Three thugs enter a Chinese wayang theater, looking for a marked man. The proprietors slip into a hidden opium den and warn a man named "Noodles", but he pays no attention. In a flashback, Noodles observes police removing three disfigured corpses from a street. Although he kills one of the thugs pursuing him, Noodles learns they have murdered Eve, his girlfriend, and that his money has been stolen, so he leaves the city.

David "Noodles" Aaronson struggles as a street kid in a neighborhood on Manhattan's Lower East Side in 1918. He and his friends Patrick "Patsy" Goldberg, Philip "Cockeye" Stein and Dominic commit petty crimes under the supervision of local boss, Bugsy. Planning to rob a drunk as a truck hides them from a police officer, they're foiled by Maximillian "Max" Bercovicz, who jumps off the truck to rob the man himself. Noodles confronts Max, but a crooked police officer steals the watch that they are fighting over. Later, Max blackmails the police officer, who is having sex with Peggy, a young girl and Noodles' neighbor. Max, Noodles, Patsy, Dominic and Cockeye start their own gang, independent of Bugsy, who had previously enjoyed the police officer's protection.

The boys stash half their money in a suitcase, which they hide in a locker at the railway station, giving the key to "Fat" Moe Gelly, a reliable friend who is not part of the operation. Noodles is in love with Fat Moe's sister, Deborah, an aspiring dancer and actress. After the gang has some success, Bugsy ambushes the boys and shoots Dominic, who dies in Noodles' arms. In a rage, Noodles stabs Bugsy and severely injures a police officer. He is arrested and sentenced to prison.

Noodles is released from jail in 1930 and is reunited with his old gang, who are now major bootleggers during Prohibition. Noodles also reunites with Deborah, seeking to rekindle their relationship. During a robbery, the gang meet Carol, who later on becomes Max's girlfriend. The gang prospers from bootlegging, while also providing muscle for union boss Jimmy Conway O'Donnell.

Noodles tries to impress Deborah on an extravagant date, but then rapes her after she declines his marriage proposal, as she intends to pursue a career in Hollywood. Noodles goes to the train station looking for Deborah, but when she spots him from her train seat, she simply closes the blind.

The gang's financial success ends with the 1933 repeal of Prohibition. Max suggests joining the Teamsters' union, as muscle, but Noodles refuses. Max acquiesces and they go to Florida, with Carol and Eve, for a vacation. While there, Max suggests robbing the New York Federal Reserve Bank, but Noodles regards it as a suicide mission.

Carol, who also fears for Max's life, convinces Noodles to inform the police about a lesser offense, so the four friends will safely serve a brief ("probably one year") jail sentence. Minutes after calling the police, Max knocks Noodles unconscious during an argument. Regaining consciousness, Noodles finds out that Max, Patsy, and Cockeye have been killed by the police, and is consumed with guilt over making the phone call. Noodles retrieves the suitcase in which the gang had stored their money, now finding it empty. With his friends killed, and himself hunted, a despondent Noodles then boards the first bus leaving New York, going to Buffalo, to live under a false identity, Robert Williams.

In 1968, Noodles receives a letter informing him that the cemetery where his friends are buried is being redeveloped, asking him to make arrangements for their reburial. Realizing that someone has deduced his identity, Noodles returns to Manhattan, and stays with Fat Moe above his restaurant. While visiting the cemetery, Noodles finds a key to the railway locker once kept by the gang. Opening the locker, he finds a suitcase full of money but with a note stating that the cash is a down-payment on his next job.

Noodles hears about a corruption scandal and assassination attempt on U.S. Secretary of Commerce Christopher Bailey, an embattled political figure, mentioned in a news report.

Noodles visits Carol, who lives at a retirement home run by the Bailey Foundation. She tells him that Max planted the idea of Carol and Noodles tipping him off to the police, because he wanted to die rather than go insane like his father, who died in an asylum; Max opened fire on the police to ensure his own death.

