Toy Story 3 Review

Pratik Singh
  • 4.5/5

Beginning part was a bit boring but when you almost get to near the end of the movies, I swear I actually started sobbing. No movie has ever made me sob besides this one. This is the movie guaranteed to make you cry, and I'm not the kind of person to cry during movies, but this one did! It's a must see movie,watch it by yourself, watch it with your family, watch it with your dog,watch it with your neighbor!!! You just need to see it!This is a must see movie! But first watch the first two movies before you watch Toy Story 3 because you'll pretty much be very very VERY disappointed if you don't know the plot of the first and second movies. And then you'll feel like you're finally up to date with everyone who's already watched them and when you tell them you haven't they look at you like you're crazy lol.
