In 1979, Ron Burgundy and Veronica Corningstone are married and are both co-anchors for a prestigious news network in New York City. One day, Mack Tannen, the most famous nightly news anchor in New York, reveals that he is retiring. He intends to promote Corningstone, making her the first female nightly news anchor in the history of television, and to fire Burgundy due to his continuously sloppy performance on air. Burgundy grows jealous of Corningstone's success and storms out of the house, leaving her and their 6-year-old son Walter.

Six months later, Burgundy is back in San Diego, but barely able to hold a job due to depression. After being fired from SeaWorld and botching a suicide attempt, Burgundy accepts a job offered to him by Freddie Shapp with GNN, the world's first 24-hour news network, for the station's official launch. Along with his dog Baxter, he reassembles Champ Kind, Brian Fantana, and Brick Tamland. They are assigned the unpopular late-night timeslot while obnoxious rival anchorman Jack Lime is put in a primetime slot. Meanwhile, Burgundy finds that Corningstone has started dating psychologist Gary.

As GNN launches, Burgundy decides to broadcast what the people want to hear, rather than what they need to hear. He and his team devise a sensationalist and patriotic newscast. Their new approach proves to be a hit, beating Lime in ratings by a massive margin, and the other news networks scramble to emulate them. Ron also wins a bet with Lime forcing him to legally change his name to Jack Lame. Burgundy and his team are promoted to primetime, where they enjoy fame and fortune. Burgundy's success excites GNN's manager, Linda Jackson, and they begin a romantic relationship. Tamland meets a similarly eccentric GNN office worker named Chani and immediately falls in love. Burgundy lets his newfound fame get to his head and neglects his parental obligations to Walter, angering Corningstone. He also alienates Fantana, Kind, and Tamland, claiming he is tired of carrying them.

During a party celebrating GNN's success, Lame causes Burgundy to slip and suffer a head injury, resulting in him becoming temporarily blind. Unable to read the news, Burgundy isolates himself in a lighthouse, unable to adjust to his temporary loss of vision. Corningstone arrives with Walter for a visit, announcing that she has quit her own job, and Burgundy bonds with his family, gradually adjusting to his disability. Burgundy and his son rehabilitate a small shark, naming him Doby before setting him free. Later, Burgundy discovers that Corningstone was concealing messages from his eye doctor regarding an experimental procedure, since she thought his blindness has been significant in the family bonding. He leaves angrily, gets his vision restored, and returns to GNN.

Back in New York, Burgundy is once again approached by Corningstone, who pleads with him to attend Walter's piano recital. At the same time, an exclusive news story comes in, requiring Burgundy to cover it. However, on live TV, Burgundy instead admits that news is supposed to inform, not entertain, and takes responsibility for the mistakes he made, following it up by quitting and walking off. He leaves for Walter's recital but is intercepted by an angered Lame and his team and several other news teams, all of whom want to kill him due to his fame. Kind, Fantana, and Tamland arrive to defend him and a massive battle ensues. Burgundy gets attacked by BBC news team, then Gary rescues him with his mind powers. He tells Burgundy to get to the recital and the group makes a run for it to avoid the news, Burgundy's old arch-rival Wes Mantooth arrives in time to save Burgundy from Lame's news crew, before Tamland accidentally sets off an explosion. Burgundy manages to reach Walter's recital in time, and reconcile with Corningstone. Burgundy, Kind, and Fantana later attend Tamland's and Chani's wedding on the beach. During the wedding, Ron spots Doby in the water and tries to greet him, only to be attacked, forcing Baxter to rescue him.

In 1974, Ron Burgundy is the famous anchorman for the fictional KVWN channel 4, a local San Diego television station. On the news team, Burgundy works alongside Veronica Corningstone, KVWN's first female reporter and anchor, and his childhood friends: lead field reporter Brian Fantana, sportscaster Champion "Champ" Kind, and meteorologist Brick Tamland. Burgundy, Fantana, Kind, and Tamland host KVWN's 6 o'clock newscast, then attend a party with anchors from other stations.

The next morning, Mouse, Kanshasha X, Malcolm Y, and Paul Hauser, a group of terrorists calling themselves 'The Alarm Clock', rob a bank. Later that day, Ed Harken, the KVWN station manager, informs Burgundy, Fantana, Kind, Tamland, Corningstone, and other KVWN employees of this, stating that it is the Alarm Clock's third bank robbery.

The members of the Alarm Clock celebrate their latest robbery, the money from which they intend to use as funding for 'the revolution'. The revolution, however, does not have a clear goal; Hauser, who is responsible for writing 'the maifesto', a document explaining the revolution, has not yet done so after an increasingly long time. Hauser receives criticism for this from the other members of the group, and, in panic, states that the group's mission is eliminating propaganda from television, showing a public service announcement of Burgundy denouncing illicit drugs as an example of such propaganda. The group expresses uniform contempt for Burgundy after watching him, and taking over television broadcasts becomes the goal of the revolution.

That night, Burgundy gives Corningstone a tour of San Diego. While doing so, Burgundy points out the fictional San Diego Observatory to Corningstone, and expresses a desire to broadcast news from there. Burgundy marvels over the number of viewers that he believes such a broadcast would be able to reach.

The next day, Corningstone reports on a fashion show composed of cats. While doing so, Hauser, not revealing himself as a member of the Alarm Clock, introduces himself to Corningstone. He asks Corningstone various questions regarding television broadcasting, as part of the Alarm Clock's plan to take over television. Hauser recites a motto of the Alarm Clock to Corningstone, then leaves.

