Torchwood Review

Annie Kudalkar
  • 2.5/5
Should watch if you are a fan of Doctor who
[contains spoilers]

It is quite interesting if you watch it with an open mind. And If aliens, hot men and a bit of gore is your thing then you should be watching this. John Barrowman acts as Capt. Jack Harkness, the leader of the secret organization called torchwood, who with his team deal with the extraterrestrials while trying to keep themselves hidden from the whole world. It is a spin-off from the long-running show Doctor Who . Russer T. Davies the producer and the screen writer of the show tried to keep the connection between Torchwood and Doctor Who but never showed the doctor in the show. The first two seasons may get a little slow depending on the kind of person you are but the other two seasons definitely balances it out in the end.

Contains mature content.

Annie kudalkar
Russel T. Davies*