Ankur Pandey
  • 5/5

There is a misconception among many that House of card is Netflix's version of Game's of Throne . well both are classic in their own sense and you'll enjoy your time watching it and Frac Underwood at time's would be sharing his wistom with you too at times, This series Revolves around Franc Underwood a self made men with a humble beginning he is a man who achieves what he wants by his mean he is ambitious . the first episode of season 1 starts with Frack getting ditched by the prsident who promised to make him the secretary of state but at the last movement backed off stating reason they need him down there and later he spoils the way for the the one who was to be the secretary of state , franc is someone with whom you're an ally you have nothing to worry about and if you are on the receiving end ,then nothing can help you out he will make your life miserable that's for sure
