One of the best murder-mystery/thriller shows till date. The first two seasons are extremely intriguing and the score for this series sets the tone for the town of Broadchurch. Tennant's and Olivia Colman's acting is one of their finest while Jodie Whittaker shines as the distraught mother.
I started watching Doctor Who when Matt Smith was the doctor. Just out of curiosity as to why it was Dr. 'WHO', I started 'Rose' - and my life was never the same again.
Doctor Who has been a large part of Generation X while growing up. Even right now, the audience comprises of the ones who watched the original Dr. Who along with a few who joined in after its 2005 reboot ergo me. Being a millennial, I would have cared less about some old guy, with funky scarves and hats, travelling in a box with some random people; but all that changed when I watched that smiling Eccleston face. David Tennant reminded people of Tom Baker(arguably the best Doctor), Matt Smith brought that young charisma with this adorable bow-ties, Peter Capaldi brought the much needed seriousness to the role, fitting right in the mould of the Doctor - who destroyed his own planet to save the universe. However, with this, the mould was broken and we got the first ever female doctor - the brilliant Jodie Whittaker.
The current Doctor Who series has been sort of mixed-bag for the audiences. Jodie has done a great job so far and crushing her critics' opinions that a female can't be a Doctor. Chris Chibnal took over the reigns from Steven Moffat (Sherlock) and has managed to surpass the expectation from the doctor. Though the story has been mundane at many points, the Doctor (Whittaker) along with her 'friends' (yes - no 'companions' this time) have managed to compensate for it. The background score for this season needs a special mention because Alec Roberts killed it in Demons of the Punjab with its haunting score.
We have had a good share of emotional episodes till now with the first episode resulting in Ryan's nan's death; Rosa Parks episode, the partition of India in 'Demons...' episode; however, we are yet to see a Dalek or Cyberman worthy aliens.
With still 5 episodes to, it remains to be seen whether Chibnal will introduce a legendary monster in his series or will the 11th season go down as the most emotional/mundane season in the long and glorious history of Doctor Who.

Coming from someone who has briefly lived in Orlando, this film hits right in the spot. The Disney World utopia, the sunny yet vulnerable background, all just supports the great acting and storyline.
Woody Allen could've done a better job both in acting and storytelling. Miley Cyrus as the unapologetic rebel is fantastic. The show, though boring at some points, makes you want to click the 'next episode' button with it's intriguing story and character development.
One of the best of Indian web-shows. Mithila is as good as in any of her other work. A good take on adult relationships while maintaining the quintessential Indian struggles
Severely under-appreciated film. This movie justifies why Rapace is one of the best actresses of our time. Playing 7 different characters is no child's play. The dystopian future shown is nerve-chilling. This film reflects on the extremities one can go to save his/her family.
This is easily one of those movies which you want to hate but couldn't. A mindbending thriller. Though be aware of some real gore here. This movie lingers on your mind long after you're done with it. Amazing story telling and this is like an ode to the horror/gore/violent movie genre
Krasinski you beauty! Must watch for anyone who loves horror genre as well as a good family-drama movie. Everything about this movie fabulous. Easily one of the best films ever made.
True fans of RDJ HAVE seen this movie. And this is way before we knew him as Tony Stark. The childish, innocent character is reflected brilliantly from his portrayal of Harry. Val Kilmer's performance is one of the best I've ever seen in any movie. The story is surreal and interesting.
Jane Goodall's life is so perfectly captured in this flick. The essence of all of her life's work is captured with such nuance that it brings out her multilayered personality. Kudos!