Later, the Alarm Clock attempts to rob another bank, but the teller, after questioning the group's masks, refuses to give them money. When entering the bank, however, Hauser yells the same motto he declaimed to Corningstone. Corningstone, after watching a closed-circuit television video of the robbery, recalls having heard the motto from Hauser, thereby identifying him as the person in the video and a member of the Alarm Clock.

Burgundy, wanting to investigate the Alarm Clock himself, gets permission from Harken to be a field reporter. He then steals information from Corningstone that she had gathered about Hauser. Using an address found by Corningstone, Burgundy, Fantana, Kind, and Tamland attempt to interview Hauser. After initially going to the wrong house, they find Hauser at his home. At first, he denies evidence of his involvement in the Alarm Clock, but then an alarm sounds. As this happens, Hauser admits involvement in the group and, after running outside, steals the news team's van, of which doors had been left open.

After the events of his interview with Hauser, Burgundy is fired from KVWN. His reputation drops quickly, and Corningstone becomes KVWN's lead anchor. Burgundy visits his mentor Jess Moondragon, to whom he reiterates his desire to broadcast news from the San Francisco Observatory; repeating his belief that such a broadcast would reach a vast audience.

Corningstone arrives at her apartment to be kidnapped at gunpoint by Hauser and Kanshasha X. Garth Holiday, a KVWN employee, informs Harken of Corningstone's kidnapping, interrupting Harken's reprimanding of his son Chris in doing so.

Wes Mantooth, lead anchor at rival KQHS channel 9 news, reports on Corningstone's kidnapping, catching Burgundy's attention. Mantooth reports that police believe the Alarm Clock kidnapped Corningstone to broadcast the message of their revolution, but the location from which they want to deliver this broadcast is unknown. Burgundy, however, realizes that the group has gone to the San Diego Observatory, because of his belief that a broadcast made from the observatory would be able to reach a large audience. Burgundy is reemployed at KVWN, and him, Fantana, Kind, and Tamland set to rescue Corningstone.

At the observatory, the Alarm Clock is preparing for their broadcast. Hauser remarks at the number of people they will reach. In the distance, Burgundy, Fantana, Kind, and Tamland are greeted by Moondragon, who provides them with transportation to the observatory. After getting lossed and briefly considering the cannibalism of Fantana, the group reaches the observatory.

Burgundy enters the observatory, but is captured by the Alarm Clock and handcuffed next to Corningstone. Hauser then orders Corningstone to read the Alarm Clock's manifesto on air, but she refuses on account of her integrity, even after Kanshasha X threatens to kill her. Burgundy, however, volunteers to read the manifesto. Hauser reveals the mainfesto to be an advocacy for recycling, electric cars, and personal computers, concepts which the other members of the Alarm Clock and Burgundy consider absurd. Malcolm Y then demands Burgundy to improvise promotion for the Alarm Clock on air. The highly teleprompter dependent Burgundy is initially speechless, but then equates improvising on air to jazz and reveals their location. The members of the Alarm Clock realize this, prompting Burgundy to call out for the news team; Fantana, Kind, and Tamland then rappel into the observatory. The news team now easily overpowers the Alarm Clock.

Fantana, Kind, Burgundy, and Corningstone return to a cheering crowd in San Diego. A network reporter offers Burgundy a position on an upcoming network show documenting news anchors themselves. Burgundy responds by offering the position to Corningstone. Mantooth sees Burgundy and, although he hates Burgundy, proclaims respect for him.

The members of the Alarm Clock were incarcerated for five years. After being released, they invented the Macintosh, from which they made US$6 billion.

Ron Burgundy is the famous anchorman for a local San Diego television station, fictional KVWN channel 4. He works alongside his friends, whom he had known since childhood, on the news team: lead field reporter Brian Fantana, sportscaster Champ Kind, and meteorologist Brick Tamland. Station director Ed Harken informs the team that they have retained their long-held status as the highest-rated news program in San Diego, leading them to throw a wild party, where Burgundy unsuccessfully attempts to pick up a beautiful blonde woman, Veronica Corningstone. Harken later informs the team that they have been forced to hire Corningstone. After a series of unsuccessful attempts by the team to seduce her, she finally relents and agrees to a "professional tour" of the city with Ron, culminating in a sexual relationship. Despite agreeing to keep the relationship discreet, Ron announces it on air.

After a dispute with a motorcyclist ends in Burgundy's dog Baxter being punted off the San Diego–Coronado Bridge, Burgundy is late to work. Corningstone fills in for him on-air, receiving higher ratings than Burgundy usually receives, and the couple breaks up when Ron bemoans her success. Corningstone is promoted to co-anchor, to the disgust of the team. The co-anchors become fierce rivals off-air while maintaining a phony cordiality on-air. Depressed, the news team decides to buy new suits, but Brick, who was leading the way, gets them lost in a shady part of town. Confronted by main competitor Wes Mantooth and his news team, Burgundy challenges them to a fight. When several other news teams converge onsite, a full-on melee ensues, only to be broken up by police sirens that cause them to flee. Realizing that having a female co-anchor is straining their reputation, Burgundy gets in another heated argument with Veronica, and they get in a physical fight after she offends him about his hair.

