Anthony Hopkins getting an Oscar for a 16 minutes role is what doesn't let Leonardo DiCaprio sleep at night!
After this movie, Anthony Hopkins will forever be Hannibal Lecter to me. Who else has gotten an Oscar for a role that lasted 16 minutes? Mads Mikkelson, you're a close second. #tense #disturbing #gory #bestOfThriller #twisted #violent #creepy #classic #serial killer
I had to watch this movie twice to understand all the nuances implied. Perhaps I was too young the first time because the movie beautifully explores all aspects of a relationship and how it falls apart. Better watch this than 500 Days of Summer.
Certainly Beckinsale's best role...I don't know, 20 years?
A new take on Austen's novel, exposing it in all it's Victorian glory.
Aaaand here's how they shot all those scenes!
Wes Anderson's frames are a boon for the OCD inflicted!
Here's a film with Gaspard Ulliel in it before puberty hit him like a truck!
Nothing out of the blue, but a nicely done tear-jerker (Isn't love in the time of war the biggest tear-jerking theme of all?) all the same. Reminds me why I love Audrey.
Possibly the most humorous fact: Audrey Tautou doesn't know how to skip stones; the stone-skipping scenes were made with special effects!
Isn't it great to work on a movie with a huge budget? XD