Before anything, I would like to salute Sir Nolan to have the guts to return to the Batman franchise after TDK. He knew the expectations and tacked them head on, succeeding for the most part.

TDKR has clear signs that it's inspired from Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Rises. This is not the Bruce we saw in TDK. He is old, broken, hopeless, recluse who comes out when a danger akin The Joker ? appears in Gotham who would test not only his mental rigidity but also physicality.

Stepping into the shoes of the dearly missed mighty Heath Ledger, Tom Hardy gives his everything and is near-perfect. His commandeering frame, which must've been a pain to attain, compliments his dark voice perfectly. He had greater pressure than Heath had, and satisfied the expectations for most part. The Knights all sequence stands out, thanks to him.
Christian Bale gives his most matured turn of Batman in this last piece of one of the greatest trilogies. His starts off as an old, broken man and segues into the mean Batman perfectly, thanks to the acting chops on this man. Knightfall sequence belongs to him as much as it belongs to Hardy. That's when we realise Bane is a force to be reckoned with, and both the actors nail it to perfection. Michael Caine brings out a new shade of Alfred, and nails it. Morgan Freeman gets a larger role compared to TDK. The new revelations in the franchise are Anne Hathaway and Marilon Cotillard. Both act out their parts perfectly.

Sir Nolan doesn't play around with the screenplay as he usually does, but offers the tragic tale of a city and its hero straightforward. He managed to nail the desired task of superhero movies perfectly i.e. satisfying both comic and non-comic audience. The accomplished the gigantic task of improving the visuals of TDK. Being an eye candy is where TDKR outshines it's predecessor. But the story turns out to be a bit weak, with a lot of plotholes. Nevertheless, the actors and the visuals keep you occupied enough to make it an engaging watch.
Sir Nolan is known for defying expectations. Shocking everyone by not cashing in on the popularity of Batman Begins, he went ahead and made a relatively smaller movie about two magicians.

Like every Nolan movie, there's one emotion underlying all the drama. In the case of The Prestige, it's OBSESSION. One is obsessed with perfection(Borden), while the other one is obsessed with him(Angier). How it destroys everything they ever held dear forms the crux of the story.

In the ensemble, imo, Hugh Jackman walks away with the best honours. He got a meatier role.compared to Bale, and ups him constantly in most of the scenes. Bale once again shows is chameleon-like-transformation, transitioning from the angst filled Batman to a loving, aspiring (spoiler alert) dual. Scarlett Johansson isn't given much scope, so there's not much to talk about. Michael Caine is, well, Michael Caine. David Bowie deserves a special mention to bring into life the obscure genius Nikola Tesla.

David Julyan received a fair share of criticism for not upping his game to meet Nolan's perfectionism, and was the last collaboration between the two. I believe that was quite a harsh outburst. Though he could never come close to what Hans Zimmer would've done, it's not bad.

Like always expected from Sir Nolan, screenplay is the hero of the story. He structures the movie according to the story i.e. into three parts as shown in the beginning of the movie. The diary within a diary serves as a teaser for Nolan's later venture Inception, specifically a dream within a dream within a dream.

Overall, a must watch. And oh, do yourself a favour and take no spoilers. Spoilers are at their peak shape in Nolan's ventures, so stay away from them.
Immortal. Period.
The epitome of what a thriller should be.
A broken hero, a crazy villain, a seemingly unbreakable city. The Dark Knight is everything you expect from a movie. It's immortality is majored by two main factors:- Ledger and Nolan.
Heath Ledger's act, simply put, is one of the greatest performances of all time in live action cinema. He gave it all. He managed not only to stand out of the entire cast of Oscar nominated actors, but mark the beginning of the period where Superheroes weren't "kid's stuff". It deals with complex philosophical issues and infuses them into an adrenaline pumping story. Combine this with the genius of Sir Christopher Nolan, you get a riveting thriller that's sure to keep you at the edge of your seats. The only mistake it does is IT ENDS.
Christian Bale often is overshadowed by Ledger's towering performance, but manages to still be the best Bat out there. Michael Caine is, well, Michael Caine. Morgan freeman has a very short role, but manages to leave a mark as he always does. Special mention to the stunt doubles and action choreographers. (The truck flip is UNBELIEVABLE.)
If you haven't watched it yet, do yourself a favour. Go watch it.

Vishnu Ch reviewed Pitchers
Awesome if you're tired of melodrama.
One of the best shows India has produced.
The secret lies in its simplicity. There's no melodrama, no injected comedy, no thumping background scores. It's PURE NATURAL. Which is to imprint the feeling that this COULD be you, if you do the same things. That relatability works wonders. Apart from its impeccable cast, this natural flow of events is why this is a terrific watch.
P.S. It also has great jokes.