One of Veronica's co-workers informs her that Burgundy will read anything written on the teleprompter, so she sneaks into the station and changes the text in revenge. The next day, Burgundy (unaware of what he is saying) concludes the broadcast with "Go fuck yourself, San Diego!", instead of his signature closing line, "You stay classy, San Diego!", triggering an angry mob outside the studio and prompting Ed to fire Burgundy. Realizing she went too far, Corningstone attempts to apologize but Burgundy angrily dismisses her apology. Burgundy soon becomes unemployed, friendless, and heavily antagonized by the public while Veronica enjoys fame, although her male co-workers hate her. Ed also informs Brian, Champ and Brick that if they see Ron, he will fire them if they talk to him.

Three months later, when a panda is about to give birth, every news team in San Diego rushes to the zoo to cover the story. In an attempt to sabotage her, a rival news anchor pushes Corningstone into a Kodiak bear enclosure. When Ed is unable to locate Veronica, he recruits Burgundy. Once at the zoo, Burgundy jumps in the bear pen to save Veronica, as the public watches helplessly. The news team then jumps in to save Ron and Veronica. Just as a bear is about to attack, Baxter, who miraculously survived, intervenes and encourages the bear to spare them. As the group climbs out of the pit, Wes appears and holds the ladder over the bear pit, threatening to drop Ron back in, and says that deep down he has always hated him, but then admits to Ron that he also respects him and pulls Ron out to safety.

After Burgundy and Corningstone reconcile, it is shown that in years to come, Fantana becomes the host of a Fox reality show named Intercourse Island, Tamland is married with 11 children and is a top political adviser to George W. Bush, Kind is a commentator for the NFL before getting fired after being accused by Terry Bradshaw of sexual harassment, and Burgundy and Corningstone are co-anchors for the CNN-esque World News Center.

In December 1941, Nazi occupation in Europe has neared its height. Two agents from the Czechoslovak government-in-exile, a Slovak soldier, Jozef Gabčík (Cillian Murphy) and a Czech, Jan Kubiš (Jamie Dornan) are parachuted into their occupied homeland. Jozef is injured when he crashes through a tree upon landing, but both men set out to find their contact in Czechoslovakia. They are discovered shortly after by two resistance fighters who turn out to be traitors; one is shot by Jozef but the other man escapes. Stealing their truck, the agents head for Prague.

When they seek out their contact, they are directed to Dr. Eduard (Sean Mahon), who stitches Jozef's foot, and arranges for the agents to meet other members of the resistance, led by "Uncle" Jan Zelenka-Hajský (Toby Jones). The agents reveal that they are to execute "Operation Anthropoid," the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich (Detlef Bothe), the main architect of the Final Solution, and the Reichsprotektor of German–occupied Czechoslovakia.

With limited intelligence and little equipment in a city under lock-down, Jozef and Jan must find a way to assassinate Heydrich, an operation that, they hope, will change the face of Europe. With the help of two young women, Marie Kovárníková (Charlotte Le Bon) and Lenka Fafková (Anna Geislerová) along with other plotters, the agents plan to ambush Heydrich as he arrives at his headquarters by car. When the agents learn that Heydrich is about to be transferred to France, the plan goes into effect with the duo bolstered by the addition of other agents who have been parachuted into Czechoslovakia and the remaining resistance fighters in Prague.

On May 27, 1942, the assassination attempt is carried out; it is nearly botched when Jozef's Sten submachine gun jams, but Heydrich is severely wounded by Jan's grenade that shatters his limousine. Immediately after, the assassins go on the run. In response, SS security forces round up thousands of Czech citizens and carry out a terrible reprisal. Lenka is killed trying to escape Nazi soldiers on the street. Resistance fighter Karel Čurda (Jiří Šimek) turns on the agents and reveals the family which hid them. Meanwhile, the agents have now relocated and hide in the Saints Cyril and Methodius Cathedral in Prague. Heydrich soon dies from his injuries in the hospital. Reprisals continue with the village of Lidice destroyed with all the males over age 16 shot, children and women sent to concentration camps.

The family who Jozef and Jan stay with are punished, their house attacked by numerous Gestapo officers. The mother commits suicide by taking a cyanide tablet in the bathroom. The son is brutally tortured and gives in to the Nazis' demands. He tells them where Jozef and Jan are hiding, in the cathedral. Hundreds of Nazi troops storm the cathedral and all the agents are killed in a fierce 6-hour battle. Ultimately, a total of 5,000 Czechs and Slovaks were killed in the aftermath of the "Heydrich Terror". The assassination of SS-Obergruppenführer Heydrich was the only successful government organised assassination of a top-ranking Nazi official in the Second World War.

لە ساڵی ١٩٤١ دوو سەربازی چێکۆسڵاڤیی بە نهێنیی و پارەشووت دەچنە نێو سنووری وڵاتە داگیرکراوەکەیان بەمەبەستی کوشتنی ئەفسەرێکی باڵای نازیی (ڕاینهارد هایدریش).
ڕووداوەکان و کەسایەتییەکانی نێو ئەم فیلمە لە چیرۆکی ڕاستەقینەوە وەرگیراون.
فیلمی | ئانثرۆپۆید – ٢٠١٦
شۆن ئێڵیس – ٧.٥/١٠ - ٧٥٣

In an alternate version of 18th Century England scientist Victor Frankenstein discovered a method of reanimating a corpse with a soul that could think, feel and speak. After his creation was destroyed another method was used to replace the missing Soul with an artificial soul known as "Necroware." It can be upgraded like a computer program, though the corpses are unable to speak, feel or think for themselves.