While at the retirement home, Noodles sees a photo of Deborah at the institution's dedication. Noodles tracks down Deborah, still an actress. He questions her about Secretary Bailey, telling her about his invitation to a party at Bailey's mansion. Deborah claims not to know who Bailey is and begs Noodles to leave via the back exit, as Bailey's son is waiting for her at the main door. Ignoring Deborah's advice, Noodles sees Bailey's son David, who is named after Noodles and bears a strong resemblance to Max as a young man. Thus, Noodles realizes that Max is alive and living as Bailey.

Noodles meets with Max in his private study during the party. Max explains that corrupt police officers helped him fake his own death, so that he could steal the gang's money and make Deborah his mistress in order to begin a new life as Bailey, a man with connections to the Teamsters' union, connections that have now gone sour.

Now faced with ruin and the specter of a Teamster assassination, Max asks Noodles to kill him, having tracked him down and sent the invitation. Noodles, obstinately referring to him by his Secretary Bailey identity, refuses because, in his eyes, Max died with the gang. As Noodles leaves Max's estate, he hears a garbage truck start up and looks back to see Max standing at his driveway's gated entrance. As he begins to walk towards Noodles, the truck passes between them. Noodles sees the truck's auger grinding down rubbish, but Max is nowhere to be seen.

The end returns to the opening scene in 1933, with Noodles entering the opium den after his friends' deaths, taking the drug and broadly grinning.

In Revolution-torn 1913 Mexico, Juan Miranda, a Mexican outlaw leading a bandit family, robs a coach of wealthy men and rapes a female passenger who insulted him. Passing by on a motorcycle is John H. Mallory, an early Irish Republican explosives expert, who is working in Mexico as a silver prospector. Discovering his skill with dynamite and nitroglycerin, Juan asks John to help him rob the Mesa Verde National Bank. After John initially refuses, Juan frames him for the murder of his employer and several soldiers, making him a wanted criminal and offering to "protect" him in exchange for his help. John reluctantly agrees to help Juan rob the bank, but escapes on the way to Mesa Verde.

Arriving in the city before Juan, John makes contact with Mexican revolutionaries led by physician Dr. Villega and agrees to use his explosives in their service. When Juan arrives, John inducts him into the revolutionaries' ranks. The bank is hit as part of an orchestrated attack on the Mexican army. Juan, interested only in the bank's money, is shocked to find that it has no funds and is instead being used by the army as a political prison. John, Juan and his family end up freeing hundreds of prisoners, inadvertently (and against his wishes) causing Juan to become a "great, grand, glorious hero of the revolution."

The revolutionaries are chased into the hills by an army detachment led by Colonel Günther Reza. John and Juan volunteer to stay behind with two machine guns and dynamite. Much of the Mexican army's detachment is destroyed while crossing a bridge, which is blown up by John. Colonel Reza, who commands an armored car, survives. After the battle, John and Juan find most of their comrades, including Juan's father and children, have been killed by the army in a cave which served as the rebels hideout. Grief-stricken and enraged, Juan goes out to fight the army single-handed and is captured. John sneaks into camp, where he witnesses executions of many of his fellow revolutionaries by firing squad. They had been informed on by Dr. Villega, who has been tortured by Colonel Reza and his men. This evokes in John memories of a similar betrayal by Nolan, his best friend in Ireland. After Nolan identified John, John killed two British soldiers and then killed Nolan, making him a fugitive and forcing him to flee Ireland. Juan faces a firing squad of his own, but John arrives and blows up the wall with dynamite just in time. They escape on John's motorcycle.

John and Juan hide in the animal coach of a train. It stops to pick up the tyrannical Governor Don Jaime, who is fleeing (with a small fortune) from the revolutionary forces belonging to Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata. As the train is ambushed, John, as a test of Juan's loyalty, lets him choose between shooting the Governor and accepting a bribe from him. Juan kills Jaime, also stealing the Governor's spoils. As the doors to the coach open, Juan is greeted by a large crowd and once again is unexpectedly hailed as a great hero of the revolution. The money is taken away by revolutionary General Santerna.

