Vinay Mhaske
  • 4/5
May I kill him?

Fincher returns to his dark roots with this film long after Seven. In this movie Fincher really played to his strengths. Up up its looks about a murder Mystery but it's not just about that it's about the Chemistry Rooney Mara's character Lisbeth and Daniel Craig's Character Mikael and how their odd strange relationship helps both of them as people. It's no Fincher's best but it is an excellent Detective Thriller with terrific editing and its score. Fincher is famous for his title sequences and this movies sequences sets the theme and the ton perfectly. it is slow burn but completely fast paced with full satisfaction. As compared to its Swedish counterpart this a technical masterpiece as Fincher is known for. The way it is shot is Mesmerizingly creepy each camera motion had its purpose.