By the 19th century, the use of corpses becomes more common as Necroware is improved daily via a machine known as the Analytical Engine, invented by Charles Babbage, which Corpse Engineers have access to. John Watson, an aspiring corpse engineer, illegally creates his own Necroware and resurrects his deceased friend who he renames Friday. M, a member of British Secret service, makes a deal with Watson after catching him: either he goes to prison or becomes an agent of the British Empire. Watson chooses the latter.

In India, Watson and Friday follow former U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant and his unnamed secretary. Watson and Friday are attacked by corpse assassins but are saved by Captain Frederick Burnaby, Watson's bodyguard. Watson is tasked by M to find Alexei Fyodorovich Karamazov, a Russian corpse engineer who stole The Memorandum, which also happened to be Frankenstein's original research on reanimating a corpse with a soul. Watson is ordered to retrieve the research. Watson and Burnaby meet with Nikolai Krasotkin to act as their guide to Kabul where Karamazov is hiding.

They reach the Khyber Pass and are ambushed by upgraded corpses and rescued by Grant's secretary. Watson retrieves an advanced corpse who is able to speak its own name; Krasotkin suspects that Watson is planning to use the Memorandum to fully resurrect Friday. Watson is approached by the woman Hadaly Lilith, Grant's secretary, wishing to know if the advanced corpses contained souls, but Watson is unsure.

They locate Karamazov who explains his wish to resurrect a human as Frankenstein once did. Karamazov upgrades Nikolai, whose soul is replaced by an artificial soul while Nikolai is still alive. This kills Nikolai but creates a more intelligent corpse capable of limited thought and speech. Watson is dismayed this was what Frankenstein's original creature was and angrily berates Karamazov for not trying to improve the technology. Karamazov admits the Memorandum is in Japan and asks Watson to destroy it. Karamazov then commits suicide by having Nikolai upgrade him. Watson, Friday and Burnaby depart to Japan, leaving Nikolai, Karamazov and his corpse servants to mindlessly follow their Necroware programming forever.

A year later in Tokyo, Watson meets Yamazawa Seigo of the Imperial Japanese Army, who knows the Memorandum is held by the Osato Chemical company. Watson, along with Friday, Burnaby, and Seigo infiltrate Osato Chemical, but are attacked by advanced corpses in armour. Watson flees to find the Memorandum and has Friday analyse it, setting off a trap that sets fire to the building. The analysis causes Friday to lash out and try to speak. A strange man retrieves the Memorandum, revealing himself as Frankenstein's original creation, known as The One - still alive after 100 years and just as intelligent as a human.

Watson awakes aboard the USS Richmond heading for America. Burnaby is also on board and the feral Friday is in chains. Grant wants Watson to work for him to defeat The One, who hates humans for creating him, but Watson spends the voyage fixing Friday. Upon reaching San Francisco, The One uses the Memorandum to send out a signal that causes corpses to attack humans, including the corpse crew of the USS Richmond. During the escape, Hadaly reveals she is an artificial life form created by her "father" Thomas Edison, and she can control corpses using sound waves and desires to one day have a soul of her own. She escapes with Watson, Friday, and Burnaby while Grant is killed by an exploding corpse. At Hadaly's safe house, Watson finishes fixing Friday, making him immune to the Memorandum's signal.

The One is captured by M, who plans to turn all humans into corpses; thus ending every war. The One is taken to the Tower of London where he has his mind analysed by Charles Babbage and the preserved brain of Victor Frankenstein. A new stronger signal is sent out by M causing even more corpses to attack humans. Aboard the submarine USS Nautilus, Watson, Hadaly, Friday and Burnaby smash through the Traitors' Gate. Burnaby fights the corpse guards with Hadaly's flamethrower while the others fight their way to M. Hadaly knocks out M and uses her sound waves to suppress The One's mind, while Friday takes over Charles Babbage to stop the signal. M awakens and shoots Hadaly before being shot by Watson. Now free, The One kills M, overpowers Hadaly, and takes over Friday.

The One finally reveals his true plan, to create the bride Victor Frankenstein promised him. Having orchestrated everything, he plans to combine all the corpses primitive minds into a true human mind. Then, using the Memorandum and Charles Babbage, he will create a human soul from the knowledge inside Victor Frankenstein's brain and insert both the true mind and the human soul into Hadaly while he transfers his own soul and mind into Friday's body. As The One is on the verge of success, Burnaby damages Charles Babbage. The One is returned to his own body and Friday restarts taking over Charles Babbage, sealing The One's soul inside the Memorandum. The One tries to drag Watson in with him. Inside the Memorandum, Watson struggles until a smiling Friday helps him and The One is defeated.

Watson awakes in time to escape the collapsing building with Hadaly and an unconscious Friday. Hadaly laments over having acquired and lost her soul, though Watson assures her he likes her just the way she is. She urges him not to give up trying to resurrect Friday.

Back in the house where he resurrected Friday, Watson is seen combining the research of Karamazov with the surviving pages of the Memorandum to perform an unknown corpse upgrade on himself.

Four years later in London, Watson is seen fleeing with his new companion, Sherlock Holmes, whilst Burnaby and Hadaly, who now goes by the name Irene Adler, watch from nearby. What appears to be a fully resurrected Friday also watches from a rooftop.

