Uninspired Snooze Fest
This movie sucks. That's the first and last thing about this film.
It isn't as bad as last week's Kya Kool Hain Hum 3. It made me laugh a grand total of 3 times. All 3 times happened within the first 25 minutes of the film.

The Rest of the movie is a series of uninspired scenes with really old and over done jokes.
Though Vir Das was much better than Aftab. But what can he do if the comedy is so insipid and uninspired.

Now coming to the reason most people will see this film.
Sunny Leone. She still hasn't learnt much acting but atleast shes easy on the eyes. As if to counter that, the producers decided to grace us with a fat ugly arse hole who plays another cliched so called gay character. His ugliness and really bad acting reverses all the benefits of having Miss Leone.

While I didn't hate myself for seeing this film like last weeks film.
This too a much avoid film.

Rating : 3/10
3 Good jokes. 1 hot actress. Total Waste of a Film.

P.S : Miss Leone looks great in a Sari and Glasses. Who Knew!

Unfortunate Film Review... With the Greatest Reluctance.
We all knew this will be bad…
But how far down the drain can this franchise go ?
The first two parts were stupid but enjoyable none the less, this film (if it can be called that) is sheer torture. This will surely make its way to IMDB’s Bottom 100.
This is the worst movie of the year, if not the decade. (despite it being just 2016).

Pity this movie will make money and some idiots will even enjoy it. All film is subjective, but any one getting any kind of enjoyment out of this film is an moron.
Unfortunately the country is filled with such people and such movies are going to come more often than not…

Rating 0/10 . (Minus 100 out of 10 if possible)
Worst Movie till date… Until Mastizade comes out next week !

P.S : The poster itself is so fucking demeaning... I am just putting the logo...

P.P.S : As predicted this movie is certified hit on day 1. SAD state of affairs.

Edit : The first film in the series which I recently re-watched, while being a copy of "Mostro, Il"(1994), is atleast sincere in its efforts and the characters are likable and relatable. the jokes are funny and none of the characters seem unreal. So 11 years ago, they made a crass yet funny and at times smart comedy, now they have regressed backwards and made this pile of crap.
Plus this movie made me miss Riteish Deshmukh. I statement I never thought I will make.

Rahul Sharma
"Worst Movie till date… Until Mastizade comes out next week !" well said
Moody Snowy and Poetic
The Revenant is a fictional and fantasy retelling of the real life adventures, trials and tribulations of Hugh Glass.
First off, this is an amazing movie. The decision to shoot in natural light and in the frozen parts of Canada and Argentina totally paid off. The scenery and the scenes are beautiful and I would go so far as to say, seen in the right mind set, this film is life changing.
But this film is also not without its flaws, the story and plot take a back seat to the visuals, we get a movie which is the best thing to look at, since EVER, but its plot, pacing, dialogs everything just goes to hell and stays there.
So, is this a bad movie? Not by any means, not even close. The movie is slow, but if you are not expecting a wild action adventure, it manages to hold on to the viewers’ attention rather well.
Direction : I am not a fan of the same director’s Birdman, but this movie is his true masterpiece. There are many long takes which are unbelievable and some scenes which I have no idea how they pulled off. Many scenes are SO natural, it seems almost impossible that this is a film and they didn’t shoot the real events taking place.
Acting : Leo should get the Oscar this year. This is his career best performance. I didn’t see Leo in one single scene, he played the character so well, it felt real. At one point I found myself thinking of the snow and ice how unpolluted it must be in 1823, before snapping back to reality that its filmed in 2015. That’s how real Leo’s performance was.
Now many are saying Tom Hardy outperformed Leo, I didn’t see this happening, both did an amazing job, but no one outshines the other.
Every other actor, Gleeson or Will Poulter or anyone else are good in their roles and fit into the film rather well.
Music : Subtle and laid back, the music is done well without any particular tune or piece of music sticking to your head, the music is treated as an ambient sound in the nature.
Cinematography : The whole and soul of this film, the visuals are what make this movie. That’s the movie’s gimmick, the one thing that makes up for the lack of story, plot and dialogs. Every scene is like a painting, some scenes again, seem impossible to have been captured on camera. If for no other reason, this movie is worth watching for the visuals alone.
Summary : This movie is BASED on real incidents, but the story in the film is actually way more TAME than what happened in real life. It’s also full of mistakes and inconsistencies, Leo’s leg is shown broken, but he is never shown setting it, it fixes itself! he is shown leaving the water canteen at his grave site, but yet he has it the next day. As good as the direction is, this is abject failure of a film maker! The REAL incident happen in the prairies and grass lands, but for visual poetry they shot it in mountains and snow.
Rating: Due to its numerous flaws, the movie should be a seven, BUT due its amazing visuals and sense of visual poetry, I give this movie an 9/10.
A must see, but with low expectations of plot.
Rather Kill YOURSELF than see this!
What the heck was this ? Does Yash Raj call this a movie ?

This film has NO CLIMAX, NO STORY, NO Third act !

The film starts out well, it has to killers, raised by bhaiya ji. They kill, one falls for a girl, he tries to mend his way. OK so far. Then they drag it out till the movie ends suddenly. The two boys never get to take revenge or face Bhaiya Ji. Maybe Govinda left the shoot. God knows what happened, but this movie is Dumb and lacks any ending or punch.

This is one of the worst movies ever made by Yash Raj. This includes crap like Gunday!

Crashes on Takeoff ! Unfulfilled Promise of a Good Film
There are some movies with good script, good dialog, great story and a lot of potential and promise. This could have been that movie, it did have very intriguing premise and a compelling story. But other than that, nothing in the film lives up to its promise.
The entire film falls flat on its face and doesn’t revive post interval.

