A perfect sequel
Time leaps from June 16,1994 to summer of 2003. In the last film we found two young and effervescent persons languid in their pace and brimming with passion who were regardless of time. Before Sunset makes us acquaint ourselves with an older and exasperated version of the duo who meet suddenly and recapitulate their past decision and evaluate their present. The circumstances they were to endure,has left their mark on their faces and their thought-process. The flowing water of Seine and the blush of the twilight hour show how Time has overpowered them and frustrated their pursuits. From Vienna,the backdrop is shifted to Paris,another culturally rich city which plays a vital role in their story as well. Jesse and Celine had moved on in their lives and the smooth verbal exchange at times pricks our curiosity too much. Whether they will get back together? We know not. But we are left in a zone of suspense,and a quite shocking one.
Happily ever after. Not the fairytale way
Picking the story from where they had left,Jesse and Celine are shown to be married and parenting twins. But the couple exhibit the wear and tear of time. They express the maturity of a a consummated love and the familiarity of coexistence. The passions and impulsive energy has taken a setback and they worry and bicker over their kids,now. While holidaying in Greece they think about the recent years and time spent as a married couple.
All simply though verbal exchange,like its predecessors this version is also remarkable in its realistic portrayal of life and casual conversation of a couple. Love has not eluded them,but the 'happily ever after' has been mocked at by time
Unadulterated bliss.
One of my favorite films of all time,Before Sunrise charts the development of the bonding between two strangers, Jesse and Celine set against the culturally rich backdrop of Vienna. It is as if Vienna is almost the third character in the story. Jesse(Hawke) and Celine(Delpy) meet each other while travelling to Vienna. They have different destinations to reach,different plans and different background of broken relationships-yet instantly they get talking and slowly develop a bond. Though the title suggests a limited span of time,these people choose to keep their original plans at bay and spend the night together,roaming around Vienna. There is as if no end to the night-the time they spend together mocks at the title's apparent suggestion and they make the most of the available time. They discuss art,culture,future and existence.
There is so much naturalness in their characters and the effervescence of youth. They are impulsive and daring and casually step on the deeper aspects of their bonding. They kiss,and make love yet dare to keep themselves from sharing contacts but make a bold promise to get back to each other. The film is set like a semi-documentary and a dialogue marathon but the pace and the essence never staggers. The series of verbal exchanges are rich and profound,and realistic just like conversation between strangers. The new city,and they are travelers-there is an amalgamation of culture and ideas with these two people who are so alike,and yet so different.
Worth a watch.
Tales of teenage-a very popular concept in storytelling. John Hughes retells this much-used concept in a slightly altered format. Five students representing five different cliques are stranded in the school library in a Saturday morning, facing detention. Authoritative principal Vernon orders the students to write an essay about their characters and submit. The students tolerate each other for the initial hours,strictly avoiding socializing in fear of blurring the lines between their cliques. But the bad boy in the group,Bender harasses the prom-queen,Claire and this event gets them talking. Furthermore as they smoke pot,their tongues loosen,and so does their minds and these youngsters socialize leading the audience as well as the characters to some appalling truths.
The background is very important for proper development of the attitude and faculties of a child. Each student represent a strata of the student milieu -the shy, brainy one (Brian),the eccentric and neurotic (Allison),the sports achiever who is constantly pressurized(Andrew),the swaggering hooligan(John Bender) and the coquettish prom queen (Claire). And,these branding has been done by society and these have affected the children to isolate themselves in respective coteries. Each of them have unstable,unsympathetic family who cannot assure their anxieties. While they get to know with other,they discover,and along with them,we audience find out the dark secrets which lurk in the lives of unhappy,unexpected behavior of teenagers.
Guilty Pleasure. :)
The Akhtar siblings are spot-on,when it comes to movies on friendships and coming to terms with life! Dil Chahta Hai,was one of the pioneers in the genre where friendships,maturity,love and reality were woven in a smooth fabric.They nurtured three separate set-ups of mind,yet were inseparable in their camaraderie. Once they are done with the college-farewell party,their paths begin to separate and so does their choices. Aakash(Amir) is the rich heir who is sent to Australia when his parents find him not serious about his whereabouts. Akash keeps on bumping into Shalini(Preity) whom he finds himself attracted to,and he has a lot of challenges ahead if he has to win her over. On the other hand, there is Sameer(Saif),the funnyman in the group who is sensitive enough to fall in love every second and then stupid enough to be fooled by the women. His parents are trying to fix his match with a girl,Sonali(Sonali Kulkarni) whom he finds attractive,yet she is disinterested. And the complication in the life of Sid is even more compelling as he finds himself immensely drawn towards an older woman,(Dimple) a relationship,no one approves.
With the sudden changes in lifestyle, coupled with alienation, heartbreak, complications, ,relationships these young boys from college gradually get acquainted with reality and learn to embrace life with matured outlook. They submit themselves to their passions and learn to extract every bit of happiness from given opportunities-they struggle to cope with what their hearts want(dil chahta hai). This journey makes the story beautiful and strikes chord with the audience, both the young and the matured alike. Very very touching,all the performances and the music.