On a train with commanders of the revolution, John and Juan are joined by Dr. Villega, who has escaped. John alone knows of Villega's betrayal. They learn that Pancho Villa's forces will be delayed by 24 hours and that an army train carrying 1,000 soldiers and heavy weapons, led by Colonel Reza, will be arriving in a few hours that evening, which will surely overpower the rebel position. John suggests they rig a locomotive with dynamite and send it head on. He requires one other man, but instead of picking Juan, who volunteers, he chooses Dr. Villega. It becomes clear to Villega that John knows of the betrayal, but John says he used to judge people but he doesn't anymore. John pleads with him to jump off the locomotive before it hits the army's train, but Villega feels guilty and stays on board. John jumps in time and the two trains collide and explode, killing Villega and a number of Mexican soldiers.

The revolutionaries' ambush is successful, but as John approaches to meet Juan, he is shot in the back by Colonel Reza. An enraged Juan guns down the Colonel with a machine gun. As John lies dying, he continues to have memories of Nolan, and of a young woman they both apparently loved. Juan kneels by his side to ask about Dr. Villega. John keeps the doctor's secret and tells Juan that he died a hero of the revolution. As Juan goes to seek help, the fatally wounded John, knowing his end is near, sets off a second charge he secretly laid in case the battle went bad. Horrified by his friend's sudden death, Juan stares at John's burning remains, before turning to the camera and asking forlornly, "What about me?".
The film portrays two conflicts that take place around Flagstone, a fictional town in the American Old West: a land battle related to the construction of a railroad, and a mission of vengeance against a cold-blooded killer. A struggle exists for Sweetwater, a piece of land in the desert outside Flagstone which contains the region's only other water source. The land was bought by Brett McBain (Frank Wolff), who foresaw that the railroad would have to pass through that area, to provide water for the steam locomotives. When crippled railroad tycoon Morton (Gabriele Ferzetti) learns of this, he sends his hired gun Frank (Henry Fonda) to intimidate McBain to move off the land, but Frank instead kills McBain and his three children, planting evidence to frame the bandit Cheyenne (Jason Robards). Meanwhile, former prostitute Jill (Claudia Cardinale) arrives at Flagstone from New Orleans, revealing that she is McBain's new wife and therefore the owner of the land.

The film opens with a mysterious harmonica-playing gunman (Charles Bronson), whom Cheyenne later dubs "Harmonica", shooting three men sent by Frank to kill him. In a roadhouse on the way to Sweetwater, where he also encounters Mrs. McBain, Harmonica informs Cheyenne that the three gunfighters appeared to be posing as Cheyenne's men. Cheyenne arrives at Sweetwater soon after and both men seem attracted to Mrs. McBain. Harmonica explains that, according to the contract of sale, she will lose Sweetwater unless the station is built by the time the track's construction crews reach that point, so Cheyenne puts his men to work building it.

Frank turns against Morton, who wants to make a deal with Mrs. McBain, and immobilizes him under guard on his private train out in the desert. Instead, Mrs. McBain allows Frank to seduce her, seemingly to save her life, and is then forced to sell her property in an auction where Frank's men intimidate the other bidders. Harmonica disrupts Frank's plan to keep the price down when he arrives, holding Cheyenne at gunpoint, and makes a much higher bid with the reward money for the wanted Cheyenne. But as Cheyenne is placed on a train bound for the Yuma prison, two members of his gang purchase one-way tickets for the train, intending to help him escape.

Morton now pays Frank's men to turn against him. However, Harmonica helps Frank kill them by directing his attention to their whereabouts from the room where Mrs. McBain is taking a bath – to her outrage. On Frank's return to Morton's train, he finds that Morton and his remaining men have been killed in a battle with Cheyenne's gang. Frank then goes to Sweetwater to confront Harmonica. On two occasions, Frank has asked him who he is, but both times Harmonica only answered with names of men "who were alive before they knew you". This time, Harmonica says he will reveal who he is "only at the point of dying".

