Bruce Lester

Bruce Lester

also known as Bruce Lister
Birthday: 06 Jun 1912
Day of death: 13 Jun 2008
Birth place: Johannesburg, South Africa

Bruce Lester appeared in films from the 1930s into the 1950s, mainly in supporting roles. He was born Bruce Lister in Johannesburg, South Africa and later resided in England. After studying at Brighton College, he began his career on the London Stage and made his big screen debut in 1934. Lester's co-stars included Ronald Colman, Boris Karloff, James Cagney, Ray Milland and Joan Crawford. His film credits include, "To Be a Lady" (1934), "The Third Clue" (1934), "Boy Meets Girl" (1938), "The Witness Vanishes" (1939), "British Intelligence" (1940), "Pride and Prejudice" (1940), "The Letter" (1940, "Above Suspicion" (1943), "Golden Earrings" (1947), "The Fool and the Princess" (1948) and "Tarzan and the Trappers" (1958).

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