Wake Up Sid Review

Kriti Rampal
  • 2.5/5

Wake Up Sid is a light-hearted movie which is only good for a one time watch.

The movie's main protagonist Siddharth Mehra, played by Ranbir Kapoor is portrayed as the cliched spoilt, rich, brat who is selfish and a party-goer. The movie enters a twist when Sid leaves his rich fathers house in rage and then is faced by the struggles of life. And, like all Indian cliched movies the hero rises up and his new improved character building is shown in the film as he learns the meaning of life from Aisha, an aspiring writer from Kolkata, who he later falls in love with.

The movie can be classed into the ultimate cliche category with a happy ending, with a kiss in the rain. The slow paced movie is easily predictable.

The movie is a time pass and is basically only for teenagers or college kids as it filled with chick flick movements and no brainer- off-beatness.

Anurag Pandey
I am Totally disagreed...