Man's World Review

Disha Sen
  • 2.5/5
What an irony!

Okay. I get what you are trying to do. Women empowerment and all. The men need to enter our shoes to know what it's really like. I get it. But I don't agree with the method applied here. This young man, living in a patriarchial household, wakes up only to find that the tables have been turned. So from then, he faces all the objections and criticisms and hurdles that usually bother a woman. His father is cooking and getting critised on his work, his mother is sizing up a potential suitor for his sister, he is being questioned on returning home late at night and so on.

The idea is understandable. To make a man go through all the womanly troubles. But why does he have to stop being a man?! Why does his father have to act creepingly feminine and why does a girl have to be all macho and offer the guy her jacket on a cold night? It gives the Ki and Ka effect where the man goes through everything a woman has to go through, by behaving like a woman himself. Why? Why complete features of a gender need to change for one side to understand the other? Why can't they try to emphasise the same cause by showing the men doing all the "womanly chores " while being a man! By that I mean not change his features and mannerisms.

While trying to attempt to emphasise gender equality, it enforces the roles that society has confined for women. Like being demure, always needing a man to offer his jacket, always worrying about your daughter's marital skills and being extremely emotional.

Instead of making more men realise the importance of gender equality, this show will make them see more clearly what women are supposed to be doing and exactly why theu can't be in the women's role. Because its not how they talk, or how they walk or how they behave. To understand the value of women, you dont have to magically turn into a woman. You can do by by being who you are. Because you cannot become a woman, and hence, as per the show, you can never understand her.

Women empowerment will remain a dream if our men don't change, not their genders, but their mentalities.
