Part 1 of this most ambitious movie and also, larger than life to attempt to depict a heist showing an ever supreme antagonist climb his way to d summit of world domination n annihilation succeeds not only as a visual spectacle but also has a satisfying emotional quotient to it.
The expectations were magnanimous & so were the stakes, but hats off to Russos' in ticking almost every box possible with a healthy mix of humor and sentiment, a terrifically good number of breathtaking action sequences, some quirky one liners, smartly splitting the cast to give adequate screen time for most to shine, backed with some impeccable editing makes sure dat even at nearly 3 hour length, it's not a bumpy ride, not even once!
It's particularly interesting to see the CGI character (Thanos) being portrayed as powerful yet flawed, savage yet merciful, determined yet emotionally drained, which is quite refreshing compared to other recent CGI villains who were utterly forgettable,
The climax is a bit unusual, but dat was d whole point I guess to pave way for part 2 to dictate terms,
Yes, it does feel a bit rushed in places. But d task was huge n I guess it's b best Dey could do when you have 18 movies n over 50+ characters to justify,
Another year. Cannot wait!
Maria Ray reviewed Inception
Where should I begin? Honestly, this is one of the greatest movie to ever been filmed in my opinion. And that says a lot considering my hobby as a movie enthusiast which implied that I have watched a great number of movies in my lifetime. The performance was on-point, the music chosen is perfect and well-suited with the movie, the plotline itself is amazingly incredible with twists that makes you question the reality of it all. Big shoutout to Christopher Nolan for making a great MOVIE an outstanding and truly phenomenal movie that truly touched me to my very core. A lot of people would find it incredibly hard to understand this movie at first, trust me I have been there, but as you progress through the storyline, you would learn more and more as secrets begin to unveiled and by the end of the story, you would realize you had gotten more than what you bargained for.
Truly an amazing movie with little to no flaws that will forever remain as one of the best even with the drift of time...I wouldn't mind watching it more than once..I highly recommend you to go see this movie.. #actionPacked acked
Maria Ray reviewed 無間道
The movie pays off in a kind of emotional complexity rarely seen in any of the crime movies. I cannot reveal what happens, but will urge you to consider the thoughts of two men who finally confront their own real identities -- in the person of the other character. The crook has been a good cop. The cop has been the good crook. It's as if they have impersonated each other.
All very lonely, ironic and sad, and without satisfaction: especially if your superiors, the people you did
it for, do not or cannot appreciate it. I go with a 4.5 out of 5 stars.
You might as well just forge ahead undercover for the rest of your life, a mole forever unawakened, and let the false life become the one you have lived. this is what the movie teaches us.

Maria Ray reviewed Brooklyn
Just returned from a friends house after seeing this with my 13 year old sister. We both loved it. This is a beautiful movie that is, in many ways, unlike any other film currently in theaters. Complicated and surprising characters show an Irish immigrant experience in the early 1950s, but because of the tremendously well done relationships and writing, it feels contemporary. Very well acted, directed, and written. Lots for families to talk about all afterwards.
I recommended 11 and up to watch this movie, but not based on the sex scene (not nearly as suggestive as the Viagra commercials on TV) or the depictions of sea sickness or death. It is a beautiful film about family, love, and courage. The question I would ask is whether you think your child will appreciate these themes and the humanity of the characters - or will they be bored because it's not a "kids" movie!
Maria Ray reviewed Silence
"Silence" is a monumental work, and also a punishing one. It puts the viewers through hell with no promise of enlightenment, only a set of questions and propositions, sensations and experiences.
There's a reasonable argument to say that 'SILENCE' is one of Martin Scorsese's better movies. The talk is that it was his passion project for decades, finally being released in all it's artistic endeavors and mysteries. I suppose someone else could argue the opposite, which is that this is a story full of brutality and despair without the signature style of the aged director. I think I'm falling right on the middle of this. This is surely one of the year's most powerful stories, and yet I have to admit it left me cold.
