• Air date: 12 Sep '05 10 episodes
      Klovn is a Danish sitcom, which first aired on the Danish TV channel TV2 Zulu. It focuses on the life of the main character Frank and Casper. The show builds its comedy around quiet everyday situations, social awkwardness, uncomfortable silences and general faux pas. Klovn shares many concepts with the American sitcom Curb Your Enthusiasm by Larry David, notably the main concept of a semi-retired comedian encountering humorous and embarrassing situations, along with his wife, friends and celebrity acquaintances. The show is also held in a pseudo-realistic style, where a first-time viewer might be in doubt of whether or not the show is staged. Even the score is similar. In spite of this, in its closing credits, the show is claimed to be an original idea by Casper Christensen and Frank Hvam. The sitcom consists of 60 episodes spread over 6 seasons, each episode lasting 25 minutes. The sixth season, which is said to be the last, aired between 23 February and 27 April 2009. On 16 December 2010...
  • List of Episodes (10)
    • 1. Casa Tua

      12 Sep '05
      Mia forces Frank to get his sperm count checked. Complications including a children's DVD, a porn movie and a furious Iben ensues. Casper finds a pregnancy test in the kitchen - disbanding the idea, that Frank could have placed it there, he moves on to find the guilty part...
    • 2. Bye Bye Bodil

      19 Sep '05
      Bodil has suffered major brain damage due to a giant olive. Though Frank has a hard time being around people with severe brain injuries, he helps Pivert transfering Bodil to a treatment facility. Casper explains that oral sex and being able to recite the alphabet has nothing to do with each other and declares that he once have had sex with a mentally retarded (sic!).
    • 3. Don Ø Affæren

      26 Sep '05
      Frank and Casper goes to pick up tickets for Speedway at "Parken". Don Ø (Flemming Østergaard) is baking cookies with his grand daughter. As Frank refuses to eat anything prepared by children, he refuses the offered cookie. Meanwhile, Frank pursues a female badminton-player, Nina.
    • 4. Thors Øje

      03 Oct '05
      Frank and Casper feel reduced to being beasts of burden for Mia and Iben. In an attempt to rectify the situation, Frank decides he needs a Harley - just like the one Casper has. However, before the acquisition is finalized, Frank needs to pass the test The Eye of Thor.
    • 5. Kgl. Hofnar

      10 Oct '05
      Tragic consequences at the restaurant "Spiseriet" follows Franks displacement of his treasured Mont Blanc pen. Mia receives a representative from the Royal Court and Frank gets into trouble with his razor, Mia's private parts and a barber's itch.
    • 6. It's a Jungle Down There

      17 Oct '05
      Iben and Mia are taking a masturbation class for women with Pernille Højmark. Casper and Frank give the impression that they support the idea but end up too close to the event. And finally, Carøe sends his porn magazine with hairy women to Frank, but it ends up at Miss Moss.
    • 7. Ambassadøren

      24 Oct '05
      Frank og Mia skal have ny sportsvogn, og har Tim Christensen nu noget med den at gøre? Lars Hjortshøj, der netop er udnævnt til H.C. Andersen-ambassadør, får problemer med sin Au-pair pige. Frank køber trusser, Iben får mundkurv på, og alting ender anderledes, end nogen havde drømt om.
    • 8. Carøes Barnedåb

      31 Oct '05
      Desværre får Franks penis en central plads ved Carøes barnedåb. Iben bærer barnet, Mia er forfærdet, og Carøes kone Susan vil ikke have noget at gøre med Franks dåbskage. Men under alle omstændigheder mener Frank, at navnet Niko vil give barnet problemer senere, og Mias sang får nu en helt anden betydning.
    • 9. Irma Pigen

      07 Nov '05
      Frank og Mia får besøg af Stig Rossen og hans smukke og udfordrende kæreste, Lotte, som lægger an på Frank. Frank er dog ikke helt så villig, da han og Mia planlægger barn, hvilket har betydet afholdenhed for Frank gennem længere tid. Pludselig får Frank dog ondt i ryggen, og må behandles – af Lotte, men under behandlingen får han udløsning, også ryger hele han og Mias planlægning på gulvet. Casper har også problemer. Han har lagt an på en Irma-pige, som han har bildt ind,
    • 10. Franks fede ferie

      14 Nov '05
      Casper, Frank, Iben og Mia are going on vacation. Due to a fight, the girls drives to the summer cottage alone. On the way, Frank and Casper picks up a couple of young hitchhiking girls. Being stung in the groin by a lion's mane jellyfish, Frank is unable to take advantage of Mia's ovulation.Det medfører vin i strandkanten, og at Frank ikke kan leve op til at gøre Mia gravid i denne omgang.