The battle between Genius, Will, and Destiny.
It is hard to try and not spoil a movie this great. This is a must watch movie for people who are both, stuck somewhere in life and doing well as it will provoke such thoughts and ideas that have been either buried for year or are being ignored.

This is a classic movie starring Matt Damon, Robin Williams and Ben and Casey Affleck, who was almost ignored despite his fine acting. Now the reason why you might find some elements of this movie transparent while they fly by are the story and the intensity with which the actors have performed it. This movie has one of the best improvised scenes of history where Robin Williams changes the protagonist's life. This work of art shall definitely inspire you to chase what you want to do with your life; where your true passion lies.

One last reason to watch this classic is that this was written by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon while Robin Williams won an Oscar award for best actor in a supporting role.
A movie holding such different colors that it still manages a beautiful tail-end.

Upon Subconscious Development
Bullying, kids love stories, child slavery, imaginary friends, magic and ghosts. This movie is not based on any of these topics and yet has kid-protagonist.
Autism was not a condition widely known or talkd about in India before this movie came out. THankfully, people started thinking about children with these conditions more seriously after this movie. A child not wanting to confrom to hollow rules of mind-curbing systems that govern us, is a child who is a future philosopher. such a child in truest to nature, to art and has a good hold of aesthetics and does not even know the meaning of this word. They are born with this gift that makes them ever-so sensitive, compassionate, loving, and deeply creative. People who are open-minded, sublime in thought and pure at heart are the ones that truly recognize such children. This is what the movie tries to convey.
We get a sense of new discovery and acceptance for all kinds of children and their wishes and needs. The plot moves fast and delicately, exposing every important detail for us to make us relate with this issue even if we have not experienced it.
To love this movie is to change your life.

The advent of chill-youth genre
It shows every little problem that a 20's something faces in life. The movie is very true to it's title. There is everything we aspire for; luxury and no work. Then comes the part where responsibilities kick in and LOVE. It's every ''adults-for-quite-a-while'' life story in a nutshell.
Nishtha rated Spy