As the two prepare for a gun duel, Harmonica's motive is revealed in a flashback. A younger Frank forces a boy to support his older brother on his shoulders, while his brother's neck is in a noose strung from an arch. As the boy struggles to hold his brother's weight, Frank stuffs a harmonica into the panting boy's mouth. The older brother curses Frank, and the boy (who will grow up to be Harmonica) collapses to the ground. Back in the present, Harmonica draws first and shoots Frank. He then stuffs his harmonica into the dying Frank's mouth as a reminder.

At the house again, Harmonica and Cheyenne say goodbye to Mrs. McBain, who is supervising the construction of the railway station as the track-laying crews reach Sweetwater. As the two men ride off, Cheyenne falls, admitting that he was mortally wounded by Morton during the fight with Frank's gang. While Harmonica rides away with Cheyenne's dead body, the work train arrives and Mrs. McBain carries water to the rail workers.

Amy, an 11-year-old girl, joins a group of dancers named "the cuties" at school, and rapidly grows aware of her burgeoning femininity - upsetting her mother and her values in the process.

خێزانێکی سەنیگالیی پاش ئەوەی لە وڵاتی فەڕەنسا ژیان دەکەن، کچە منداڵەکەیان بەر کولتوری ڕۆژئاوایی و مۆدێرن دەکەوێت. لێرەوە جیاواز لە نۆرمی کولتور و ئاین، کچە منداڵەکەیان ڕێچکەیەکی جیاواز دەگرێتە بەر.
چیرۆکی ئەم خێزانە سەنیگالییە، شایەنی ئەوەیە مرۆڤی تێگەیشتوو بیبینێت. واقیعی ئەو کچە منداڵەی کە باسی لێوە دەکرێت، واقیعی کچانی منداڵی هەموو جیهانن. ئەوەی لێرەدا دەردەکەوێ، واقیعە: واقیعێکی توند. دەکرا فیلمەکە باشتر مامەڵە لەگەڵ ئەم پرسە هەستیارەدا بکات و منداڵەکان نەخاتە نێو کۆمەڵێک دیمەنی ورووژێنەرەوە، بەڵام ئەمە وا ناکات بڵێین ئەوەی ڕوودەدات واقیعی ژیانی کچە منداڵەکان نییە. هەندێک لە دیمەنەکانی نێو ئەم فیلمە جێی ڕەخنە لێگرتنن، چونکە پرۆسەی بەرهەمهێنانی فیلم لەکۆتاییدا لەسەر دەستی کۆمەڵانێک لە مرۆڤی ئاگادار و وریا ئەنجام دەدرێت، هەندێک لەو دیمەنانە ڕێخۆشکەر دەبن بۆ زیادبوونی دەستدرێژیی و بەسێکشواڵییکردنی جووڵەی کچە منداڵەکان.
فیلمی | جوانکیلەکان – ٢٠٢٠
مایمۆنا دۆوکورێ – ٦/١٠ - ٧٦٣

A high school senior, Alex, has an encounter one night with mysterious lights,and it leaves her with dangerous, supernatural abilities but no recollection of who she is or how she got the powers. She then comes across her friend Sean, who offers to take her into his home until she is better. However, when a mysterious organization with questionable motives tracks her down, the two are forced to run away, embarking on an adventure to unearth the truth of what actually transpired that one night.

In 2005, a planet designated "Planet G" is discovered to be a potentially habitable planet with conditions similar to Earth and a communications array is built by NASA in Hawaii a year later, designed to send transmissions to the planet to establish contact with any intelligent life. Meanwhile, Alex Hopper is arrested while attempting to impress Sam Shane, the daughter of Admiral Terrance Shane. His brother, Commander Stone Hopper, forces Alex to join the U.S. Navy in order to improve his life.