سەدەی نۆزدەیەمی زاینییە، مردووەکان زیندوو دەکرێنەوە و لە بواری سەربازیی و لە کەرتی تایبەتدا وەک کرێکار کاریان پێدەکرێت. لە شاری لەندەن خوێندکارێکی بەشی پزیشکیی لە ئەرکێکی نهێنییدا دەسپێردرێت بۆ دۆزینەوەی دەستنووسە ونبووەکانی دکتۆر ڤیکتۆر فرانکنشتاین.

ئانیمەی | شانشینی لاشەکان – ٢٠١٥
خەیاڵی زانستیی/ئانیمەی/دراما/سەرکەشیی
ریۆتارۆ ماکیهارا – ٨/١٠ - ٧٥٢

This film follows the life of the legendary tigress Machli from her prime till her death - her rise to power, her heartbreaking descent and the extraordinary legacy she left behind.

لە هەرێمی ڕاجستانی وڵاتی هیند، بەناوبانگترین پڵنگی جیهان (ماچلی) دایکێکی بەهێزە و خاوەنی سێ بەچکەی مێیە. ماچلی بە شاژنی قەڵا ناسراوە، دەسەڵاتدار و نەبەزی ناوچەکەیە. هەموو ئەمە کۆتایی پێدێت کاتێک یەکێک لە کچەکانی هەڵدەگەڕێتەوە و دەیبەزێنێت.

فیلمی دۆکیۆمێنتاریی | بەناوبانگترین پڵنگی جیهان – ٢٠١٧
سوبیا نالاموثو – ٨/١٠ – ٧٥١

The beginning of the story features a monologue from Yu Cheng, who says that there is a sitting elephant in a circus in Manzhouli who could be thrashed and beat but remains still. Yu Cheng is seen with a woman in bed. A man is later found arguing with the woman and it is discovered that Yu Cheng was sleeping with the wife of his close friend. After admitting in a blasé manner, the friend kills himself off-screen. The woman slaps Yu as he blames her for what happened. Eventually he meets the mother of his friend who visits the apartment without revealing to her that he was involved. Moments later he enters a tunnel and meets his girlfriend who he then blames for the suicide; as his girlfriend rejected his advances, which is why he decided to sleep with the wife. He tells her he plans to visit an elephant in Manzhouli that sits still. The girl laughs and eventually asks Yu to join her. Yu wants to be alone and remains under the tunnel.

Simultaneously in the story, Wei Bu is seen to have woken up in his room in another building where his father is complaining about a garbage smell outside the window. He says it is from certain garbage that has not been disposed. His father, sitting on a broken cast, is annoyed and chastises him for leaving his room even filthier. As he leaves his apartment, he watches an old man, named Wang Jin, leave with his pet dog. Wei throws up some paper origami with fire that sticks to the ceiling, which possibly created the smell his father complained about. He leaves for school to meet his best friend Li Kai. They discuss how they will face the school bully Yu Shuai, as Li was accused of stealing his cell phone. Eventually they meet Yu who tells them to meet his gang at the stairway after school. Along the way Wei sees the vice-dean, who tells them the school will eventually close down and he will move to another school. He does as it as to degrade Wei and says that it is the worst school and all the students will eventually become street vendors while he gets to work for a better school. Wei briefly meets his neighbor and friend Huang Ling and invites her to a monkey zoo. Later that day, he and Li face up to Yu Shuai. Yu starts mocking Wei for getting involved, and tells them to kneel and buy him a new phone. Eventually Yu intimidates Wei and finds out they were carrying weapons, including a baton and a gun. Yu pushes Wei and tells him how his father was apparently let go from a company of his family due to accepting briberies. Wei is angered and in defense pushed Yu back who slips through a flight of stairs. Yu runs and seeks his grandmother, who apparently just died. As he returns home and tells his father, he realizes he is not safe at home and runs off to the zoo.

Meanwhile, Huang is seen in her room in the early morning complaining about the leakage in the bathroom. The mother does not care and shows her daughter an irresponsibly battered birthday cake for Huang Ling. Huang is annoyed but eats the cake. Eventually in the afternoon she meets Wei at the zoo who says he plans to leave to Manzhouli to see the elephant. Huang is invited to live with him on the run but mocks Wei for his lack of planning, and quips that the only skill he knows is kicking around a shuttlecock. Eventually Wei tells her to leave and proceeds to go to a bakery. He stands in front of the bakery and discovers the vice-dean is there with Huang. Wei hides his face with a hood behind the bus stop and spies on the two. Yu also happens to be there and notices Huang and the situation he is in and consoles with him, telling him that he is looking for a boy who hurt his brother. Wei does not reveal his identity and eventually leaves. Before he does, he writes a note telling the vice-dean he is screwed. He slams the paper at the window where Huang and the vice-dean are eating cake. Later, Huang and the vice-dean go to a hotel room and Huang discovers in her phone that they were filmed and the video was spread online. The vice-dean then says that he is done for and will never be able to work for the new school. He tells Huang to leave. Later, she arrives to meet her depressed mother and tells her the story. After some bickering, she hides in her room. Eventually the vice-dean and his wife arrive and Huang escapes through the window, coming back with a baseball hat and whacks the vice-dean and his wife for intrusion.

