Jesse Hutch

Jesse Hutch

also known as Jesse Hutchakowski
Birthday: 01 Jan 1981
Birth place: Alberta - Canada

Sharing the same Birth place as Marvel Character Wolverine, Jesse James Hutch was born in Alberta Canada. At the age of ten he watched his first film, the animated movie "The Hobbit", and was instantly hooked on the art of story telling. Through out high school Jesse was known as "Hardcore" Hutch, because of his outdoor adrenaline hobbies which included: white water rafting, white water kayaking, free climbing and mountain biking. Often times these hobbies were recorded on video and turned into short movies. At one point in Hutch's High School History class he Acted and played out a hostage take over scenario for a presentation. The teacher was apprehended, smoke grenades went off, paintball guns were used and the fire alarm went off. His marks for presentation were high, minus a few points because of the fire department being called. A collector of Movie Posters, some would say Hutch was an "Actor" even as a young boy, It was in 2001 that the title of "Thespian" became a professional one. His first official audition, which he booked, was for Dark Angel(FOX) in which he played the role of a Mutant, his second audition for Wolf Lake(CBS), which he also booked, had to be passed on due to a filming conflict with Dark Angel.

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