Top Five Strongest Female Characters Of The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)

By Mohammed Hidhayat | 8.1k |

5.GAMORA "A green Asari"

Gamora is simply the Asarian equivalent in a cinematic world closely resembling the video game episodes of Mass Effect. Space invaders, mining planets, energy resources, bounty hunters, numberless variety of species - Guardians of the Galaxy is a love letter by James Gunn in memory of his favorite comic book but it's also a cosmic universe littered with several interesting comical interactions. Gamora is the story of tough upbringing that makes her treacherous for every living piece of soul. Zoe Saldana has always played her gymnastic best in most of her movies from Columbiana through Star Trek, Avatar and GOTG. Gamora is an outright lethal weapon much like the armless Bucky Barnes who is feared on first sight. There's something about the green Guardian that feels clichéd- after having lived as an outcast and deadly persona, she attempts to take control of her life, set her own path of discretion and clean state. And there's another cliché of smooching introduced by Peter Quill. Gamora is no fun but the script is; what ensues is an independent display of natural instincts i.e. ass kicking every stranger she meets. She’s the deadliest woman in the MCU universe after all she is the adopted daughter of Thanos.

4. Pepper Potts " CEO. Enterprising. Responsible - Straight outta Management Studies"

Pepper Potts is the effervescent "You-can-do-It girl". When she's up and running, every one stays the hell out of it. She may look like someone on a juice fast, subscribed to lifestyle mags and always on the lookout for the best fashionable chaise longue out there but Gwyneth Paltrow's Pepper Potts had a strong reception as the edgy P.A turn future love interest to Iron Man, the mech stud. She played a genuine and table-turning plot device not for cinematic convenience or audience appeal. It was an authentic display of female leadership. As a lover, as a decision maker, as a responsible leader, as a show-runner and as an Extremis laden short- lived superpower, Pepper Potts is the amicable woman who destroyed her abuser, her business rival, her enemy and most of all - the man who threatened to kill her husband.

3. Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow "Ballerina. Tortured. Spy" - Super cool Soviet Assassin

Black Widow has no right to be ignored yet her character gets immensely ignored in the MCU scripts only to tempt and ease Hulk (include Iron Man) which kinda sounds like Female Domination. Yikes! She has no superpower, I get it but sensual prowess ain't everything. She's been there, she has a past, she has a secret like everybody else, she can kick ass, she's worthy enough to have a movie of her own, instead, Marvel decides to slut shame one of their best characters. Although the second iteration of The Avengers franchise touched upon concepts such as love between Hulk and majesty herself, the awful news of her infertility and pretty much very little to speak off - we owe Natasha a debt. But that doesn't mean Scarlet Johansson can be cast in 'Ghost In The Shell'. Props for her ability to foil master plans with her hyper intelligence, close quartered combat, stun guns, rope tricks, that time she co-lead with Captain America in The Winter Soldier and every time she saves the boys out there.

Ms. Marvel will have her own sole movie. But Scarlet Johansson as the free agent and her shrouded past will never be revealed. Maybe it's time to Kickstart a fan movie.

2. Wanda Maximoff Scarlet Witch of Nightcrawler

Introduced recently in AUO, she aces the list with her hypnosis and telekinesis powers. Adding to this mental manipulation, fear manipulation and she can make her foes go bonkers and on a self-destruction mode. With a deep history in the Marvel comics universe, more of her strengths will be revealed in coming films and we are already excited about it.

1. Peggy Carter "A Retro lass from the World War era and the earliest members of S.H.I.E.L.D"

I'm old school and I dig noir and Andy Warhol era pop culture. My choice of movie is L.A Confidential and my desired video game is L.A Noire and that pretty much explains my preferences. Peggy Carter is more than just a poster pin-up girl for army typist recruitment. She is the 40s pop queen of 'The Resistance' who fought alongside a super serum induced Captain America and fell in love with him. Infact Hayley Atwell's Peggy Carter is so lovable that she got herself a spin-off TV series. She is at first a strong willed woman that entirely ups the ante when it comes to showing off female characters. The MCU has wonderfully constructed Peggy's role and developed her to point of being cosplay-ed at a mainstream level. Hayley Atwell is so fine in her acting and skill embodiment that tackles every shortcoming of the character. Her quality to be tough, intelligent and partly funny makes her a cherishable presence on screen. Although she is not the core aspect of how story telling moves forward, Agent Carter is probably the best girl in the MCU. It's not just because she is an adorable pin-curled wartime Nicholas Spark fuelled romantic mantelpiece , it's because she is an effective brief establishment of a character that has been recycled over and over again in comics. #Look out for Jessica Jones