'Silence' is, at times hard to palpate and yet rewards the audience for it's patience. Whether or not this film can be interpreted as being pro or anti-Catholic is maybe not the ultimate message of this film. While the final act delves into a horrifyingly-dark arena, consider the final shot before the credits begin to role (I won't spoil it). In such a brutal era with antiquated customs, isn't there still hope left to be found?
If it was not for the macabre nature of the deed, a scene in Sriram Raghavan’s AndhaDhun – in which two people struggle to get rid of a corpse – could well pass off as something straight out of those classic silent era comedies. , Merely signaling instructions even as a piano theme drowns out the silence even though not speaking a word. The pair in question, or frankly the sheer physical interplay involved, is unmistakably reminiscent of a Chaplain or a Stan & Ollie short. All this goes to Raghavan’s credit that he packages this sinister thriller with such bells and whistles like popular 70s film songs and nods to Anil Dhawan’s own pulp hits. The result is a deliciously twisted film that delivers more fun than any other Hindi movie this year. I’m going with four out of five for AndhaDhun. please don’t miss it!
I feel that his movie is highly underrated and thought of as just another "new guy in prison" type of movie but, the messages of friendship portrayed makes this movie one in a million. The movie chronicles Andy Dufrasne, a man wrongly convicted of the murder of his wife and her lover. He meets "Red" a man who can get "anything for anybody" which is a common role in prison movies he even says, "there must be one like me in every prison". These friends which shows unlikeness help save each other in the end, Andy saves Red's soul, which was calloused from prison life and Red saved Andy, teaching him all he needed to know about prison life.
Although there is some lude remarks and alcohol consumption in this movie, the good definitely outweighs the bad in this case. (SPOILER ALERT) If you have ever seen a prison movie ending then you know the ending to The Shawshank Redemption. Both Andy and Red gain redemption in a dismal, dark prison by doing good deeds for one another. As you know, Red will escape Shawshank, Andy will escape Shawshank, but your soul will never escape The Shawshank Redemption.
Overall this film is disturbing, sad, great, happy and violent all at the same time and is a great film with great actors and a great story line.

This film became a box-office smash. being awesome, It broke all records at Radio City Music Hall with a return of almost $600,000 in six weeks. Hepburn, who won the coveted New York Film Critics Award, lost the Oscar to Ginger Rogers for her role in KITTY FOYLE. This film "THE PHILADELPHIA STORY" was poorly remade as a musical, HIGH HOLIDAY(1938) with Hepburn and Grant is an even better film. Grant, is giving up job as a banker to travel the world and mets Hepburn who is the sister of his girlfriend. Complications commence. All in all this movie in a good, box office smash type movie. A Must watch!
This short film won the Academy Award for Animated Short film and it probably deserved to win. The movie is detailed and impressive, but secondary. The plot is marvelous and the character of Geri is also well developed. If you've seen Toy Story 2, then Geri makes a "cameo" appearance as the toy repairman. Overall, a remarkable piece of work. Available on some copies of A Bug's Life VHS and DVD and well worth seeking out. Geri's laughs and little facial gestures on either side are really genius in their own way, and the ending is one of those that puts a smile on your face. The music is also, in its own way, funny by ways of being just a lowly accordion applying the backup to this wacky little scenario. Probably ranks up out there with my very favorite Pixar shorts, worth another look on the Bug's Life DVD for sure. Recommended.
Some of the greatest films achieve their greatness by presenting us with characters who are fully-realized and three-dimensional. We also feel like we know Chiron from “Moonlight” or Lee from “Manchester by the Sea.” Moonee, Hailey, and Bobby achieve the same kind of life beyond the film about them. It is enough to make someone want to slow down the next time you pass a place like the Magic Castle and look more closely at the lives unfolding there. It takes a lot of effort to portray through a movie the change the way we look at the people around us. “The Florida Project” is a very special movie.