Juliet reviewed Training Day
Training day is hands down Antoine Fuqua best film its so entertaining and engrossing. The entire cast is terrific but Denzel Washington is simply remarkable his entire performance is just flawless and he portrays this character better than any other character he has ever played and he damn well deserved that Oscar. The film is so well written and its impossible not be captivated the entire time, The way the entire film plays out it just brilliant and there isn't a single wasted scene. I love training day so much and it will forever be a favourite in my house.
Godzilla vs Kong
I wasn't sure what to expect when I sat down on my couch to watch Godzilla vs Kong but I know I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. This film was so entertaining and engrossing its everything you could want from a film like this, Massive and epic cgi battles and human subplots that aren't boring. I loved it and I cant wait to watch it again with my family.
The Falcon and the Winter soldier
I was really looking forward to this show and my expectations where really high which may be the reason why I left feeling disappointed once the show was over, The cast is fantastic, Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan are both terrific actors and their chemistry on screen is incredible, Wyatt Russell gives a phenomenal performance as John Walker every time he is on screen and the rest of the supporting cast are great too. The first 4 episodes are both entertaining and compelling and Sam's ark throughout the entire show is amazing. My main issue with the show is the flag-smashers they are the main villains of the show but they get nothing to do and aside from a few stand out moments in the last few episodes they are completely forgettable and fail to be intriguing like they need to be. I also had some issues with the last two episodes as I felt they fell short compared to the the first few episodes of the show. all that being said this is still a great and very enjoyable show watching Sam Wilson become Captain America is awesome and the Isaiah Bradley storyline was so compelling and emotional to me I cried in the final episode by his reaction to Sam's gift it was so beautiful. Overall this was a fantastic show but I was left feeling disappointed by a lot of things that had so much potential but simply missed the mark.
Quantum leap is a fantastic show, Almost every episode leaves me in tears and the acting is always great. I honestly wish there where more shows out there like this. We need a reboot or remake as quick as possible.
Disney is back
Raya and the last dragon is easily one of the best Disney films of the past decade. The animation is absolutely gorgeous, the attention to detail in each frame is incredible and the character designs are great. Its not every day you get action sequences in a Disney film but you get plenty of it here and its amazing. The voice cast is spectacular, Kelly Marie Tran and Awkwafina both do a fantastic job at bringing these characters to life. Raya is one of the best Disney heroines in a long time because she is flawed and she has to come to terms with these flaws throughout the film and rise above them which makes her extremely compelling. Sisu is more of a goofy character but she is extremely likeable and charming and watching her help Raya through her journey is very heartwarming. the other side characters are memorable as well and together they make for a great group. The movie is mostly about betrayal and learning to trust again and that message comes across really well and the last 15 minutes had me in tears. Raya and the last dragon is simply one of the best films I have seen in a long time and I don't have many criticisms of it other than I think it could have used some songs and I wish we had spent a bit more time in the different lands.
Jim Carrey's masterpiece
The Truman show has always had a soft spot in my heart since I first saw it and I've only grown to love it more throughout the years. Thought provoking, poignant and heartfelt, the Truman show is a masterpiece and the performance from Jim Carrey is unforgettable, this is hands down his most incredible performance and he simply crushes this role. I don't know who came up with the concept for this film but whoever did deserves an award for giving us this beautiful, touching and unique story. The scenes between Truman and his best friend are heartbreaking and the ending is just flawless. "And in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight, one of the best movie quotes ever. I adore this film with all my heart.
No country for old men
No country for old men is without a doubt one of the best films to come out of the 2000’s in my opinion, What the Coen brothers did here is simply phenomenal and this film will remain one of their greatest achievements. Javier Bardem gives one of the best acting performances I have ever seen and even after all these years his performance still shocks and terrifies me. The film is brutal, intriguing, disturbing and really entertaining it never once loses its steam and it always keeps me glued to the screen to the very end. The cinematography is stunning, the attention to detail in every shot is admirable and its just a beautiful film to look at. Tommy Lee Jones portrays a character similar to many others he has done but this is easily one of the best acting performances of his career and Josh Brolin is brilliant too whenever he is on screen. No country for old men is a masterpiece and one of those films I truly believe everyone should see at least once in their life.
Juliet reviewed Knives Out
One of the best whodunnit films I have ever seen. I was worried the film would loss some of its value the second time around since I already knew the ending but I honestly loved it even more. the entire cast here is phenomenal, Ana De Armas gives one of the strongest performances of 2019 and Daniel Craig gives one of the most memorable. The dialogue is excellent, the film is so well written and it definitely deserved to be nominated for best screenplay. The mystery is so intriguing and fun but the film is also surprisingly hilarious I cant tell you how many times I laughed throughout the film on both viewings. The score is brilliant and the cinematography is amazing. Knives out is a must watch film.
Disney classic
Beauty and the beast is definitely one of the best Disney films of all time, The film truly is magical and unforgettable and it features some of the best Disney songs ever written. The animation is gorgeous and the attention to detail is every scene is flawless, The sweeping ballroom sequence is one of the best moments in Disney history and the romance between Belle and beast is simply beautiful. The supporting characters are all memorable and Gaston is one of my favourite Disney villains. Beauty and the beast is a phenomenal film and one I will cherish forever.
Juliet reviewed Home Alone
Christmas classic
A Christmas classic that still holds up incredibly well, the film has many plot holes and some of the slapstick humour may not work for everyone but Home alone is so much fun to watch and the script really is genius. The comedy here is excellent the entire third act is just hilarious and all the trapes are perfect, The film also has lots of heart I love the church scene between Kevin and Old man Marley and the finale scene between Kevin and his Mother is definitely heartwarming. The soundtrack is iconic and John Williams easily should have won an Oscar for this film. The cast is amazing Macaulay Culkin is the perfect child actor so charming and charismatic and Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern are delightful at playing two stupid criminals, The supporting cast is memorable too and I especially love Catherine O Hara as Kevin's mother. Home alone is a Christmas classic that I look forward to watching every year.