A Good One!!
Gerald's game is a film co-written and directed by Mike Flanagan. The trailer of the film excited me a lot since its a film from a director who has given us some great horror films and also its off a Stephen King book. Stephen King has influenced many of the contemporary filmmakers today.In the end, I was much satisfied with the final product.

Plot: Jessie and Gerald go to a secluded home to spice up their romance.

Story and direction: Many people have termed this film as a horror one. But I don;t see it in that way. I see this film as more of a psychological drama one. Unless, you have a ghost in the film it isn't a horror one for me, at least. Minutes into the film, I was engrossed. The dog the appears on the road terrified me a lot. Then the scenes where Jessie gets paranoid and starts talking to her dead husband and herself got me hooked to. The possibilities of her getting out and just surviving are talked about in these conversations. I was always feeling the tension for Jess. Then we get to Jess' childhood and the kind of abuse she had during that phase. Another thing to mention is about the continuity. It never felt that there were some 2-3 takes. The whole film felt like it was shot in a single take. This credit is for the editing (Flanagan too was the editor). I was touched by those parts. Then during the final phase of the film, I was engrossed. But some things just happen at the ending which was just awkward. I felt like "Really". That was the biggest flaw of this film I would say. It started out on a very high note but the end was not so satisfactory.

Performances: Carla Gugino was great as Jess. I was feeling for her in each of the tensed moments on the screen. Bruce Greenwood was also good as Gerald. The different shades of his character were pulled off effortlessly by him. The rest of the supporting cast was good too.

Favorite Scene: It would be that scene where Jess' father convinces Jess not to tell a single sole of the abuse. The fear, sadness, tension, etc.. can be seen in Jess' eyes. And then we get a dialogue from the present Jess that he could face her with the lies, but not the truth. That dialogue was just the icing on the cake. We also got to learn more about Jess in this scene.

Verdict: Given the budget of the film, I would say I was impressed. Although a few hiccups in the final scenes, but yes it's a decent watch. Mike Flanagan has again proved that he is one of the finest directors out there.

I am going with an 8/10.
ar for the Planet of the Apes is a film directed by Matt Reeves. I loved the first 2 films of this series. And was looking forward to this film for quite some time. Finally when I saw the film, I can definitely say I'm Spechless. This film is definitely one of the best 2017 has to offer.

Plot: Caesar and his ape family face the wrath of a ruthless Colonel.

Story and direction: The film is basically an arc. It started with Caeser as a small child, then the Caesar who grew up for the torture his community suffered and finally to fight back. This film is a masterpiece in itself. And not only in terms of production quality, but the story is so pure. It touches upon things that I was quite shocked to see. The very first scene of this film, sets the tone of the film to be very dark. But then we see that Caesar doesn't just want out to go on killing humans, he just want them to back off his ape community. Then we see his visions of Koba as to what he did to him. Blue Eyes' mate Lake was also a very significant character. I did resonate with her in the scene where she sees Blue Eyes after a long time. But certain events then happen, that force Caesar to do things that are quite dark. And then a dialogue, "You are no less than Koba" by Maurice was so thought provoking. Then we have Nova, the girl who initially was scared of the apes but finally decides to be with them in their cause, because she saw the apes for how good they were. And finally Bad Ape. I guess that was a great addition to this franchise. His fear and his humor (which was subtle) were all very justified. The way he says he gets his name was good. Michael Giacchino's music is to look out for. The VFX is top notch. It never felt like the VFX was fake. It felt so natural. The sets too very magnificent and natural to the setting of the story.

Performances: Andy Serkis should take a bow from me. What a performance and what a genius he is. I couldn't imagine Caesar without this person. Woody Harrelson was also great as Colonel. He has his moments too. Amiah Miller was also great as Nova. Steve Zahn was just right for Bad Ape. Toby Kebbell was also good as the cold ape Koba (for the little screen time he received). A special mention to Terry Notary for Maurice. The way he supports Caesar is commendable.

Favorite Scene: The scene where Caesar regrets not recognizing the hate Koba had for humans. Then Maurice says a very nice dialogue that one cannot know what feels inside. This dialogue has just made a seat in my minds. And it basically says about our society in general.

Verdict: This is one of those films where I can say that the third part is the best. I couldn't take out a flaw in this film. I was spellbound as the credits were rolling. This film series will have a special place in my life.

I am going to give this film a wholeheartedly deserving 10/10.
For Thala Fans Strictly
Vivegam is a film written and directed by Siva. I saw this film basically for one reason: Ajith Kumar. I am a big fan of his. And that's what this film is about. It celebrates Ajith in every way possible.

Plot: Aryan Singha and his teammates decide to track down AK who is presumed dead for the Counter Terrorist Squad.

Story and direction: One word to describe this film, is "Pot-boiler". These are basically films that basically have no kind of story but just are made to mint money and cash on the star's success. Ajith has completed 25 years in films. The makers basically wanted to cash that. Now basically coming to what is good. The locations I guess are great. I can go on talking about that in this film. The chemistry between Ajith and Vivek was good. But they could have built on that much more. Now with the faults of this film. The VFX are terrible. If you can't do good VFX, just don't put it. The action was half good. There is a car chase that was well filmed. But some of the hand to hand combat were terrible. You could just feel wires being hanged around the people performing those stunts. The camera work was also OK. finally, Ajith's body show. I don't think that was needed. I was disappointed by that.

Music: Anirudh has given some great songs in the past. Here in this film, I basically don't think any song will be good to my years. Any time a song came I just felt to reduce the volume.

Performances: Ajith Kumar just nails it every time he is on screen. I don't just know how he does it. Vivek Oberoi was impressive as well. Kajal Aggarwal was OK. Akshara Hassan just looked like a cry baby for the amount of screen time that she got.

Favorite Scene: The scene where Yazhini tells AK she worries of him coming alive considering the type of work he does. This scene strung a chord in me. I could basically feel what the family feels when one of your members is in a dangerous profession.

Verdict: This film is for those who love pot-boilers and Ajith.

I am going with a 6.5/10.
Sumit Gupta
You can watch on Amazon Prime