A Gentleman is just a super fun action comedy movie.

Video review: https://youtu.be/SGvzAlC7B1o

Keep tuned. We will soon be adding section for video reviews featuring them on the movie page :)
A Worthy Sequel
A month or so ago, I saw the teaser for the Tamil film VIP 2 with Dhanush and I was super excited that he was doing a film with Kajol. This is her first return to Tamil films in 20 years, and it was great to see a woman in the kind of antagonist role that usually goes to a man in Indian cinema, like Sonu Sood et al.

Commenters on Youtube urged me to see the first film VIP before going to the sequel, and I
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Only for Dhoni fans
I was traveling overseas on vacation and the M.S. Dhoni movie starring Sushant Singh Rajput was one of the “international” choices on the plane movie entertainment system. So, I took a chance on it. I know nothing about cricket — only as much as you pick up watching Lagaan. I knew nothing about Dhoni either — only had heard his name.

The first half of the film with the story of Dhoni’s childhood and early days trying to work up to the big leagues I found very compelling. The two romances in the film were also very well done.

fter I watched the movie, I read about how many months Sushant spent working with cricket coaches to perfect the signature Dhoni swing. I can’t speak to how well he embodied Dhoni since I haven’t ever watched the real man play, but he did a good job acting the part.

The second half of the film just fell apart for me. It was sixer after sixer in a highlight reel of games that didn’t mean anything to me. I suppose they were important. Margaret of Don’t Call It Bollywood shared with me that she saw this film in a theater crowded with Dhoni fans who anticipated every big moment, and even change of jersey colors. I was watching it alone on a plane, so I didn’t have that to give me any sense of dramatic tension.


I have a little more understanding, but I'd like the movie you just described better than the one I saw. There was subtext in the film that is obvious to cricket fans who have followed Dhoni for years that is not obvious to someone who knows nothing about him or cricket.
Yes agreed. confirmation bias maybe...
Dhanush is great!
In anticipation of Dhahush’s upcoming VIP 2, I took the first VIP movie with me on my recent vacation to watch. Dhanush is such a good actor! The title VIP is shortened from Velaiilla Pattadhari (English: Unemployed Graduate)

There’s an adorable romance with Amala Paul who moves in to the house next door. She sees a lot to admire in this unemployed young man, and can’t help but be witness to all his struggles next door, and family drama. They have great chemistry together.

Dhanush is fantastic in the couple of action scenes, and a really good dancer.


Classic for a reason
I loved the crazy action, but especially the intense family drama between Mohanlal and Thalikan, who plays his stern father. Devasuram is still my favorite Mohanlal film, but this one is right up there.

The film is also readily available on Youtube. Check out how crazy the first 10 minutes of the film are. The viewer is just dropped into the action, with no initial clue as to who Mohanlal is fighting or why.


Best Rom Com in years
I unabashedly adored this romantic comedy with heart!! This is my favorite rom com in years!

I was worried the film wouldn’t live up to my hightened expectations — the trailer is so amusing, but I shouldn’t have worried. I loved it!


Very Entertaining
The comedy in this one is just fantastic. Loved the smaller scale to the story, and Tom Holland was great. As my son said, "Michael Keaton came to work." He's come full circle from Batman to Birdman to Vulture. One of the best villains in years.

Nice to see Sridevi in a role like this. Nawaz and Akshaye are both great, too. Fairly predictable, but nice to see the genders flipped and the woman being the one taking revenge.