In 2012, Alex and Sam are in a relationship; Alex serves as a Tactical Actions Officer as a lieutenant aboard USS John Paul Jones while Stone is the commanding officer of USS Sampson, but Alex is in danger of receiving a disciplinary discharge. During the 2012 RIMPAC exercise, five alien spacecraft arrive. Their communications ship is damaged upon colliding with a satellite and crashes in Hong Kong causing many deaths while the other four plunge into the waters off Hawaii. Sampson, John Paul Jones, and Japanese destroyer JDS Myōkō are ordered by Admiral Shane to investigate, and they discover a floating structure. When Alex touches it, it generates a force field that encloses the Hawaiian Islands, isolating them and the three destroyers from the rest of the world, while jamming all radar and communications in it. Three alien warships surface and in a resultant engagement, the Myōkō is destroyed, the Sampson is lost with all hands including Stone, and the command crew of John Paul Jones are killed, with Alex, the next senior officer, assuming command. The fight is ended when John Paul Jones disengages to recover the survivors from Myōkō including its commanding officer, Captain Yugi Nagata, whom Alex began a rivalry with after he inadvertently kicked Alex in the face during a soccer match earlier. The aliens launch drones designed to cause heavy damage to attack Hawaii.

On Oahu, Sam is accompanying retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and double amputee Mick Canales on a mountain hike. After becoming aware of the aliens' presence, they encounter scientist Cal Zapata who informs them the aliens have taken over the communications array, and Mick determines they are planning to use it to re-establish military communications with their home planet. Aboard John Paul Jones, naval personnel capture a semi-conscious alien, which forms a telepathic link with Alex, showing him their history of destroying worlds. Other aliens arrive and retrieve their comrade, but Alex leads a team to prevent one who stayed behind from sabotaging the ship. He lures the alien into the sights of the destroyer’s 5-inch gun, which obliterates the alien. Examination of the captured alien's helmet reveals the aliens are sensitive to sunlight. Ashore, Sam, Nick and Zapata recover his spectrum analyzer from the aliens and use it to radio John Paul Jones to inform them the aliens intend military telecommunication with their home planet in four hours.

As night falls Captain Nagata suggests a strategy of using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration tsunami warning buoys around Hawaii to track the alien warships without radar. This allows John Paul Jones to destroy two of them. They lure the remaining warship eastwards at dawn, as Alex and Nagata shoot out its bridge windows, blinding its crew and allowing John Paul Jones to destroy it before the drones sink the American ship.

The survivors return to Pearl Harbor and commandeer the previously decommissioned World War II battleship USS Missouri with the aid of the retired veterans preserving her, restoring her to battle readiness. Going to the communications array, they are confronted by the floating structure, revealed to be a giant mothership. Missouri is able to severely damage the mothership and disable the force field, and Admiral Shane immediately summons fighter jets from aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan. Meanwhile, Sam, Mick and Cal attempt to stall the aliens at the communications array. Alex chooses to use the Missouri's last shell to destroy the communications array, rendering the Missouri defenseless from drones launched by the foundering mothership. Just before impact, the drones are destroyed by Royal Australian Air Force Boeing F/A-18 fighter jets which then finish off the mothership, saving Missouri and eliminating the alien threat.

A ceremony is held to honor the military personnel, where Alex is promoted to lieutenant commander and presented with a Silver Star and his brother's posthumous Navy Cross. Admiral Shane promises Alex will soon have a ship of his own while he is also offered a chance to become a Navy SEAL. After the ceremony, Alex asks Sam's father Admiral Shane for her hand in marriage. The admiral refuses, but shortly thereafter invites Alex to lunch to discuss the matter.

In a post-credits scene, three teenagers and a handyman in Scotland discover a crashed alien pod. When they open it, an alien hand reaches out, and they run off in terror.

The film opens with a montage of trigger warnings that show brief scenes depicting topics including bullying, blood, abuse, classism, death, drinking, drug use, sexual content, toxic masculinity, homophobia, transphobia, guns, nationalism, racism, kidnapping, murder, attempted murder, the male gaze, sexism, swearing, torture, violence, gore, weapons, and fragile male egos.

In a town called Salem, Lily Colson is a high school senior who regularly hangs out with her three best friends, including Bex Warren and sisters Em and Sarah Lacey. The girls go to a party where Bex hooks up with her crush Diamond, while Lily hangs with her boyfriend Mark while simultaneously texting someone named "Daddy" behind his back. After sex, Diamond tells Bex to keep their hookup a secret, as Bex is transgender.

