Himani reviewed Mr. Das
Mr.Das is not an extraordinary man with spectacular life,indeed he lives a hell where there is only two emotions which fills him that is frustration and whining.His too common problems moves the viewers.A man's whole life gets stuck in paying the EMIs of the loans it takes , it seems too sad to reveal the truth as it is so they try to make it tolerable to audience by making it funny.Abusive Boss,poking friends,ex-girlfriend who breaks-up over Whatsapp and annoying fatso roommate ,not to forget the lists of loans hanging around his neck which needs to be repaid.Keep on watching to be part of his problems until he solves them all.
A reality show which can give you goose bumps,its not any ordinary show but a personal battle against smoking .Six participants who are unprepared for the perils of the Everest base trek challenges their limits.The journey starts from Tenzing-Hillary Airport,Lukla,Nepal where they sit in a chopper inhaling the most mind-exploding creation of God-Nepal. Milind Soman who is rightly called as Iron man of India helps these participants to not only climb the biggest mountain of the World but also climb the self-depreciating urge to smoke.Everthing In Everest is unpredictable and dangerous but by overcoming the fears of mind they will find solace in these snow covered mountains.Come join the journey of culture,team work and unspoken series of adventures because if I can you can.
A solo trip which becomes a dual trip when Aahana Kumra meets a fellow traveler Amol Parashar. They both share same past stories and decides to walk the path of self-exploring together.While they explore from Hong Kong cuisine to its holy places they discover secrets about each other. Aahana wanting to write a travelogue , Amol is just a tag along with supposedly amazing taglines.It is rightly said that in African proverb that one can walk fast alone but together they walk further,keeping that in mind,show tries to inculcates brushes of creativity,while viewers enjoy the beguiling Hong Kong.Every story has secrets and lies ,who lies whom and what gets uncovered which brings lot of spice to this romantic-comedy show.
Himani reviewed Rise
A man with a dream of getting a sports bike,which he finally succeeded at after slogging himself for 5 years in a 9 to 5 job.The happiest day of his life brings greatest tragic to him as well because that day he loses his job.He is angry ,sad and frustrated like any person and thinks of giving up his dream bike .He changes his course of decision when he goes back to his memory lane with his dad who explains him that it doesn't matter how many times a person falls but how many times the person rises after falling makes a whole difference.He takes the road trip which he had planned when he was just a child,but its not just a solo trip of Shrey and his thoughts but an adventurous trip with a filmy,middle-aged stranger.Refreshing and context driven show makes you rise from your monotonous day.
While citizens of India are bewildered by heroes of cinemas,they forget to remember the real heroes of our country.Soldiers risks their lives to protect our nation without thinking about rewards in return.Family of soldiers who are in constant state of distress for their kinsmen.This documentary is in the honor of brave soldiers who survived the clandestine.It is the tales they tell to their other survived soldiers.A soldier never fights alone it fight with his family who constantly prays for their well-being and news of their return .Therefore the sacrifices made by a soldiers' family should not go unheard.Our countrymen sleeps a warmth night because of the sleepless nights taken by Indian army who patrols the borders for us.This is not just a story it is a legend in itself.
Murder of a director will not unnoticed as it is shut and close case.Every fingers of evidence are pointed towards an escort who was with the director at the night of his murder.Her innocence is next to impossible to be proved yet she finds a lawyer who has not practiced law for ten years.They seem to be perfect for each other as they are easy targets and can be easily defeated.But when we think things are easy to predict, everything falls into pieces.Being nothing makes them vulnerable but at the same time gives them strength to go lengths to find the true story and bring justice to the escort he has been fighting for.This crime story stands on putting its audience glued to episodes.Embrace for unpredictable untouchables.
New age dating rules have changed and three youths who are in search of love,lust and companionship tries to fit into digital dating app called tender.Either this app will bring them love and happiness or misfortunes for life, only after watching the episodes one can know.Things gets blurry when a guy breaks up with a girls whom he believed to be deeply in love with.Until he meets his new friend who tells him to use tender app and an only way to stay in the game of dating.Different personalities comes together to find match for them with different goals in their mind.How much authentic will the app prove to be in order to find perfect match for each of them?.Humor and deceit goes side by side when it comes to tender dates.
While we are busy capturing greatest moments in our life , we tend to forget the little moments that lead us to the greatest moments in our lives.We grow up and while we are busy surviving , we forget to breathe and live the time called now.Two weirdly crazy people who are in love with each others imperfections realizes the importance of little things that come and go in their life.Couple is irritated about each others differences and habits but profoundly in love.They inspire viewers to say "no" to problems and say "yes" to face them unabashedly.Discovering oneself while also enjoying each others company . Life is uncertain that what makes it surprisingly beautiful, their story will prove the audience to get up and start living before its too late.
Mumbai keeps many secrets but this secret needs to be unveil because lot of lives will be compromised if not known in time.Characters driven show which intervenes story of two lives .Many would like the hero but the villain is as much heroic.Suspense unfolds itself as the episodes moves on.Involvement of R.A.W agents who helps the police to find the true criminal.Famous gangster who ruled Mumbai whole life is now trying to save it but nobody knows him truly and his motives behind every moves he takes.Story of a policemen,gangster,RAW and people whose life is at stake.Mumbai police is corrupted but there is someone who is ready to give up his uniform as far as he can bring justice back to the system.Every twists,plots and turns are planned to deceive ,but the thrill lies on knowing who is the real impostor .When things go smooth ,show goes twisted.
They will suffocate you yet they wont give up on making you laugh till the stomach hurts.In-laws of Nikhil who are quirky,unpredictable,annoyingly loving and supporting.A modern couple has modern parents but society seems to be as backward as usual when it questions the stay of Nikhil in his in-laws.Unique blending of humor and values.Stuck between the demands of his wife and endless love of his in-laws,will he survive the battle of emotions that is the question.through ups and downs of feelings he finally feels solace and peace with amusing awkward parents of his wife.Now its not just a paranoia of women to impress her in-laws but also for men trying to impress their lovers parents