Benedict Cumberbatch was amazing, as per usual.

I went with a friend who actually works for Microsoft but knew next to nothing about Turing, the story of Enigma and what ended up happening to Turing. She was gutted when the movie finished and so incredulous that he wasn't pardoned until 2013. "That was just less than TWO YEARS ago!" she said.

This is a story that needs to be told, but they do almost make Alan Turing a saint. I seem to remember the Enigma movie had more about affairs he had, which led to him being suspected as a spy. Besides his teenage crush, they make him rather asexual.

Undoubtedly this will be nominated for Best Picture and so will Benedict. In another year, I could see this being an Oscar favorite, but I doubt it will win. Eddie Raymane made such a physical transformation as Hawking -- I see him winning the battle of the brainiacs and Boyhood FTW.
I loved this comedy. Kudos to John Abraham for making this slightly taboo for India comedy.

I loved Ayushmann Khurrana as Vicky, which I gather was his debut film role after a long career in TV. A fertility doctor spots Vicky on the street and has a sixth sense that he would be a successful sperm donor, evidently a very difficult thing to find in India due to societal taboos. The doctor researches Vicky's background and finds out his grandfather sired 19 children. He finally wears down Vicky's resistance in several funny scenes and since Vicky needs the money he agrees. Vicky keeps his career as a sperm donor secret from his family, and from his new girlfriend.

This film has a very sweet romance within a situation comedy. I loved the way Vicky wooed Aishima, wearing down her resistance in a mirror to the way the doctor had to woo him. Even once they marry Vicky keeps his career as a donor secret until Aishima finds out she cannot have children. The doctor is so distressed at how Vicky's life falls apart once the secret is revealed that he goes to extreme lengths to show Aishima the good that Vicky has done.

I googled the film after watching and was very interested in what was termed the "Vicky Donor Effect". Evidently, this film led to a real change in the taboo in India about sperm donation, and many men went to clinics to become donors.

What puzzled me about the film is that Vicky's wife, Aishima has tubal blockage and cannot have children, but invitro fertilization is never even mentioned as a pERossibility. Is this because such a procedure is only for the very wealthy in India and not for the middle class? Maybe there were more aspects of her fertility problems that lay on the cutting room floor, but I would have thought that the fertility doctor would have offered to help them in a medical way, and not just in the way he ultimately solves their problem.

I'm looking forward to catching Ayushmann Khurrana's other films. This guy has that x factor and real talent.
Really enjoyed watching Aishwarya grow and change in this role. Salman was fun, but loved, loved Ajay Devgn. I wasn't a huge fan of his before, as I've really only seen him in the Singham films.

Classic for a reason!
Aamir Khan is amazing. Full stop.

Loved this film and it's gentle send up of all several religions. PK is an alien and loses the amulet he needs to get home. He is told to ask God to get it back, and goes on a quest to try every way he can to worship God to get it back. Hilarity ensues. I'm really glad I saw this in a theater with a large audience. There were some comedic elements that went over my head -- like songs playing on a radio as PK passes that were evidently very funny for the moment. But overall, I got most of it, and Aamir is simply a master at this kind of comedy.
Translating comedy is hard. Let's start with that premise. I had heard that this was an amazing laugh riot Indian comedy, and one I shouldn't miss. Welllll, it wasn't for me. I can admire Aamir Khan and Salman Khan's zaniness in their roles, and there were a few chuckles for me. But just so much of the cultural references went right over my head. I'm sure there was also wordplay that didn't come across at all in the English subtitles. The super villain guy? Totally didn't get him at all.

I also gather that this is a film of it's time -- which is 20 years past at this point. Watching The Blues Brothers or The Ghostbusters with my sons I could see that the fall on the floor laughter I experienced first watching them in the 80's just wasn't translating for my sons watching it in 2014.

I contrast AAA with watching Vicky Donor immediately afterwards. That film probably has cultural references I missed, too, but it was really, really funny still. I'm glad I watched AAA just to see what all the fuss was about, but it wasn't a film for me. Rating it 3 stars just on Aamir Khan, Salman Khan's performances and the wonderful guy who played Teja and the father. Loved him!
My reaction is mainly meh. Imran Khan is the quintessential beta hero, which is a trope I can love but here he's mainly very milquetoast. I just didn't feel a chemistry between Deepika and Imran. Both are fine in their respectively roles, but there was no spark for me.
I have never seen the play so I can't judge how good an adaptation it is. My niece has done the play at her high school and said there were a couple of songs they skipped. I LOVE musicals, so I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought the singing was good, but the acting especially Chris Pine as Prince Charming and Meryl Streep of course was exceptional. Johnny Depp's role as the wolf (not the cartoon style Zoot suit!) was not much more than a cameo. It's the kind of musical that really lends itself to film, as they could use special effects for the magic, the bean stalk and so on. Worth seeing on the big screen.
The trick of making the whole film feel like one long tracking shot at first amazes, and then feels claustrophobic -- which is probably part of the point.

Amazing performances by Michael Keaton, Emma Stone, but especially Edward Norton. Norton was exceptional.
At this point, I've lost count of how many times I've watched DDLJ. I may need a Raj/Simran intervention.

Turned it on while doing some computer busywork, and ended up watching it from beginning to end. I'd watched bits and pieces lately but not the whole thing in one sitting. The hotel scene and then the one on the bridge (Turn.....turn) are when the movie really gets into gear for me.

I noticed something I had not caught before. Simran asks Raj if he'll ever be serious and stop joking around. I think they're in Berne and he replies that he will when he falls in love. And if you watch -- he does. The hotel and the bridge are the moments when Raj turns. When he really begins his journey.
Enjoyable romantic film with Ewan MacGregor playing a scientist a bit on the spectrum, which is an unusual part for him. Emily Blunt is wonderful, and notably Tom Mison of Sleepy Hollow plays her dreamboat army special forces boyfriend.

Fantastical plot, but a pleasant diversion.