During the party, Marty, a casual hacker, receives a message from an unknown hacker about Mayor Bartlett, a known anti-gay candidate. He reveals pictures of Bartlett engaging with male escorts and dressing up in women's clothing, which Marty forwards to the entire town. During the press conference in which he's supposed to address the facts, Bartlett instead kills himself with a revolver in front of the crowd. Principal Turrell, Lily's kindhearted and heart-warming school principal, is the next to be hacked, with pictures of his 6-year-old daughter in the bath making people view him as a pedophile. During the meeting with angry parents, he refuses to resign because he knows he will set things right for all his students in his school, even when their secrets are gravely at stake.

As the police question Marty about the hacks, a massive data dump of half the people in Salem is posted. Lily's classmate Grace discovers that her best friend Reagan has sent nude pictures of her to her boyfriends, and bashes in Reagan's skull with a baseball bat during her cheerleading practice, causing the other cheerleaders to run away. "Daddy" is revealed to be Em and Sarah's neighbor Nick Mathers, who Lily used to babysit for. Lily's lewd pictures and videos that she sent to Nick are made public when his information is leaked. As a result, she is exposed and humiliated by Mark, and then disowned by her family. As she walks down her street, shunned, homeless, and miserable, she is harassed by a man in a truck who films and harasses her, before chasing her with a knife. She manages to incapacitate him with a shovel and make a hasty retreat to Em and Sarah's house.

One week later, most of the town have donned masks and taken up arms to get revenge on those they think have wronged them. A masked Nick and other men capture Marty, who they torture into admitting that the source of the hacks came from Lily's IP address. Before executing Marty, they upload a video of his forced confession. The masked assailants track Lily to Em and Sarah's house, where all four girls are staying, break in, and kidnap Em and Sarah. Their mother, Nance, intervenes, trying to keep the marauders at bay, but she is shot and killed. Em and Sarah are put into the back of a police car. Bex successfully kills one of the attackers with a nail gun and escapes, while Lily hides in Nick's house. Nick at first pretends to help her but then reveals a knife in his hand, intending to execute her for exposing the town of their secrets, but not before revealing that her friends will share the same fate with her and Marty.

Lily fights Nick off and slits his throat with a makeshift weapon. Downstairs she discovers a large cache of weapons, which she uses to ambush and shoot the police officer holding Em and Sarah hostage and free her friends. Meanwhile, after escaping the Lacey residence, Bex attempts to look for help only to be ignored by the residents of the town. She is kidnapped by Diamond's friend Johnny, who tries to force Diamond to publicly hang her in retribution for Diamond's humiliation, but Bex successfully convinces him to spare her. Johnny attempts to kill Bex himself, but Lily, Em, and Sarah arrive, rescuing Bex and executing her assailants. Johnny finally surrenders and Diamond joins the girls soon after. In an effort to clear her name, Lily makes a video urging other women and men in Salem to stand up and fight back against their tormentors, and a great battle commences.

After the final battle, the film cuts to Donny, Lily's younger brother, revealed as the criminal mastermind behind the hacks. He now faces a life sentence for cyberterrorism, murder, and invasion of privacy. When asked why he did it by his parents, Donny shrugs and says that it was "for the lulz." The credits roll over the Salem High marching band the next morning, performing Miley Cyrus' "We Can't Stop" while walking down a street surrounded by dead bodies and destroyed vehicles.

In 2009, in the midst of the real estate housing crisis, divorced realtor Cassie Fowler resides in Harding, Arizona with her 14 year-old daughter Morgan.

Cassie is ridiculed one morning by Gary, her aggressive boss. While Cassie is on the phone with a debt collector regarding the potential foreclosure of her own home, a client named Sonny enters the office, enraged at Gary because the house he was sold is losing value. The argument turns physical and culminates with Gary pushed over a ledge to his death. Sonny then notices Cassie, tries to convince her not to call the authorities, then knocks her unconscious and takes her to his house.

Sonny tells her he will let her go if she promises not to tell. When Sonny decides Cassie is lying, he ties her up just as his ex-wife Vikki enters the house. An argument ensues between Sonny and Vikki, ending with Sonny striking her in the head with a golf club.

