Watch trailer, discover by feelings, genre the movies stored on your computer. Beta
Select multiple file to analyze or use chrome browser to select folder.
May take a couple of
seconds for folders > 50 files. Max Limit 100 files per import.
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How it works? Glad you asked!!
1. After choosing movie folder, names of the files with video extension like avi, mp4,
flv,mpg, divx etc are read. Max 100 files. To increase limit
contact us.
2. Our algorithm finds out exact movie name from these files.
3. That's it!! You can watch trailer, discover via feeling, rate, add to watchlist & much
Its completely safe. Nothing gets installed on your computer. Only filenames
are sent to
server using industry standard encryption.
This website embed videos which are legally &
officially available by content providers. For other episodes, we provide direct
link to original creator platform.
MyMovieRack has following benefits for Web-Series lovers: