• A couple, who were in a long distance relationship for 3 years, face the prospect of getting married.
      Permanent Roommates season 2 has 7 episodes. It is a romance, comedy web-series starring Sumeet Vyas , Nidhi Singh , Deepak Kumar Mishra and Shishir Sharma. It is created by Sameer Saxena. The release date is not decided yet and available to watch online on streaming platform TVFPlay and Prime Video.
  • List of Episodes (7)
    • 1. The Parents

      18 Mar '16
      While Tanya and Mikesh were busy planning their future, life gave them a surprise. And as if that surprise wasn't enough, Mikesh's parents planned to give them another one!
    • 2. The Man

      18 Mar '16
      The unplanned pregnancy leads the parents to coax Mikesh and Tanya into an immediate marriage. However, when things get further complicated, the night can be saved by only one saviour - 'The Man'.
    • 3. The Event

      24 Apr '16
      Tanya comes back from a business trip to find out that an unknown relative along with Mikesh has planned an extravagant wedding for them. As they try to opt out of the extravagant wedding, the parents create an even bigger problem for them.
    • 6. The Gift

      04 Jun '16
      Mikesh orders a special gift for his child when the families are preparing for the wedding. Meanwhile Tankesh meet two uninvited guests and accidentally learn the art of parenting.