Sonny has both women tied up. After a verbal argument where Vikki highlights how much of a loser he is, Sonny bashes Vikki in the face with a granite block, killing her. Cassie tries to calm him, but when he gets suspicious that she is lying to him over simple facts, he decides to torment her by kidnapping Morgan.

Sonny arrives at Cassie's house and tells Morgan that Cassie has been in a car accident. Suspicious, Morgan attempts to make a phone call, and Sonny forces his way in. Able to hide in the house, Morgan calls 911, but Sonny has picked up on another line and tricks her into believing he is the operator and revealing her location in the house.

Cassie has untied herself and runs to the guard shack at the entrance to the housing development. The guard is reluctant to provide assistance but lends her his cell phone. Cassie calls Scott, her ex-husband, to come and help her save Morgan. She tells him the name of the housing development, but hangs up to talk with Sheriff Coburn, who has arrived. Cassie takes him back to the house and Coburn forces his way in. Coburn is sprayed in the face with pepper spray and fatally shoots the unseen attacker, revealed to be an elderly woman and the wrong house. Sonny arrives and shoots Coburn dead. He takes Cassie at gunpoint, revealing he watched them drive by and that he lives only a few houses over. Sonny forces Cassie and Morgan to bury Vikki, but Cassie is able to hit him with a shovel, allowing time to escape.

They find the keys to the elderly woman's vehicle. As they drive towards the gate, Sonny appears in the guard's uniform, his fourth kill of the day. Sonny shoots out the vehicle's tire, causing them to crash. Cassie and Morgan flee to the first house they find with lights on, but it is an abandoned house being used to grow marijuana.

Scott and his girlfriend Kelsey arrive at the guard shack and Sonny convinces them that he is the security guard. Sonny leads them through the neighborhood and tells Scott to shout for Cassie and Morgan. Still in the house, they hear Scott and Cassie runs out. Seeing Sonny, she shouts at Scott to run over the guard, but Sonny shoots Scott dead. Kelsey manages to back the car away, but crashes into and knocks down a light pole that knocks out the electricity to the marijuana house and ignites a brush fire. While trying to get a gun from the trunk to kill Sonny, the fire reaches the car and she is killed in the ensuing explosion.

Sonny chases Cassie and Morgan back into the blacked out house. Sonny finds them and – just as he's about to shoot Cassie – Morgan shines a flashlight in his face, allowing Cassie to stab him with a pair of gardening shears. Sonny pursues them and catches Cassie at the door of the unfinished basement. After a short struggle, Cassie pushes him in, and Sonny dies from the fall. Cassie and Morgan walk out of the development, shown burning as the various fires spread.

A middle-aged Indonesian man, whose brother was brutally murdered in the 1965 purge of communists, confronts the men who carried out the killings. Out of concern for his safety, the man is not fully identified in the film and is credited only as "anonymous," as are many of the film's crew positions. Some shots consist of the man watching (what seems to be) extra footage from The Act of Killing, which includes video of the men who killed his brother. He visits some of the killers and their collaborators—including his uncle—under the pretense of an eye exam. Although none of the killers expresses any remorse, the daughter of one of them is clearly shaken when she hears, apparently for the first time, the details of the killings.

لە وڵاتی ئەندەنوسیا، (ئادی) کە سەر بە خێزانێکی قوربانییە و براکەی لەسەر دەستی چەتە و چەکدارە ڕاسپێردراوەکانی حوکومەت لە کۆندا کوژراوە، دێتە دەنگ و میانڕەوانە و بۆ وتووێژ ڕووبەڕووی بکوژەکانی براکەی دەبێتەوە.
هاوشێوەی دۆکیۆمێنتارییەکەی پێشوو، سەرنج دەخرێتە سەر کردەی ئەو کوشتنانەی لە ساڵانی ١٩٦٥ لە وڵاتی ئەندەنوسیا ژمارەیەکی زۆری بەناو "کۆمیونیست"ەکانی گرتەوە.
فیلمی | ڕووی بێدەنگیی – ٢٠١٤
جۆشوا ئۆپنهایمە – ٨/١٠ - ٧٥٨

