Flames is a #teen oriented show, which is set in a tuition centre. The narration of the web series is done by the tuition teacher and the story surrounds Rajat and Ishita who meet through their ' Sunshine Tuition Class'. This show exhibits the feelings of having a crush, the ordeals of taking time out to spend time with each other without compromising on studies, and the importance of friendship and support.
The reason I feel it's just watchable is because it is too cutesy for its on good. In some episodes, you truly feel disconnected and feel there isn't much to the show apart from Rajat and his aloofness to various things.
They could have shown the characters as a bit stronger.
Otherwise, it's sorta #cute, #nostalgic for those who can relate with tuition crushes, the shyness in interacting with somebody new.
Honestly speaking, after I had finished watching Uglies, I was utterly speechless. This web series have been immensely thought provoking, so much so that one ends up being glued to the episodes, as well as the content. Watching this is an actual experience. It is imperative to observe how the story unfolds, keeping you entralled in what is going on.
The narration, the thought process, the storyline, it is all extremely unique and capturing.
The titles are well thought out, the topics that the episodes have been chosen with the right sense. Apart from the last two episodes being slightly dragged on, this web series is a must watch.

The Reunion, as the name suggests is both, a school gathering where school friends are coming to, in order to catch up and meet after years of them graduating from school, as well as a reunion where four best friends will reunite.
This show is not only full of excitement, slight drama, copious amounts of fun, frolic, and memories flashing back like a bullet train but also focuses on the affable bond of friendship, camaraderie, and togetherness.
The main protagonists of this show are Aarya, Gaurav, Deva, and Dev. Their personalities are as different as chalk and cheese, with them having different goals in mind for themselves.
The Reunion is a show that will make you giggle, wonder in all seriousness how people change and how friendship at times drift apart, yet when you are all together; you live a little more, you laugh and dance and spend time with your buddies reminiscing and creating fresh and abundant memories.
Karishma Kohli as the director of this show has done wonders and you can see how she has worked hard to create a show that keeps you wanting more and more after each episode.

Set in Mumbai, Little Things is one web series that is extremely riveting as it is the perfect blend of romance as well as entertainment. The show revolves around Dhruv and Kavya who are unmarried and in a live-in relationship. They are bright, adorable and pretty relatable.
From Dhruv and Kavya taking cute selfies, to them arguing over random things , to Dhruv sending a warm handwritten note along with biryani, to them sharing how they feel, finding comfort in each other is something that truly stands out. Not only does this show showcase drama in certain places but it also has a tone of comedy in it.
You will find yourself smiling during various scenes and noticing how little things mean actually are not little in comparison to the impact that they create.
Little Things truly does emphasise on their title as they focus and appreciate the little things in their life.
