Brooklyn Review

Maria Ray
  • 4.5/5

Just returned from a friends house after seeing this with my 13 year old sister. We both loved it. This is a beautiful movie that is, in many ways, unlike any other film currently in theaters. Complicated and surprising characters show an Irish immigrant experience in the early 1950s, but because of the tremendously well done relationships and writing, it feels contemporary. Very well acted, directed, and written. Lots for families to talk about all afterwards.

I recommended 11 and up to watch this movie, but not based on the sex scene (not nearly as suggestive as the Viagra commercials on TV) or the depictions of sea sickness or death. It is a beautiful film about family, love, and courage. The question I would ask is whether you think your child will appreciate these themes and the humanity of the characters - or will they be bored because it's not a "kids" movie!