The film focuses on the perpetrators of the Indonesian killings of 1965–66 in the present day. The genocide led to the killing of almost a million people, ostensibly for belonging to the local communist community. When Suharto overthrew Sukarno, the President of Indonesia, following the failed coup of the 30 September Movement in 1965, the gangsters Anwar Congo and Adi Zulkadry in Medan (North Sumatra) were promoted from selling black market movie theatre tickets to leading the most powerful death squad in North Sumatra. They also extorted money from the ethnic Chinese as the price for keeping their lives. Anwar is said to have personally killed 1,000 people.

Today, Anwar is revered by the right wing of a paramilitary organization, Pemuda Pancasila, that grew out of the death squads. The organization is so powerful that its leaders include government ministers who are openly involved in corruption, election rigging and clearing people from their land for developers.

Invited by Oppenheimer, Anwar recounts his experiences killing for the cameras, and makes scenes depicting their memories and feelings about the killings. The scenes are produced in the style of their favorite films: gangster, Western, and musical. Various aspects of Anwar and his friends' filmmaking process are shown, but as they dig into Anwar's personal experiences, the reenacted scenes begin to take over the narrative. Oppenheimer has called the result "a documentary of the imagination".[13]

Some of Anwar's friends state that the killings were wrong, while others worry about the consequences of the story on their public image.

After Anwar plays a victim, he cannot continue. Oppenheimer, from behind the camera, states that it was worse for the victims because they knew they were going to be killed, whereas Anwar was only acting. Anwar then expresses doubts over whether or not he has sinned, tearfully saying he does not want to think about it. He revisits the rooftop where he claims many of his killings took place, and retches repeatedly while describing how he had killed people during the genocide. The dancers from the film's theatrical poster are seen before the credits begin to roll.

لە وڵاتی ئەندەنوسیا، بکوژەکان خاوەن دەسەڵاتن و خەڵکیی ڕێزیان لێدەگرن. لە ساڵی ١٩٦٥ حوکومەتی ئەندەنوسیا لەڕێگەی هێزی چەکداریی و سەربازییەوە ڕووخێندرا. هەرکەس دژی ئەم جووڵانەوە سەربازییە دیکتاتۆرییە بووەستایەتەوە، بە کۆمیونیست لەقەڵەم دەدرا: ئەندامانی کۆمەڵە، جوتیاران، خوێندەوارەکان و بە ڕەگەز چینییەکان.
لەماوەی کەمتر لە ساڵێک و بە هاوکاریی ڕاستەوخۆی حوکومەتە خۆرئاواییەکان، زیادتر لە یەک ملیۆن "کۆمیونیست" کوژران. دامەزراوە سەربازییەکان و چەتەکان لەلایەن دەسەڵاتی سەربازیی وڵاتەوە بەکارهێندران بۆ ئەنجامدانی کوشتنەکان. ئەم مرۆڤانە لەو سەردەمەوە تا ئێستە لە پێگەی بەرز و دەسەڵاتدا ماونەتەوە و بەرەنگاری بەرانبەرەکەیان بوونەتەوە.
ئەم دۆکیۆمێنتارییە باس لە ژیان و کردەوەی ئەو بکوژانە دەکات. کاتێک چاوپێکەوتنیان لەگەڵ دەکرێت، بە شانازییەوە چیرۆکی کردەی کوشتنەکانی خۆیان دەگێڕنەوە. بە مەبەستی تێگەیشتن لە هۆکاری ئەو شانازییە داوایان لێدەکرێت دووبارە نواندن بکەن بۆ کوشتنەکانیان بە هەر شێوازێک کە خۆیان دەیانەوێت. دۆکیۆمێنتارییەکە دیمەنی دووبارە نواندنەوەی کوشتنەکان دەکاتەوە و دەرئەنجامەکانیان تۆماردەکات.
فیلمی | نواندنی کوشتن – ٢٠١٢
جۆشوا ئۆپەنهایمە – ٧.٥/١٠ - ٧٥٧