Engaging. Hallucianting.
Crime-thrillers rule primetime television these days and Breaking Bad has been able to carve a niche among the cluster of crime-dramas around by the virtue of it's protagonist and his story. Self-admittedly an 'over-qualified' Chemistry teacher at local school,Walter White's life appears futile and suffocating when he sees his mates at college achieving the unexpected while he is stuck in muck! And the transformation of humble,indifferent teacher is what the show is about.
The show is set in New Mexico,USA and captures the arid terrains and the criminal activities of drug production and illegal trade. Walter White's life is pushed to a precipice when there is an unplanned baby on the way with severe shortage of savings, and he is diagnosed with lung cancer at this juncture.With a palsy-affected son and a middle-aged wife struggling with late-pregnancy ,Walter White has to seek out new ways to procure enough money to make his family survive.
While on a ride-along with his DEA agent brother-in-law,an idea strikes Walter,and he chooses to change his life forever.Walt enters the big bad world of drug making and trading. He is slowly drawn into the grim and unethical quicksand of this illegal trade which takes a toll on his mental sanity and his conjugal life. With themes of moral judgement and criminal activities running parallelly, the show shows human life in a very intense manner,surveying through various depths of it. Bloodshed,vices,theft,lies and most importantly,the drugs the world projected is impregnably noir. The storyline is gripping and the cast is undoubtedly perfect! With the rising popularity of this show, Cranston has been recognized as one of the most amazing actors of this time.
A brilliant venture,unforeseen in Hindi Cinema
Anand Gandhi,the man who was previously associated with the world of television soaps,has broken free from the hackneyed profile to venture into the world of film-making with a very bold concept. Gandhi titles his film 'The Ship of Theseus' and brilliantly weaves this philosophical paradox in the lives and tumult of the psyche of his three characters. Three completely different,self-sustaining stories are presented sequentially,only to weave them together in the end to manifest the debate the paradox has been posing for years- Does a ship, whose every part has been replaced piece by piece, remain the same ship in the end?. I wouldn't term the film entertaining but it can certainly be called enriching once you watch it with patience and try to absorb the storytelling and the ideas presented through it.
The first story acquaints us with Aliya(Aida El-Kashef) a blind photographer who works her senses and intuition to capture images with the help of her camera which is provided with a voice-guidance. She undergoes cornea transplant and once her vision is restored,she faces difficulty to carry on with her work. Real vision become useless when it impedes inner vision,which once guided her skill.The second story introduces us to a brilliant character,an educator-philosopher, Maitreya(Neeraj Kabi) who is a staunch animal-activist whose world of beliefs come crashing down when that he finds out the medication of his ailment is manufactured after testing in animals. A man with firm beliefs and unshakeable goals falls prey to extreme suffering and changes his path. Naveen(Sohum Shah) an indifferent man makes a arduous,moving journey to a distant land to provide justice to another man whom he meets through his organ-reception process. Hence the stories challenge the conceptions of identity,personality,convictions and provokes us to constantly question the actions of these characters,while trying to justify the paradox. With brilliant acting and scripting,the movie is a gem worth a million watches.To quote veteran critic Rajeev Masand,"It stimulates the one organ that popular Hindi cinema consistently ignores - the brain!"
New. Cheesy. Different.
A tale of love,as the title suggests. But is it as pure and harmless as the title claims? Certainly modern,certainly cosmopolitan-but this take on modern love relationship is a tad confusing and implausible. Especially, trying to thrust this modern mentality in a small-town is bold,but it creates a cloud of suspicion as well.
Young men on women,battling with the sensible and the sensual,jump into conclusions and later try to escape from them like a coward. Raghu(Sushant) and Gayathri(Parineeti) unexpectedly fall in love,live-in,make out and decide to get married. But Gayathri chickens out on the day of the wedding,leaving Raghu distraught. Raghu had somewhat created a similar situation by leaving a young coy bride Tara(Vaani) at the alter,years back. Raghu unexpectedly meets Tara again and they start going out. They fall in love,make-out,make promises and suddenly Gayathri reappears in the scene.
The tumultous state of relationships,the fragile bonds,the confused minds and the sensitive souls wary of commitment make up the base of the story. Rishi Kapoor as decorator represents the rigid and cynical outlook of society who consider marriage a compulsion. The young generation challenges the radical view but in a messy way. Storytelling could have been neat and wittier. The performances are commendable but no character really touches us,and they are far from relatable. The charming visuals of Jaipur and feet-tapping music adds brownie points but cannot revive the messy plot.
Mush and smiles
Sam(Tom Hanks) is a widower who is depressed after the death of his wife and to relieve him,his son calls the radio station talking about the sad state of his father. The RJ gets Sam talking and his heartfelt words for his wife,touches all the listeners,and especially Anne(Ryan). Anne embarks on a search for Sam while Sam starts dating women. How they meet,is what the rest of the story holds.
Humorous,sentimental and yet touching.