A useless and boooooring homage to Pirates of the Caribbean
Ever since the trailer dropped for this movie, I knew that it was going to be pretty bad. But I still went in expecting to roll in laughter at a movie that is so bad that it becomes Comedy Gold. But when the film ended all I experienced was intense frustration for sitting through this disaster of a movie.

I would have been very happy with an awful movie, but Thugs of Hindustan turned out to be so boring. The film is packed with cheap action scenes and setpieces, none of which really excite the audience. I know comparing it to the Pirates of the Caribbean would not be totally fair considering the massive budget of the Hollywood extravaganza, yet Thugs of Hindustan cannot even justify whatever the budget it was made on. The ships look very fake and the action scenes involve sloppy rope work, undone by excessive slow motion.

The first time team up of Aamir and Amitabh was expected to set the screens on fire, but all we get is weak, over the top performances by the two seasoned performers. The women fare no better with neither Katrina nor Fatima getting anything substantial to do. The plot is paper thin and mostly juvenile. For a movie about outcastes fighting for freedom against an empire, the movie manages to be so boring that two hours into the movie, you just hope for the movie to just end. The nonsensical plot is interspersed with a number of songs and item numbers that do nothing to advance the plot, they just add more screen time for Katrina, who otherwise is almost invisible for the rest of the movie.

Thugs of Hindustan didn't really have anything to keep the viewers interested. The story line is bland, riddled with clichés, the performances are tired and the visuals look gaudy and poorly animated. Absolutely bad!
Piyush Arya
I am not sure if I would be able to watch it once it hit the streaming services.
@rohon.nag whats your views about the movie. Missed your review for this one.
The Predator fails to deliver the action or the humour that it promised. Just an exercise in mediocrity.
The world was introduced to an extraordinary creature through 1987's landmark action film Predator. The eponymous Predator was an unknown, stealthy, intelligent monster equipped with high-tech gadgets that would one by one hunt down a pack of soldiers in a thick forest. Since then we've had many movies featuring the Predator, yet none were able to capture the same magic as the original movie.

2018 brings yet another reboot for the franchise after the previous reboot failed to take off in 2010. This time it was Shane Black's (who incidentally had a small role in the original movie) chance to turn the fate of the waning franchise around. But unfortunately despite having a highly acclaimed director and a bunch of talented actors, the movie fails to stand out from the usual generic creature flick. There is no flair, the tension or the self awareness of the 1987 original.

The movie is less of a Predator movie and more of a Suicide Squad clone which isn't a compliment at this point. The movie ditches the survival horror genre of the original to go the other way by being an all out action comedy hybrid about predators and humans fighting for survival. The movie tries to keep things jovial and moving through witty banter and humour that has been a staple of Shane Black's movies. Sometimes the gags are extremely funny, sometimes the jokes don't land, but half way into the movie the humour starts getting irritating l in your nerves.

The action is a mixture of cgi gore and practical effects that are just serviceable, nothing extraordinary about it. The Predator Vs an even bigger Predator wasn't as exciting on screen as the prospect of it was on paper. The cast consisting of big names like Boyd Holbrook, Keegan-Michael Key, etc does its best to keep you entertained but they are no match to the charisma and grandeur of the iconic Arnold Schwarzenegger. The plot is a mess that waste ideas with great potential, and was clearly written with sequels in mind.

Watch this movie only if you are in the mood for a dumb mindless flick that has action and humour, but is ultimately flimsy and forgettable.
Upgrade is absolutely brutal, stylish and twisted. A celebration of the macabre!
Amidst all the big budget superhero movies releasing one after another all summer, Upgrade was an indie gem that mostly went unnoticed. But if you are in the mood for a tightly scripted riveting and gory action romp, then Upgrade is the perfect movie for you. Coming from BlumHouse studios that brought last year's genre-bending breakout hit Get Out, Upgrade is another victory for the studio house that specialises in low budget horror flicks.

Set in the future, Grey Trace is a mechanic who prefers to work with his hands rather than let machines do the job for him. After a freak accident, Grey and his wife are assaulted by unnamed goons who kill his wife and leave him paralyzed below his neck. Eron is an ultra rich technological wizard who invents a powerful chip called STEM that can basically do any task assigned to it. Grey gets STEM implanted in his body and he is immediately turned into an agile being with superhuman strength due to the chip's control over his nervous system.

The catch in the story is that the chip has a mind of its own and it starts talking to Grey. Together they set out to trace his wife's murderers and get revenge. The premise is very similar to the upcoming movie Venom. The premise isn't new but it has been efficiently utilised in Upgrade. The twist in the ending is something to look forward to. The futuristic world is intriguing, further made interesting with the inclusion of other biomechanical humans.

Upgrade is not for the squeamish. The movie is extremely gory and has elements of body horror. Violence though minimally used, when happens explodes with highly choreographed action sequences with plenty of blood and mutilations that can make you squirm. The cinematography is top notch and the music is effective. The acting is good, especially the lead actor Marshall-Green is terrific. So if you are bored of pg-13 action movies, watch this R-Rated sci-fi action romp that is intriguing and entertaining at the same time.