Direction : Total and abject failure of direction. This is just badly directed.
1. The boys playing Iraqi soldiers don’t have the body language or the attitude to pull their role off. They don’t have the menace that is seen in soldiers in ARGO or Syrania or even closer to home Baby.

Acting :
2. The actors all suffer from lack of direction and this film has a lot of good, well known actors.
3. Everything is left to akshay kumar and he shoulders his burden as much as possible.

4. The background score is non existent.
5. the Songs in between spoil the mood totally.

Story :
6.The movie is called airlift and the portion about this operation lasts 30 seconds. That’s it! Its an missed opportunity to highlight the efforts of government officials and the bravery of the pilot, they are shown in few scenes and always as... reluctant & lazy or even rude.
7. Entire unneeded sections of the movie waste time, which could have seen our government’s civil servants taking the action, air crafts preparing, fueling, pilots in briefing, the cockpit chatter. All of this is not present in a movie called airlift.

Summary :
Anyday, this is better than Kya Kool Hai Hum 3 and Mastizaade. ANYDAY !
Kudos to Mr. Kumar for being in such a film. I am just disappointed at how good this should have been, rather it is a mediocre soulless film with a great premise.
I would recommend watching this on TV or DVD or Netflix (torrent)
Rating : 5.5/10
kritarth sharma
Though going for the movie tomorrow but your review match my expectations after watching the trailer. The trailer is fast forward version of the whole movie, so execution is the only thing left to creators for which I don't trust them.
Rohon Nag
Well, the trailer showed only the good parts of the film, kudos to the trailer makers... but the film is very weakly executed!
Slow Burn Thriller with Crackling Dialogs!
Tarantino has been one of my favourite film makers of this past decade, from Reservoir Dogs till Hateful Eight I have never missed any of his films.
This movie has a troubled past with it almost being cancelled, but thankfully it did not.
Presented in a 70mm Roadhouse manner, this movie is a who dun it tarantino style.
So is it worth it?
For fans of tarantino and suspense thrillers, this is a great movie, the dialog as usual is riveting, the suspense is killer, but somehow the movie feels a bit loose. It’s not tight and gripping, relaxing for long moments and killing the built up tension.
This is not a bad movie by any stretch of the imagination, but this is not tarantino’s best one or even better than his previous 2 films. Not that it matters, as a film it is enjoyable and mysterious enough. But one GLARING plot hole caught my attention during the reveal and I haven’t been able to let of it since.
In the start of the film, Ruth mentions they are going to red rock, but due to the blizzard, they will have to stop before then at a rest stop. Later in the film, we see the villains set up shop at this rest stop before them. HOW DID they know Ruth and his prisoner would stop there? if there was no blizzard, he won’t even have stopped. How did they predict the weather and Ruth’s sudden decision to stop at this rest stop, which is what propels the rest of the film ahead.
coming away from that, the action is gruesome, the dialog is sharp and the acting…
Sam Jackson does a career best performance and everyone on the screen is amazing. Tarantino’s films are famous for their performances and dialog and music and on all three counts the movie doesn’t disappoint.
Rating : 8/10
Soul Less Dinosaur in the New Espionage age
I used to love Bond films… Back in the Days of Pierce Brosnan, bond was back and exciting again… I saw every one of those films and LOVED them… but things changed and Bond was rebooted.
Fine, no problem… Casino Royale was still good, but then they went hay wire, the sequels were not bond or Bourne enough… Quantum of solace sucked, I hated SkyFall (with its home alone rip-off ending) and this movie is even worse.
First of all, this movie and skyfall seem to like ripping off The Dark Knight. Skyfall had the villain gets captured by design plot (also seen in Avengers) this one has, female lead stuck to a building with bomb cliché. N
Next, the plot is similar to the Bond Parody Goldmember… Yes that’s right in 2002 Austin Powers made this same film and they did it better! Every cliché shown in that film is still being repeated in Bond films in 2015.
So Am I nit-picking a lot? Overly critical, maybe I am not the audience for this film. But then who is? I love spy espionage, counter intelligence films, Mission Impossible 4 and 5 were amazing, Kingsmen was marvellous, even Man from UNCLE was more charming than this…
This film is all kinds of dumb, one shot from bond and somehow an entire building in Mexico exploded. What happened? Was there a bomb? No explanation. A car chase scene between Bond and Hinx goes on for god-damn long time when nothing happens, they just drive around, bond can’t even lose his pursuer in ROME! It’s one of those cities with a lot of by lanes!
Where is bond getting all his money from? He is no longer employed at Mi-6.
Bond is being tortured and the moment there is an explosion in the room, his restrains snap free… WHY?
Bond shoots one gauge and suddenly the entire complex blows up sky high. This movie makes Last Action Hero’s clichés looks realistic. Last but not the least, bond is on a train eating/drinking when Hinks the henchman attacks him, was he patiently waiting till then? How did he find them? The train left hours ago, where was he all this time?
Terrible direction, god awful action scenes. Mr Craig looks bored as hell with the proceedings. The picture budget shot up to 300 to 350 Million and all we got was cliché ridden, plot less crap.
Rating : 5.5/10 . Close to being the WORST bond film till date, probably on par or worse than On her majesty’s secret service.
Rohon Nag
that is true... casino royale as I mentioned, I liked it, but it was all downhill since then... my joy of seeing bond films is now gone... I look forward to more tom cruise mission impossible films now, he is the better bond!
Piyush Arya
Agreed! Tom Cruise is living up-to expectations in each of his movies.