Shalaj Gupta
  • 4.5/5
As Deceptive as it Gets

“The Underwoods have no children or they do: Their Legacy”

Frank Underwood is a Democratic Congressman from South Carolina who actively supported and worked for President Garret Walker’s successful campaign and was promised a seat on the table as Secretary of State. When President Walker did not keep his end of the bargain, Frank secretly conspires to replace him as the President of the United States. Supported by his wife, Claire, who runs a successful NGO, and Doug Stamper ,his chief of staff, the Underwoods begin their way all to the top with the goal of leaving an everlasting Legacy.

House of Cards is one of the most addictive and twisting TV Series with some strong performances by Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright as Frank and Claire Underwood. The twists and turns in the ride with Frank Underwood is quite unexpected and unprecedented. The Story telling is very good and binding to say the least. It also brings into light the constant pressure and manipulations and dirty secrets used to get the job done. It also shows the situation handling and efforts of World Peace by the United States leadership. House of Cards is the story of the son of a small peach farmer from Gaffney being ruthless and trying to fight off the resistance to reach his top goal or maybe not. That’s House of Cards in a nutshell. You never know when you are being manipulated like in season 3 Frank goes to Gaffney to pay respect to his father. Everyone thinks he is paying respect but in a constant narrative Frank tells how much he hated his father and ends with pissing on his grave. So ya all respect thing was just for the show. The same time narrative by Frank himself explaining his thinking and plans add to the beauty of the show. House of Cards is a must watch strongly recommended with 5 seasons (6th season to come out in 2018) and is one of the best shows on TV.
