Claire de la Rüe du Can

Claire de la Rüe du Can


After a scientific baccalaureate, Claire de La Rüe du Can trained at the Regional Conservatory of Tours in drama class while pursuing her degree in Art History at the François Rabelais University. In 2011, she played the title role in Tania, a short film by Giovanni Sportiello, which won the quality prize from the National Center for Cinema and Animated Image and earned her the prize for female interpretation at the Nice Festival. The same year, she joined the School of the National Theater of Strasbourg where she worked with, among others, Alexandre Gavras, David Lescot, Claudio Tolcachir, Frank Vercruyssen of the Flemish collective tg STAN and Éric Vigner. Resident of the Comédie-Française since October 1, 2013, she made her debut there in the role of Ægiale in Psyché by Molière directed by Véronique Vella. In 2014, she played Ismene in Racine's Phèdre directed by Michael Marmarinos. At the same time, she interpreted Angélique in Le Malade imaginaire de Molière by Claude Stratz as well as another Angélique by Molière, that of George Dandin directed by Hervé Pierre. In 2015, she played Amelia in La Maison de Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca under the direction of Lilo Baur and Viviane in Un fil à la patte by Feydeau directed by Jérôme Deschamps. Françoise Gillard asks her to take part in L'Autre, a choreographic show she is designing with Claire Richard.

Claire de la Rüe du Can Known For: