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Fairy Lights is an Indian drama web series by Dice Media. It's ending is as absurd as it's beginning. Athe time of review it has only two episodes. Everything is ambiguous from the beginning, the characters, their relationships with each other and the plot. Even though only two episodes two have been released, the story has no direction. The show has no humor or a thrilling storyline to keep your interest.
Colossal Disappointment
Girlsplaining is an Indian comedy series by girliyapa. The show features banter between three friends, two girls and a guy where the girls give him relationship advice. The series is nothing but a 4 episode advertisement for Durex. The show is very unoriginal and doesn't make it worth watching.For a comedy show, the humor is underwhelming. During all four episodes there wasn't a single instance when I smiled let alone laugh. Srishti Shrivastava lifts the season finale with her performance and that is it. Nothing else worth mentioning. Between the amazing content girliyapa has produced, this show is at the bottom of the barrel.
The Holiday is an Indian comedy-drama series by The Zoom Studios. The show revolves around a bride-to-be and her squad of three boys who go on her bachelorette party. While I'm reviewing the show, only one episode has been released, so I think we'll have to wait for the final verdict. The show starts off well, with the characters given proper introduction. All the actors are seasoned and look like it and the first episode only gives us a hint of what's next. The show has my interest thanks to the genre. Let's wait and watch.
A little more than zero
Zeroes is an Indian comedy series by The Screen Patti. It's a show about three people founding a startup and trying to make it successful. The show has only three episodes so basically it's a short roller coaster of situations. A lot of familiar faces from the TVF family show up and save the day. As a show with a story, it fails to make an impact. The only high points of the show are individual scenes which are hilarious and manage to keep your attention. Watch it at your own risk.
XXX: Uncensored is an Indian erotic drama series by ALT Balaji. It is a miniseries of 5 episodes which consists of people's fantasies. The show is exactly as bad as you think it is. Sex sells and this show is a prime example.Apart from explicit scenes and cheap comedy, the show has nothing. Even the explicit scenes are portrayed so badly you'll be like :/ Sure the series is famous for it's scenes but the audience deserves better, if you cast actors then do something with them, don't create a show for the heck of it.
Stay Clear of this
I Love Us is an Indian drama web series by Footlooze. It explores the lives of two women in a relationship and their love story. I wish I could describe it but since the show has no direction. I am at a loss for words. The direction is amateur, the screenplay, non-existent and the editing feels undone. The biggest deal-breaker are the dialogues which are so melodramatic that they make you cringe. The show is a prime example of what happens when not one of the departments of movie making work. I'm still thinking who approved this and why?
Completely Innovative
The Remix is an Indian reality show by Amazon Prime. In the show, contestants remix old and new popular bollywood songs and give it a new twist. The show is absolutely amazing and for today's generation next. The show is judged by Sunidhi Chauhan, Amit Trivedi and Nucleya. Along with the remixed track, the singers also give visually stunning performances which makes the show stand out. I started to watch the show to get a feel and ended up completing the whole season. Futuristic is the word. This show offers the viewers a break from the same old reality tv singing shows and steps up the level. Highly reccomended for music lovers.
Love on the Rocks is an Indian drama series by MensXP. The show is an anthology dealing with dating life in this millennium. The actors do their job well and are contributing factors to each episode's success. What the show has managed brilliantly is the dramatization of situations. The show has a wide range of themes ranging from comedy to borderline horror. The show really provokes you to think about various stages in a relationship and their value and the consequences. If you are in your teens and early 20s, this show is for you. The only letdown is the runtime, I felt the episodes should've been a little bit longer to invest more in story and characters.
Woman Up!
Sisterhood tales is an Indian comedy series by Blush. It is a series which celebrates womanhood. The show has three standalone episodes where the protagonist is helped by a fellow woman. The show is heartwarming and talks about the real struggle of women. This is one of those rare shows which gets feminism right. Relatable stories with relatable characters make the show an interesting watch.
A Smart Adaptation
The Office is an Indian comedy series by Hotstar. It is the Indian adaptation of the much acclaimed The Office US which in turn was adaptation of the UK version by BBC. To take a show as famous and loved the office and adapting it for Indian audience is not an easy task, but Hotstar does it. A complaint that fans might have is that Michael Scott cannot be replaced and the show should not be touched. I assure you as someone who has been a great fan of the US series, give the show a chance, watch it, it will grow on you. Even though the storyline is same, the characters are 100% Indian. You will not be disappointed