Another neighbor, Wang Jin, is shown to be living with his granddaughter and son and daughter-in-law. His son pleads for him to leave the apartment that Jin owns while he washes his bowl so that he may live in a nursing home, as he and his wife cannot afford to take care of them both. He mulls it over and leaves with his dog, that looks similar to a retriever and a keeshond. Later in the day, while walking he sees a bawling lady looking for her large white dog named Pipi. Eventually he meets Pipi in an alleyway, and Pipi attacks his dog killing Wang's pet and runs away. He later finds out the address of the woman and goes to their apartment. He meets a man and his wife and tells them he saw Pipi and that it killed his dog, which is shown off-screen. The man is upset for the accusations and gets deranged. Later Wang is seen burying his dog under a highway bridge. Wei sees him and asks him for some money. Wei, in return, gives him a pool cue he haggled and discreetly stole from a store where Yu and his gang stayed. As they are both strolling and discussing, the deranged man drives near them and accuses Wang of possibly killing Pipi, since Pipi is missing and Wang was attacked. Wei tells the deranged man that he is digging his own grave and Wei is then kicked and beaten up. Eventually he drives off convinced no information can be obtained. Wang returns to the apartment building and meets Yu and his gang. They notice the cue and hold him for questioning. Wang escapes and beats up the goons of Yu. Wang reenters his apartment and his son says they should call authorities. However, Wang being a retired soldier eventually decides to go out with his cue and face the men who disappear.

Later at dusk, Wei goes to the hospital and sees Yu again then runs away. He tells Li Kai to meet him at a nearby mall beside the hospital. He then chokes Li Kai out of anger, who reveals that he really did steal the phone of the bully Yu Shuai, since it had a video of Li urinating and of the vice-dean being with Huang in another past event. Wei decides to purchase tickets from a scalper to go to Manzhouli to hide. He discovers the tickets are fake. The scalper leads him to a rooftop where the supposed money to be refunded is kept, they meet his friend and are revealed to be gangsters. They beat up Wei and call up Yu Cheng. Yu arrives and discovers the kid he talked to was also the one responsible for attacking his younger brother Yu Shuai, who he reveals to be dead. Yu Cheng does not care about Yu Shuai and asks Wei where does he plan to run off to. Wei replies to Manzhouli to see the elephant. He is surprised and decides to help Wei by telling his men to purchase tickets. He tells Wei that regardless someone will catch and arrest Wei sooner or later. He then calls the mother of his friend and admits to her that he was there at the apartment the moment his friend jumped, implying he was culpable then subsequently hangs up. All of a sudden Li Kai appears with his gun and tells Wei to run. The men come from behind to attack Li, who accidentally shoots Yu Cheng. Yu Cheng, who is hurt but survives start screaming at Li Kai and Wei Bu while laying on the ground that they should all go to hell. Then he starts laughing with sarcasm. The confused Li Kai claims he is proud of himself and tells Wei he never posted the video of Huang and the vice-dean, which disgusts Wei who leaves him be. The scene then shows Li Kai, who relents sitting on the ground and aims a gun to his chin. The camera moves to Yu's reaction who watches Li kill himself, thereby witnessing two suicides in one day.

By the evening, Wei is seen buying tickets at the station. He meets Wang Jin, who decided to take his granddaughter to see the same elephant show, and Huang Ling, who decides to leave the city. Huang reveals that the tickets were cancelled. They decide to take a bus to Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning province, which is in the east and connects Hebei to Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia. After a couple bus stops, they exit the bus close to Manzhouli. Long shots show Wei playing with a shuttlecock kicking it around one to three or more times with fellow passengers. The players stand still while the sound of a roaring elephant is heard.

لە شاری مانژوولیی وڵاتی چین، ژیانی چوار کەس بەیەکترییەوە دەبەسترێتەوە کاتێک بە ڕۆژێکی سەخت و دژواردا تێدەپەڕن.

فیلمی | فیلێک کە هێشتا دانیشتووە - ٢٠١٨
دراما – سێ کاتژێر و ٥٤ خولەک
هو بۆ – ٧.٥/١٠ - ٧٥٠

In 1915 Los Angeles, stuntman Roy Walker (Lee Pace) is hospitalized, bedridden and possibly paralyzed after taking a jump in his first film. He meets Alexandria (Catinca Untaru), a young Romanian-born patient in the hospital who is recovering from a broken arm, and begins to tell her a story about her namesake, Alexander the Great. Alexandria is told she has to leave, but Roy promises to tell her an epic tale if she returns the next day.

The next morning, as Roy spins his tale of fantasy, Alexandria's imagination brings his characters to life. Roy's tale is about five heroes: a silent Indian warrior (Jeetu Verma), a muscular ex-slave named Otta Benga (Marcus Wesley), an Italian explosives expert called Luigi (Robin Smith), Charles Darwin (Leo Bill) with a pet monkey called Wallace, and a masked swashbuckling bandit. An evil ruler named Governor Odious (Daniel Caltagirone) has committed an offense against each of the five, who all seek revenge. The heroes are later joined by a sixth hero, a mystic.

Alexandria vividly imagines her friends and people around her appearing as the characters in Roy's story. Although Roy develops affection for Alexandria, he also has an ulterior motive: by gaining her trust, he tricks her into stealing morphine from the hospital pharmacy. Roy intends to use the morphine to commit suicide because the woman he loves has left him for the actor for whom he provided the stunt footage. However, Alexandria returns with only three pills. For a moment it appears as though she has eaten some of them; in actuality she threw all but three of them down the toilet, having mistaken the "E" on the piece of paper Roy gave her for a "3". The stories become a collaborative tale to which Alexandria also contributes. Alexandria herself becomes a character: while Roy is the masked bandit, she is his daughter.

