"Captain America: Civil War" is an amazing film, I think the Russo Brothers upped their game and showed that the 'Infinity War' films is in more than good hands, it's in great hands. The performances are top notch and all the heroes have their time to shine, some more than others. Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa/Black Panther and Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man make spectacular additions to the MCU and leave you excited ass hell and anticipating their solo films in 2017 and 2018. Chris Evans continues to grow into the role of Steve Rodgers and embodies everything it is to be Captain America and RDJ delves deeper into the role of Tony Stark/Iron Man than he ever has before, he as emotionally invested than he's ever been before. The Vision and Scarlet Witch have very good chemistry and have grown as characters. In a limited role Scott Lang/Ant-Man also shines, he's better than I ever though he would be on the big screen. Great story and superb action sequences, especially the much talked about airport battle which is the apex of action sequences seen in any CBM. Planning on seeing it again today, I think it's the best film in the MCU yet in terms of story, action, effects and overall fun.