Vishnu Ch
  • 3.5/5
For Daniel Day Lewis.

Biopics are always tricky. One might be criticized for not having historical accuracy, while the opposite might do the same. Thank God the filmmakers had the guts to do this one just right.

My Left Foot is the celluloid version of the life of Christy Brown, a painter and writer born with cerebral palsy. The film starts with his birth and chronicles his experiences throughout his life, culminating on a happy note with his marriage(More on this later).

Daniel Day-Lewis stars as the crippled genius in a performance for ages. This method actor reportedly refused to break character thought the filming. He was carried around by the crew in a wheelchair and fed directly to his mouth, to familiarize himself with the embarrassments and hardships of the cerebral palsy ridden. He nails the character in every aspect, especially in speech. The way he says "All I've had my entire life was platonic love!" is enough to break the toughest hearts. This movie marks his beginning to establish himself as the best living actor on this planet. Brenda Fricker manages to hold her ground in a standout supporting performance among others including Fiona Shaw, who will go on to be hated by Potterheads around the world for being the irritating Petunia Dursley.

The filmmakers were criticised for leaving out the real-life tragic end of Christy. After his marriage to Mary Carr, he was reportedly abused and neglected all the time. He dies choking on his food years later, which is said to be a product of her negligence. I support the filmmakers who made the creative decision of leaving out this tragedy as it would mean the audience would walk out the doors depressed, which is not good for any movie. Quoting Aaron Sorkin, "What is the big deal about accuracy purely for accuracy's sake, and can we not have the true be the enemy of the good?"

Even if the film fails to strike a chord with some, Daniel Day-Lewis is sure to leave an impact on your hearts and minds. He alone is worth the money and time you give, if not more.
