Noah Hutton

Noah Hutton

Birthday: 29 Apr 1987
Birth place: Los Angeles, California, USA

Emanuel Noah Hutton was born to actors Timothy Hutton and Debra Winger. Hutton got his start as a director with Crude Independence (2009). The film was an official selection of the 2009 SXSW Film Festival and won Best Documentary Feature at the 2009 Oxford Film Festival. In 2010 and 2011, Hutton filmed Year 1 and Year 2 of his ten-year film-in-the-making that will track the progress of the The Blue Brain Project, an attempt led by neuroscientist Henry Markram to simulate an entire human brain, cell by cell, on IBM supercomputers. Hutton has directed commercials and music videos through his NYC-based production company Couple 3, including videos for The Indecent (Warner Brothers) and the The Bad Plus (Universal/E1). Hutton is a graduate of Wesleyan University, where he studied art history and neuroscience.

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