Spotlight Review

Maria Ray
  • 3.5/5

Spotlight is about a team of specialist journalists who investigated a claim about pedophilia and

molestation against one priest, which quickly unravels to become a scandal on a national and a global level, and which involves many more priests than anyone could have possibly imagined

In an overall thought: Wow. It's such a thought-provoking movie, which reflects the struggle that people who have been abused endures in the fight to make known the sad truth. The acting was strong, particularly from Rachel McAdams (Sacha Pfeiffer) and from Mark Ruffalo (Michael Rezendes).

In particular- One thing that stood out for me was how realistic the movie appeared to be in that, it was almost like the viewer was being told that the story was on hold, and we could feel the emotions. Thanks to the amazing acting from every cast member.

I highly recommend watching this amazing film. It's a different type of film and, if you are like me, you'll contemplate not watching it after reading the description but after watching it, you'll be glad you did.
