Versailles Review

Devayu Rastogi
  • 2.5/5
Good enough..

The show very enigamtically captures the French empire in all its glory during its prime. The extravagant sets and costumes make the show a must watch for all.

King Louie dreams of building a castle that is so beautiful that even the gods would envy him. All this while he is surrounded by enemies and allies who make this dificult for the French empire to fund such a humungous project. Also the constant affairs of the King make the show spicy and raunchy. Constantly he is battling his own conscience and keeping his desires aside when it comes down to his kingdom. The show very beautifully captures the political turmoil, adultery and wars.

Though Daniel Glagden has acted wonderfully, the writers could'nt make the show as gripping as it should or could have been. At times, many episodes do not have much to offer until the end. The lengthy build-up often bores the audience but is somehow bearable.

P.S. The show also explores the evolution of French etiquettes and fashion #exquisite #ancient #breathTaking #glamorous #slow #intense
