end.

Having said all that, did I HATE this film ? Not really, I liked it, it’s not too shabby, plus the acting by Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill is really good. They really make Batman and superman come to life. Lot of the frames are very graphic novel-ish and the look and tone is exceptional.

But the entire first half dragged out a LOT and the ending wasn’t totally satisfying.

This movie would have been 3 times better if the Trailer 2 had not spoilt the entire movie for us.

BUT definitely worth a watch.

Rating : 6.5/10

Verdict : DC fans need to see this. I wasn’t disappointed, but I am looking forward to Civil War.
never liked tailors, they either spoil the movie for you or are escalated too much from full length movies. :)
Rohon Nag
Well, being a film journalist (sort of), I cant stay away from trailers especially the first 1 or 2. but I ignore the late release trailers coming 1-2 weeks befre the movie coz no one reports on them anyway !
Movie Standards Have Fallen !
Back in 2013, Olympus has fallen was a cheesy, fun action flick harkening back to the days of die Hard.

I had quite enjoyed that film and was cautiously curious to see its sequel.

Now I am regretting it.

This movie is that bad.

From the abysmal editing and flat plot, this movie is a disaster. The opening is way too clichéd, the first half is too boring, the second half tries to be bombastic but ends up looking tired and monotonous. Shoot, explosion, dodge, fisticuffs… Repeat…

Strictly avoid this film. Mr Butler looks bored, Mr Eckhart is MORE bored and Mr Freeman sleep walks through his role.

this movie has nothing memorable, no good action sequence and the music is also forgettable.

Rating : 4.5 /10 . Avoid. Just AVOID.

P.S: I had to go see the Revenant a SECOND time to wash the bad taste out ! I loved that movie even more the second time...

Rohon Nag reviewed Trumbo
Terrific & Crackling !
So If I tell you, the maker of films like Austin Powers and Meet the Parents just made a movie which is not only heartfelt and touching but also entirely relevant of the current issues dominating our headlines, you might call me mad or delusional, but Trumbo is such an film.
Unfairly targeted for his participation in the communist movement in the 40’s Trumbo is the story of this writer who is jailed, blacklisted and ultimately revered as times goes on.
This story has a LOT in common with the current headlines and it’s amazing and disturbing to see how history tends to repeat itself over and over again.
As for the movie itself, it’s extremely well made, the direction is top notch and the acting by former Breaking Bad actor Bryan Cranston is natural and convincing.
Jay Roach who never had shown any ability to make a serious and very poignant film, shows his skills as a director, swiftly forming the background of this story and the people who played a role in it. Every character introduction and interaction is done well enough to memorable and non-confusing.
The lighting and general mood of the film is competently done as the story moves from the 40s all the way till the 70s.
Music is low key and non-obtrusive is most places and the louder pieces go rather well with the scenes and story.
This is a film for people who love to see the process of filmmaking and writing, for history buffs and aficionados of all things to do with Classic Hollywood.
Knowledge of Hollywood films like Roman Holiday, Spartacus and other films is not necessary but knowing about these classic certainly adds more to enjoyment of this film.
Rating : 9/10
I would be remiss to not mention the Acting Oscar nomination Brian Cranston has gotten for this film, he might not win it, but he did a damn good job.
Ajay Mehra is BACK and this time he kicks more ASS !
Ghayal Once Again Movie Review:
Despite the not so great name, this is a GREAT sequel to 1990’s Ghayal.
I will go so far as to say that this is the BEST sequel I have seen in Bollywood till date.
Ours is not a culture of sequels and it is especially difficult to make a sequel to a cult classic & Blockbuster like Ghayal.
When I heard written & directed by Sunny Deol, I was frankly quite alarmed.
I had gone into the film expecting a poorly made masala entertainer with bad acting and clichéd dialog.But This movie turned out to be hugely entertaining. It is anything but a stupidly made cash grab. I can’t recommend this movie highly enough.
This is the closest an Indian film has gotten to ‘The Dark Knight’ type of film. This movie has powerful ruthless villains, innocents to protect, lot of hi-tech gadgetry and chases, thrills and spills more usually seen in Super Hero films from Hollywood.
This film is rather well written. Surprising, but it is. From the heroes to the villains they all make logical sense. The villain is not as strong as Balwant Rai, but he isn’t so one dimensional either, this time the Villain is LITERALLY Mukesh ambani type Industrialist with a family. This film has so many layers to this Villain, he isn’t a evil man, he is a business tycoon who is shady, which tycoon isn’t ?
That makes this movie realistic. A REALISTIC sunny doel film?
From the writing to the action, everything Is now updated to the 2010s and its mostly very real. From the wounds incurred by the heroes while fighting, to the technique of the fights everything is plausible. There is no more super over the top falling from 10 floors and not getting hurt.
The plot has quite a few twists and turns and also has AMAZING sequences straight out of a Hollywood film with hacking, Cameras, surveillance, media corruption and a LOT more. One particular long chase sequence was actually tense enough for the entire theater to stop breathing for a while.
There are more writers listed other than Sunny Deol and KUDOS to them… Brilliant job of writing an emotional action thriller.
The stunts are very good too. Unlike stupid masala films the hero does fail many times, his car doesn’t quite clear a jump, he trys to run away from the goons etc.
Acting wise, the film has a lot of strong performances. Surprisingly major parts of the film is Sunny Deol less and shows his confidence as a director in letting the younger cast have their screen time.
In conclusion, this is a Sequel to a VERY successful film and they managed to make it good. VERY GOOD!
Rating 7.5/10. A MUST watch for action, thriller lovers. Special bonus for Sunny Deol Lovers.
Piyush Arya
Thats very surprising and unexpected. Will try to give it a shot.
Rohon Nag
Yes it was surprising to see a well made film by sunny deol !