Roy talks Alexandria into stealing a bottle of morphine tablets locked in a fellow patient's cabinet, and then downs it all. He tells her she should leave after he takes them, but he knows she may not obey and may very well witness the death of the man she has come to view as her father. This does not come to pass, as the next morning Roy awakens from his sleep and realizes he is only alive because his neighboring patient is receiving a placebo rather than actual morphine. Alexandria, desperate to help Roy, sneaks out of bed to the pharmacy. She climbs onto the cabinet but loses her footing, falls, and sustains a severe head injury. She receives surgery, after which she is visited by Roy, where he confesses his deception. He encourages Alexandria to ask someone else to end the story, but she insists on hearing Roy's ending. Roy reluctantly begins the rest of the story.

The heroes die one by one, and it seems that Governor Odious will be triumphant. Alexandria becomes upset, and Roy insists, "It's my story." She declares that it is hers too and exerts some influence on the course of the tale. The epic tale comes to an end with only the Bandit and his daughter remaining alive and Governor Odious dying. But in one final twist, Roy, who has been crafting the story to manipulate Alexandria and cope with his anger, targets the character representing his ex-girlfriend. He blames her for orchestrating the story's pain and suffering as part of a "test" of the Bandit's love for her. The Bandit rejects her as an act of ultimate triumph.

With the story complete, Roy and Alexandria, along with the patients and staff of the hospital, watch a viewing of the finished "flicker" that Roy appeared in. With everyone laughing, only Roy's smile is broken in confusion when he sees that his life-threatening jump has been edited out of the film as another stuntman jumps instead.

Alexandria's arm heals and she returns to the orange orchard where her family works. Her voice-over reveals that Roy has recovered and is now back at work again. As she talks, a montage of cuts from several of silent films' greatest and most dangerous stunts plays; she imagines all the stuntmen to be Roy.

لە نەخۆشخانەیەکی شاری لۆس ئەینجڵس، کچێکی بچووکی قۆڵشکاو بەناوی (ئالێکساندریا) چاوی بە ستەنت-مان (سەرکێشیکار)ێکی سینەمایی دەکەوێت بە ناوی (ڕۆی). لەماوەی مانەوەی لە نەخۆشخانەکە، ڕۆی چیرۆکی ئەو شەش پاڵەوانەی بۆ دەگێڕێتەوە کە لە ئەرکی دۆزینەوە و کوشتنی حاكمی شەڕانخواز (ئۆدیۆس) یەکیان گرتووە.
بۆ هونەر و لەپێناو خۆشەویستیی گێڕانەوەی چیرۆکدا، گیانفیدایی مرۆڤ وەک پلەی شەهید-بوون دەنرخێنێت. ئەم فیلمە دەکرێت وەک کۆکراوە و مێژوویەکی ڕاگوزەری خێرا بۆ گەلێک داهێنانی مرۆیی لێکبدرێتەوە؛ لە حیکایەت و داستانە ئەدەبییەکانەوە تاوەک هونەری سینەما. سەرسوڕهێنەرانە هەستت دەبزوێنێ و هەوڵە مرۆییەکان بۆ بەرهەمهاتنی فیلم (لە سادەترین فۆڕمی خۆشیدا) ستایش دەکات.
فیلمی | کەوتنەکە - ٢٠٠٦
تەرسیم سینخ - ٨/١٠ - ٧٤٩

In 1940, a working-class couple in World War II-era Berlin, Otto and Anna Quangel, decide to resist Adolf Hitler and the Nazis after receiving news of the death of their only son. Their growing resistance to the regime is also strengthened by the fate of an old Jewish woman living in their building. Although the official deportation of Jews to death camps had not yet started, Jews have no recourse to any legal protection. Ruthless Nazis — and "non-ideological" common criminals — use the opportunity to loot the old woman's apartment with impunity. Despite the efforts of the Quangels and other kind neighbors to help her, the persecution ends with the old woman jumping to her death from a high window.

The couple starts writing postcards to urge people to stand against Hitler and the Nazis and protest against them by furtively placing the cards in public places - a capital crime.[2][3] Their first card reads: "Mothers, Hitler Will Kill Your Son Too". At first, Otto wants to do it all by himself, warning Anna, "They hang women, too!" She, however, insists on taking part in this dangerous activity. While in the beginning of the film the couple's marriage seems to have dried up, as they are unable to console each other for the loss of their son, their shared risk and commitment brings them closer. In effect, they fall in love with each other again.

Gestapo inspector Escherich is charged with finding the source of the postcards.[4] He is a professional police detective acting out of career pride rather than Nazi ideology. During three years of painstakingly gathering clues about the "Hobgoblin" (as he calls the mysterious writer of the postcards), he develops an increasing respect for this elusive unknown opponent. Because of his lack of progress, Escherich is beaten up by the obviously impatient SS senior officer. He is forced to summarily execute a man whom he is certain has no connection with these subversive postcards.

After some postcards accidentally fall from his pocket when he is at work, Otto is exposed and arrested. He remains stoic about the certain death sentence awaiting him and tries in vain to take all the blame on himself and save Anna. After the couple have been executed, Escherich is alone in his office. He gathers up the couple's hundreds of postcards, scatters them from the open window of the police headquarters, then shoots himself. The film ends with the image of the postcards swirling in the wind, falling down on the Berlin streets and being picked up by passersby.

