Rise Review

  • 4/5

Shrey(Vikrant Massey) is excited about his new dream bike but life takes a U-turn for him when he is asked to leave from his job on the same day. With all the loans on his back, he starts drifting towards depression when his father reminds him of his dream, the road trip. So Shrey decides to go on a soul-searching road trip, but he is joined by the most unlikely pillion ever- his friend’s 55-year-old relative.

Massey has done a brilliant justice to the character through his acting skills. Atul Sriwastava is endearing as the nosy, annoying uncle who’s full of insights. Their growing camaraderie is the highlight of the series. The writing is beautiful, specifically the lines and dialogues. The monologues of the final episode will strike a chord and are the biggest takeaway from the show; they’ll make you stop and think. The aesthetics are just gorgeous and the lush locales of Mumbai, Kolkata, and Gangtok push you to pack your bags and head for a bike trip.

Before the lengthy conversations, come lengthier narrative voice overs which imparts philosophies on life, dreams, and all of those lovely things.

For those who are looking for a good-looking web series that doesn’t have too many characters or plot twists and is easy on the eye, then Rise could be your weekend watch or if you’re in the mood to hear some really deep lines on self-realization, love, life and everything in between.

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