It is a show about dreams , revival and resolution. Shrey (Vikram Messay) is an IT program tester (so briefly described in the show) got fired on the same day he bought his 8 lacs rupees bike on installments . This drastic change left him question his own identity . TBH the show is boring in the pilot episodes . Pauses between the dialogues are less of character defining and more of vague cringe-worthy silences. The most negative aspect of the show is its unwanted long running time . But if somehow you manages to go further in series you will feel the emotions of Shrey. The good thing about the show is relevancy with the real life struggles. There is one scene in the second episode where shrey takes 12 minutes to splutter out his frustration about IT sector's nuisance makes me wanna pause the show. Just like the character transforms in the show on the road trip the show also transforms in coming episodes.
Adulting is about two girls going through newly achieved adulthood , trying to overcome the helter-skelter of Mumbai. At least that's what they intended it to be. The show falls flat on face for not showing what the characters are telling. the opening credit scene is as gloomy as the apartment of the lead girls. if you don't put much mind to it , you will find the show cute and colorful but with your medulla oblongata in your head the characters are so fictional. Both the characters are felt alike and talks in the same mushy way as the writer didn't put much consideration in creating them. The premises of the show totally don't support the intentions. But still it is funny at places and a one time watch. these kinda shows are in bulk on Youtube.
Timeliners's Flames -Padhai aur Pyaar is all what its title tells you. Rajat (Ritvik Shah) is a shy , studious boy caught up between the rigorous curriculum of coaching centers finds a sigh of love when Ishita (Tanya Maniktala) enters his coaching classroom (See padhai aur pyaar). It will made you nostalgic about your classroom crushes. Adding to the review i'd say the series is not a first of its kind . The idea has been baked by lot of shows. First episode is tempting and wants to make you hit auto-play but progress of the show is dull , punches are not that worthy and you'd feel like the show has been continuously hiding behind Retro Bollywood tracks due to lack of dialogues. it is a one time watch.
What is the first thing that comes in your mind when you hear the word "Road-trip"? ZNMD, Dil Chahta Hai and Hangover (These aren't my word , you will hear this word as first voice over in the show) .The show is nothing like those . Its the unprecedented road trip of siblings . A dude, a dud and an effortlessly eccentric sister with plentiful of baggage in their lives would lead to a road trip that viewers wont forget for days. It is laughable , emotional and soothing journey with lot of intensity to show the complexity of relationship of siblings. Chitvan (Amol parashar) is a character you'd definitely roll a joint with , Chandan (Summet vyas) who recently unhinged by his divorced , purely portrayed the role of a big brother where as Chanchal (Maanvi Gagroo) a problem creator as well as a solver are exquisite. loved the sound track and Cinematography , Its a Binge Watch.
Played Humorously yours. Wait! I've seen this style of showing Stand-up monologues in the beginning, oh please , did they copied "Seinfeld". These were my first thought for few minutes in the beginning. But fortunately no the show all the way is an original concept by tvf and addition to that another good one. it starred Vipul Goyal as Vipul, a struggling stand up comedian (more with the industry less with jokes) . Story entails us drama behind the comedy. You would get a new sense of respect for comedians after watching this. Amidst Surging of engineering based web series this is the life saver. It takes us behind the backstage of comedy and comedian. There are some applaudable performances by Rasika Dugal as kavya (Wife of vipul goyal), their chemistry gives the show a sweet spot and Vipul's best bad mate Bhusi (Abhishek Banarjee) . You are also in treat for some cameos by many hit comedians.
Y-Films 's Ladies Room is arguably the best and most Unapologetic depiction of Womanhood by any indian web series. The series revolves around dynamic-trio Khanney , Dingo and ladies loo. Concept of the show is fresh as a daisy , every episode's main premises is happened to be ladies room , hence the name. Characters are penned down so well that you could blindfoldedly say that it is written by women's (Ratnabali Bhattacharjee and Nehra Kaul Mehra). Every women watching it would feel a sense of freedom after the credits rolls.
The title has already spilled the beans. Little things is about the mundane scenarios of Live-in relationships without giving you much hint about the background dimensions of all the other things.It is a mini series revolving around adorable relationship of Kavya and Dhruv. If you are a fan of mithali palkar (like me) you would definitely fall in love with the show. Couples watching the show could easily see the reflection of their late night conversation , morning rituals , reasonable fights and timely placation in it. Littile things will turn your sad day in to a charming one.
The show is one of the proof for the high credibility of TVF and the reason where it stands today. Story begins when Mikesh (Summet Vyas) comes back to India to propose his 3-year old long distance relationship girlfriend Tanya (Nidhi Vyas). The plot does seem a little dull and cliched in the beginning but the rythm of progress is divine. The strength of the show lies on the shoulder of leads and the chemistry they share on-screen. Conversation and events happening are so subtle and simple that you would give one corner of your heart to both characters. Characters like Puroshotam ji and LLEo gives you bowel full of crackles. It purely depicts relationship of independent youth. i would definitely save it in my watch later list.