This is the only movie series u consider has capabilities to overpassing The p Potter series, and this is a very big complement.
This movie leaves you hanging by the edge of your seat from the opening scene to the closing credits. I was so impressed with the rendering of the animals via the computer animation. The animals portrayed very human-like expressions, like looking sad or happy. It seemed very believable. The actors who portrayed Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy were convincing in their roles. There is no indecency or vulgarity in it. Even though it is compelling and decent to watch, there are some cautions that parents need to know.
I would caution parents to think about how sensitive your child would be toward battle scenes and things that go along with that. The battle scenes are reminiscent of what is found in the Lord of the Rings movies, but in Narnia they are not as graphic, nor do they exhibit the blood and gore of the former. In the scene where Aslan is being killed, some of the witch
Epic - Liam Neeson and Spielberg Salute
For me this is the best movie ever made and yes Liam Neeson the greatest actor even born. This is his best performance. People think he is known for action movies like Taken and The A Team, cause they haven't seen The Shindler's List.
This movie makes me cry everytime i watch it. No surprise on it getting a 9.0 IMDb rating. It had a master director, Steven Spielberg and a master story behind. And yes this is a true story.
Spielberg exceeds his previous great movies with this one. Dealing with a subject that is not the most attractive, the movie avoids being depressing and hard to watch. Perfectly directed, great performances, marvelous story-telling, while using black-and-white technique doesn't drive off the least demanding movie lovers. However, it's length does. Gilliam criticized the "stupid" endings of Spielberg, including the ending of this movie. I can agree with him, although the ending is good enough to make this movie worth watching not just once, but lots of times. Marvelous movie.
SHINDLER'S LIST is an Epic and I mean it.
Do watch it if you haven't
I'll give it a 10000000......./5
This movie was very silly (for the lack of a better word). It seemed pointless. Me and my cousin went to see it when it was still in the theaters and the only one who enjoyed the movie was my seven year old little brother. If you asked anyone coming out of seeing that movie what the plot was, they honestly wouldn