لە ماوەی جەنگی جیهانیی دووەم و کەوتنی فەڕەنسا، دوو هاوسەری ئەڵمانیی هەواڵی کوژرانی کوڕەکەیان پێدەگات. دەست دەکەن بە نووسینی بەرەنگاریی دژ بە هیتلەر و نازیزم لەسەر بەرگی کارد و وێنەکان و لەسەر شەقامەکانی بەرلین بڵاویدەکەنەوە.

فیلمی | بەتەنها لە بەرلین - ٢٠١٦
فینسنت پیرێز - ٧.٥/١٠ - ٧٤٨

Military contractor Brian Gilcrest (Bradley Cooper) returns to Hawaii to organize a traditional blessing for a new pedestrian gate[clarification needed] on behalf of billionaire Carson Welch (Bill Murray), who intends to develop nearby land into a space center. Following a celebrated military career that ended in shadowy deals in Afghanistan, the now disillusioned Gilcrest is tasked with negotiating a deal with the Native Hawaiians and supporting Carson's launch of a privately-funded satellite. Gilcrest's mission is complicated by his former girlfriend Tracy (Rachel McAdams), now married with two children, and his idealistic Air Force liaison, Captain Allison Ng (Emma Stone), whose wide-eyed fascination with space reminds him of his own childhood sense of wonder.

Gilcrest and Ng travel to meet King Kanahele at his isolated community to negotiate a deal for his participation in the gate blessing ceremony. Along the way, Ng tries to engage Gilcrest in conversation about his life and work but is unable to break through his cynicism. When they meet the king, Ng, who is part Hawaiian, bonds with him and his companions, identifying with their spiritual view of the land and sky. After prolonged negotiations, Gilcrest brokers a deal for the king's participation in exchange for two mountains[clarification needed] and free cell phone service. The next night, Gilcrest and Ng have dinner at Tracy's house, where they meet her husband Woody (John Krasinski) and their two children, Grace and Mitchell. At one point, Gilcrest and Tracy find themselves alone in the kitchen, where she admits that she loved him and had plans to make a life with him before he abandoned her thirteen years ago.

The next evening, they attend Carson's Christmas party, where the commander of Pacific Air Forces General Dixon (Alec Baldwin) tells Gilcrest not to screw up their deal with the Hawaiians. One of the general's men hands Gilcrest a thumb drive containing top secret information for the upcoming satellite launch. During the party, Gilcrest becomes attracted to Ng, who is having fun dancing with Carson. Afterwards, Ng joins Gilcrest in his room while he recounts his experiences in Kabul, where he almost died. He tells her that this was the first night he was truly happy to be living, and the two have sex. The next day, Ng discovers that Carson's satellite will actually carry a nuclear payload. When she tries to resign, her colonel tells her it is a private operation run by Carson and that Gilcrest is aware of the details. Later she confronts Gilcrest in tears for lying to her and the Hawaiians.

Meanwhile, Woody and Tracy confront each other about recent tensions in their marriage, which he believes were caused by Gilcrest's arrival. They agree to separate. The next morning, Tracy shows up at Gilcrest's hotel and reveals that Grace is his daughter. Later that day, after the successful blessing of the new pedestrian gate, Gilcrest learns that the Chinese are attempting to hack the satellite's code to prevent the impending launch. He rushes to the command center and undermines the hackers' efforts. As he watches the satellite enter geosynchronous orbit, he realizes what he's done and its impact on Ng, whom he has come to love. Quickly, he orders a massive sonic upload to be sent to space, and he and Ng hold hands as they watch the satellite explode. Believing Ng's continued association with him will ruin her promising career, he tells her they should not see each other again.

Carson is not pleased with the destruction of his satellite and confronts Gilcrest, who tells him he cannot "buy the sky". General Dixon is also incensed by Gilcrest's actions, threatening to prosecute him.

Gilcrest returns to Tracy's house, where she reads him a moving love letter from Woody. Gilcrest tells her she belongs with her husband and she encourages him to go after Ng. Woody comes home and sees Gilcrest in his house. Woody tells Gilcrest he knows Gilcrest is Grace's father. He asks Gilcrest if he slept with Tracy while he was gone. Gilcrest tells Woody he slept with Ng and not with his wife. Woody goes into the living room where Tracy is cleaning up. She sees Woody and they both run into each other's arms, then are joined by Grace and Mitchell. Gilcrest leaves the house while the happy family reunion continues.

General Dixon soon learns that Gilcrest was telling the truth about the nuclear weapons payload and praises him for what he's done, revealing that authorities will soon be taking Carson into custody. Outside the hotel, Gilcrest finds Ng, who is preparing to leave. He tells her he loves her, is staying in Hawaii and will be waiting for her to return. Later that night, Gilcrest stands outside Grace's hula class and watches her dance. She notices him, he nods at her and she suddenly realizes he is her father. With tears of joy in her eyes, she runs outside and embraces him then returns to her class to continue her hula dancing.

بەڵێندەرێکی سەربازیی پاش ئەوەی دەگەڕێتەوە بۆ هاوای، بەر ڕابردووی سۆزدارانەی خۆی دەکەوێتەوە.

فیلمی | ئالۆها - ٢٠١٥
ڕۆمانس، کۆمەدی
کامیرۆن کرۆ - ٦.٥/١٠ - ٧٤٧
