Better than the original in my opinion. Hairspray is such a fun and feel good film and the soundtrack is iconic.
Jessica rated X-Men
A wonderful start to a great franchise, X-men is a bit dated but it still holds up really well and the acting performances are great all around.
Jessica reviewed Unstoppable
Unstoppable is a thrilling and memorable film with great performances by Denzel Washington and Chris Pine who have amazing chemistry on screen together, I am on the edge of my seat every time I watch it and its a movie that honestly gets better and better every time I re-watch it. The film is simply fantastic and one of Tony Scott's best.
Jessica reviewed Cellular
One of the most criminally underrated films ever, Cellular isn't Oscar worthy by any means but its such a thrilling and entertaining film Chris Evans is great in the leading role and Jason Statham plays the bad guy really well. This film deserves more attention and love its just way to underrated.
To all the boys I loved before was a great film and this sequel though not as great still has lots to offer. Lana Condor is utterly delightful and Noah Centineo is in my opinion much better here than in the first film and who doesn't love Jordan Fisher, The love triangle wasn't my favourite however Lana has great chemistry with both guys and I found her feelings towards them very believable. The ending is rushed but adorable and overall this is a very good sequel and I honestly cant wait for the next one.
Jessica reviewed Onward
Pixar's latest release is another big win, Onward is a magical and touching film with great voice acting and beautiful animation, The relationship between Ian and Barley was beautiful and sweet and the journey they go on in the film is a very fun and touching one. Pixar did it again.
Jessica reviewed 50/50
Joseph-Gordon Levitt delivers one of his best acting performances in this touching and memorable film. Joseph and Seth Rogan have amazing on screen chemistry and their friendship in the film is truly inspiring, The film is an emotional roller-coaster with many laugh out loud moments and many tears its incredible how well written the film is. A must watch.
Jessica reviewed Enchanted
The most underrated Disney film of all time, Enchanted is a delightful and magical family movie with wonderful acting performances from Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey and James Marsden, The soundtrack is amazing and the movie is filled with hilarious and memorable moments. Its truly a magical film and it deserves way more attention and love than it gets.
The wedding singer remains Adam Sandler's best film to date, Its a true classic with hilarious and heart-warming moments, The song on the plane is one of my favourite movie moments of all time and Drew Barrymore's reaction is pure perfection, The soundtrack is iconic and who can forget George singing do you really want to hurt me, The acting is perfect all around and the chemistry between Adam and Drew is fantastic. Forever a favourite.
Jessica watched Big Daddy