Ankika Biswas
  • 4.5/5

It is shocking and breathtaking as you live the life of Lewis Caroll through his journey to sobriety. The beauty and ferociousness of drug addiction can be understood through this, unravelling your inner emotions.

Time can be an excruciating process and to let yourself heal becomes an unbearable melody to the years.

DiCaprio is flawless and brilliantly portrays Caroll, in simple words, he does justice to the the character.

The song tracks are momentarily striking and portray exactly what the scene tries to convey. "Catholic boy", "down by the water" are some of the tracks you'd want to listen to carefully while watching the film. The soundtracks are merely intended for you to have a better grasp of the presence.

The editing is precise and completely focuses on a journey to sobriety. Every scene is well thought and gives you a sense of connectivity, a shelter for relevance.

The movie can sometimes make you cringe as DiCaprio was more than beautiful at his job. And after you witness each character's development, bonding with the characters become inevtibale. The Basketball diaries is an exceptional portrayal of justice to the relationship between the conveyers and the viewers.
