La Haine Review

  • 4.5/5

Wow! Just, wow! No seriously this film is great, I say that a lot but, this is thing is different. It is like nothing I've seen before, the films subject matter, plot, and characters are so well thought out, you could really tell this is a film that had a reason to be made. The performances in this are just amazing, the three main actors pull of the main characters so perfectly, the scenes where there just going back and forth arguing about whatever, are just so realistic, and believable, that goes to the writing, and again acting. The use of music in this was really really nice as well, there are some scenes where they just let the music play, and that sets or adds to the feel of the film, not to talk about that brilliant opening sequence! And also that just wonderful ending! I could go on on about this movie and I don't want this to sound overly pretentious, but yeh probably 9.8/10 or something, defiantly top 10,I love this movie.
