The title of the documentary comes from a poem by Maya Angelou. I went in knowing next to nothing about the amazing singer and musician Nina Simone. Nina Simone was born Eunice Waymon in North Carolina in 1933. Her mother was a maid, and her employer took an interest in her piano talents, and paid for her lessons with an English piano teacher in town. She was trained to be a classical pianist and attended Julliard in New York. She was denied admission to a prestigious musical college in Philadelphia due to her race and then began to earn money playing in nightclubs in Atlantic City. So that her mother would not know, she took the stage name Nina Simone.

This excellent documentary starts with amazing concert footage of Nina Simone, and intersperses the narrative with several amazing concert clips. There are interviews with her daughter (a singer herself who went on to voice Nala in The Lion King), her ex-husband and manager, and her music director. The film traces the rise of her career in the jazz festival circuit, and how she became a huge part of the civil rights movement. Her song "Mississippi Goddamn" was pivatol. She once walked up the Martin Luther King, Jr. and said, "I am NOT non-violent!" Her home in Mt. Vernon, NY was literally next door to Malcom X and her daughter became almost another member of his family of 6 daughters.

Nina became increasingly volatile, and was diagnosed as being bi-polar. After she and her husband divorced, she moved to LIberia, Africa and stopped touring. As she became broke, some friends got her a series of concerts in Paris. There is a recording of her playing one intricate song on the piano and singing a completely different song. MIles Davis was shown the footage, and said, "How did she DO that?!"

The documentary is simply excellent and well paced. We saw the premiere the opening night of the Sundance Film Festival, and the surprise treat at the end of the film was that John Legend performed three of Nina Simone's songs LIVE in the theater. It was an incredible night.
The Overnight is a quirky sex comedy produced by the Duplass brothers and Adam Scott. Adam Scott also stars in the film with Taylor Schilling of Orange Is the New Black. Scott and Schilling play a couple with a young child who have recently moved to LA. Adam Scott's character is a house husband and laments that he has no friends in town. They couple have a chance meeting at a park with Jason Schwartzman who has a son the same age. He invites them to a family pizza dinner at his home. He seems a bit off, but they agree.

Things only get stranger and stranger as the night progresses. Scwartzman's character offers to put the kids to bed so the adults can continue the evening. They get drunk and high and all sorts of weird things happen. The director sets up your expectations at certain moments, and then you can feel a bit let down when it's not as bad or as weird as you expect. Schwartzman's character offers to show Adam Scott's something, and you think it's going to be a bondage sex room or something, and it's just a LOT of paintings of assholes. Literally, assholes. The couples skinny dip, and there is full frontal male nudity which surprised me. I'm wondering if this will be able to be released commercially in the form we saw it. Because there is a LOT of male nudity and it's intrinsic to some of the gags (prosthetics were used, Adam Scott emphasized in the Q and A!)

This movie seemed to be one of a theme of movies at Sundance this year. Parents of small children who interrupt their sex lives, and adjusting to married life and remaining an individual. There were some laugh out loud moments, but sometimes I didn't think the gags met my expectations of what was about to happen.

The Duplass brothers had their fingers in several movies at the fest this year. Seriously, do these guys sleep?
I watched this film a decade ago. It was even better rewatching it than I remembered. All three actors are excellent, but Aamir Khan is simply amazing. I appreciate this even more now having seen him in other films.

Farhan Akhtar is such an amazing talent and this film is such a modern classic. I enjoy his action films, but the writing in Dil Chahta Hai and Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara are really something special.

Saif Ali Khan was such a cutie when he was younger!

Glad I was able to catch this before Netflix took it off it's streaming service.
David Oyelowo's performance as Dr. King is amazing. The King estate did not allow the actual text of MLK's speeches because they still hold the copyright. Unless you knew them by heart, you would not know the difference. Oyelowo perfectly captures the cadence of MLK.

I am sickened that the Academy did not give David Oyelowo an Oscar nomination for Best Actor. There was a smear campaign against Selma for "historical accuracy" -- tell me any biopic that doesn't take liberties. How about The Imitation Game, for instance?! Also, Selma was rushed out as it is so timely. There wasn't the time to make screener DVD's for many of the guilds.

Ava DuVernay deserved a nomination for directing as well, but with more best picture nominations than director, it happens. It's still galling.

Selma is a striking film that needs to be seen. It has even more resonance in light of Ferguson and all the rest of the recent news events of the past months.
Very difficult to watch movie at times. A girl who's been sexually molested checks out pornographic films. The clerk who rents them to her tries to start a relationship with her. It's all very awkward. The director stars in the movie with her then real life lover Jason Ritter. Tom Arnold plays her smarmy father.
I was hampered while trying to watch this on ErosNow by out of sync subtitles. I had a lot of trouble trying to watch this film -- when you have rapid fire comedy lines, it really takes away when you can't get what's going on.

Amusing film, and I gained a new appreciation for Akshay Kumar's comedy skills, but not hilarious for me.
Loved the bromance, but seriously if they are supposed to be underworld kingpins at what, age 25 -- and they act like freaking TWELVE year olds about a girl? My 18 year old is more mature with his first girlfriend.

Liked that Arjun's character was so damaged and hot headed. No one does that evil grin like him.

The romance and aftermath just left me shaking my head at how juvenile the male characters are. Couldn't they have had the rivalry without being QUITE so childish?

And Irrfan Khan is awesome -- even, and maybe especially as the cop who is really a villain.
I have now done my patriotic duty.

I always enjoy Seth Rogen and he has a wonderful bromance with James Franco. I rented this at home and watched it with two other women friends. Some of the incessant dick and anal jokes got to be a bit much for us, but other parts we found uproariously funny.

I particularly enjoyed all the random LOTR references. "Now you're Boromir!" "I don't even know who that IS!"

The guy who played Kim John Un was very good.

We followed the movie up by watching the Naked and Afraid bit with Seth Rogen and James Franco on Youtube.
We have this poster hanging in our basement staircase, and my high school son said let's watch a classic -- something you're horrified that I haven't seen yet.

I think it was a little slow for my boys. The fourteen year old bailed halfway through. But my high school senior enjoyed it, I think!

You almost forget just how many classic lines are from this film -- and even film titles taken from lines, like The Usual Suspects!
Fun action movie. I think Arjun Kapoor is really charming, and would have loved a little less relentless action sequences, and a little more romance, The fight scenes were fun, and had some inventive moments (rock on a rope, anyone?), but man there were a LOT of them.

I think Arjun had good chemistry with Sonahkshi. I wish Sonahshki had a little more to work with in the script than being a damsel in distress. She has that one great scene where she tells the villain to leave his keys and proposal on the desk, but other than that it's running, crying and looking adoringly at Arjun. That's not her fault as not much more was written for her -- and the one scene that really was stupid was when she ran out of the safe house to try to call Arjun.

Loved Arjun's dancing, and the tongue in cheek lyrics of the Item number "This is modern music. This is the item number." LOL!

Manaj Bajpayee as the villain -- priceless in those scenes with his skinny legs and the boxer shorts!