A new Awakening of the most beloved franchise...
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Review (Spoiler Version)
This Review contains Spoilers!
Star Wars is back and with the highest Global Debut EVER, it’s come with a bang…
All Said and Done, I had expected this movie to suck…
Good News : Its doesn’t suck, it’s one of those movies which manages to be a Re-Boot, a Sequel and a Remake all at the same time. How this is pulled off, I will discuss later.
Bad News: It’s a Remake of Episode 4 A New Hope and dear old George did it better in 1977. Don’t get me wrong, this movie as I mentioned before, isn’t bad at all… but did it have to rehash EVERY PLOT POINT from Episode 4? From the Death Star to the Old man going to save the kids and he dies moment, every moment in this film seems like a re-done version of the original Star Wars.
Does this mean you will hate it? Nope… The movie is solid, it works well for both fans of the franchise and new fans who have never seen any of the old films. That is truly difficult to pull off, and JJ does it WITHOUT resorting to a pocket universe like in Star Trek. Just like Trek this movie has a nearly relentless pace and it never stops at upping the ante. There are quite a few funny moments which are not overly done or forced, but get a good laugh from the audience.
Breakdown: (Spoiler- Warning)
Every new character in this film is amazing, I like Poe, Finn (FN2187), Rey & Maz… Everyone’s acting was above expectations and I cannot WAIT to see what they come up with next…
As for the old ones, Han Solo Played by Mr. Ford is simply a joy to watch. Ford manages to play the same character but older, not overly different and he still has his swagger.
Luke, despite having NO LINES looks like Luke, by that I mean, his hair, the look in his eyes, it’s not Old Mark Hamill, its Luke… 30 years later. But Carrie Fisher, she is a huge disappointment. She plays herself, only sober… she doesn’t manage to get the old Leia at all. Like how Mr Ford managed Han Solo (sadly for the last time – HEY YOU WERE WARNED) Carrie will play more Leia and she sucks at it, her princess swagger is gone, she hasn’t found her character at all. Luke managed with look what she couldn’t in the entire time she was there.
But enough about the old, the new cast is, as I said… Amazing. Finn is goofy and suave at the same time, Poe is immediately likable and Rey is so much stronger than she looks. Not just physically but mentally as well.
The Villains: Kylo Ren is pretty good as Han’s lost son and Darth Vader’s Grandson. He play his role well. Supreme leader snoak is all CGI and cannot comment on him till we see more. General Hux is a lil Hitler look/act alike and he does a good job of being evil.
The movie itself: the action scenes are amaze-balls… The falcon is back and is just as important and just as temperamental as any of the lead characters. It swoops, swerves and free falls in some of the BEST aerial maneuvers ever put on film. It’s not lazy, it’s not clichéd, it does everything the star ship enterprise couldn’t do… and JJ seems to have a lot of fun with it…
The light saber fights are extremely well done, they are more along the lines of the Original Trilogy aka Episode 4-5-6 than the Episode1-2-3. The sabers seem heavy and damaging, the fights ring out loud with clacks and crackles of light sabers coming in contact.
So, the acting is good, the action is amazing, the plot is rehashed and the music is passable.
This make it an 8.5/10 movie. Solid, good entertainment. Not so innovative for old fans, good entry point for new fans.
Snoak is Palpatine, damaged and old.
Rey is related to Luke or directly his daughter who he abandoned when he left on a quest. Fearing she will turn out like Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) she was left on Jakku.
Poe is force sensitive.
The old man seen in the first scene played by Max Von sydow will be in some Star Wars anthology film, mostly Rogue One.
Captain Phasma is not dead and will return for Episode 8 (this might have been confirmed. Not sure)
Rohon Nag buzzed about Spotlight
Investigative films are one of my favorite genres and these movies a few and far in between. All the kings men, Frost/Nixon, JFK are some of the notable ones… Now We can also add Spotlight in that list.

This movie chronicles the story of how the Spotlight team at the Boston Globe discovered a massive cover-up in the church and exposed it…

Despite how sensational this movie could have been made, they decided to keep it realistic and VERY un-dramatic and fact based. That is what makes this movie brilliant.

Direction: Masterfully directed, it’s a bit slow at times, but packs all the narrative punches that is required.

Cinematography: A bit lacking and it makes the film bit dreary and mundane. They needed the cinematic punch packed in ‘Mr. Robot’ for this kind of a film, but it’s not bad... Just plain.

Acting: Amazing performances by all the lead cast and the cast is truly star studded. Micheal Keaton does another amazing job at his role, understated and grave he is said to be so accurate in his re-enactment of this character that the real person it was based on, said it was eerie seeing a mirror image of himself… Apparently the REAL reporters spent a lot of time on the sets to make it authentic and it shows… You believe these are reporters and not movie stars acting the part out. Mark ruffullo is good as usual…

Music: Nothing overdone, get the work done. Nothing more is expected or needed.

Rating : 9/10

A must watch for people who like investigative thrillers