Yeh Jawani Hain Deewani.. Naina and Bunny, I got goosebumps when I first watched the film, I still do!

It's been years after we met Naina and Bunny, so much have changed, but one thing never did.. That is the way I adore Naina and Bunny, Naina a bit more!

Maybe, that is why, I really was happy when she went alone on a trip for the first time, despite being an introvert.. I could relate so much with her, except that I don't have glasses!

But then, when she was secluded again, I literally wishes she finds a reason to smile. And maybe, she did, in Bunny.. The trip, Bunny, and his friends, changed her somewhere, may be for the better!

But when, Bunny left her and even his own father to follow his dreams, when he didn't come back, even when his father died, I started hating him. Because, Bunny turned to be selfish for whom love and family never mattered!

Years later, when he came back, I still believed he'd go back again, but somewhere, my heart told he wouldn't. He didn't though, he stayed, and this time, forever.. Naina's love was finally complete..

But how many of us really give up our own selfish motives to something for our loved ones? How many of us even love? Or maybe, some are cursed that they can never feel or understand love, because love they say, is the most beautiful feeling in the world!

This movie is a must watch.. Because it's high time we value people and relationships before they're gone away from our lives, forever!
I still remember the day I had first watched the movie, Lolita, and by the end of the movie, I was in tears..

It begins with the story of a man, Humbert Humbert, who was in search of a house to live, when he finally comes to house of a widow. And then, in the garden, he looks at a beautiful girl.. There she was, beautiful and young, with all the innocence in her life. Looking at her, he immediately remembers the love of his life, the girl whom he had loved when young. It seemed as if he had found her in Lolita.

In order to stay with Lolita, Humbert marries her mother who eventually dies and Lolita's custody is now with him. Meanwhile, he starts abusing her. But, even though they start by hating each other, they do not leave.

But with time, the distance between them grow. Years later, he meets her who is married and pregnant. He remembers then about the playwright, Quilty,who had written the drama of which Lolita was a part of in her school. Quilty had abandoned her after inflicting a lot upon her. Humbert , therefore, goes to kill him in order to free himself of the guilt of the pain he had inflicted upon Lolita throughout.. Some call him an abuser, but, maybe, somewhere, deep within, he loved Lolita, just as he once had loved when he was young, or may much more! But, had he treated her differently, maybe, they'd have been together!

This movie has a tragic end and one realizes how time flies and that nothing is in our hands except our own actions. Maybe, that's why they say, actions speak louder than words!

We may spend our entire lifetime telling someone we love them or telling ourselves we love someone, but at the end, it's how we treat them, matters. It makes all the difference! Because time will away, and maybe, we may never get a second chance!

This movie is a must watch but since it is an adult movie, a lot of maturity and emotional intelligence is required to grasp every ounce of it!
The "Midnight Sun" is a romantic film which depicts the love story of a girl, Katie, who suffers from rare disease and a boy, Charlie. Katie has a rare sensitivity to sunlight, which could even cause her death.

Katie is not allowed to get out of her house during daylight because of her rare disease and therefore, can only go out from the house only after it is dark.

Meanwhile, she meets Charlie, who asks her out. Eventually, they fall in love with each other. One day, Charlie talks of watching the rising sun, listening to which, Katie runs away. Bewildered, Charlie follows her but is unable to understand the reason of her sudden escape. Only after he meets her father, he comes to know of her condition.

Later, her condition deteriorates and the doctor says that she isn't going to live much longer. Realizing the amount of time left with her, she goes with Charlie and together, they see the rising sun, after which she dies...

Katie makes us realize that one must live and explore every possibilities of life because it is uncertain. Every moment is special and therefore, must be lived to the fullest. Otherwise, we might miss the best which lies in store for us!

This movie is a must watch for people who are searching for a meaning in life, who have lost hopes in it..! Maybe, it's time to understand.. That there's only this moment that is to be lived fully!
Photograph is a 2019 film starring the talented actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui who is a struggling street photographer. His grandma wants him to get married but he is reluctant. In order to get rid of daily explanations and accusations, he photographs a random girl and shows the photo to his grandma as his fiancee. But on his grandma's wish to meet her, he searches her again, and upon putting a lot of efforts, he finds her at the end! As they fake a relationship, a bonding starts to grow between them and it strengthens their connection.

This movie shows how a single photograph has the power to change our lives and the way we live or think. Also, it shows how everything happens for a cause.. Thus, even though life is unpredictable, it is always beautiful!

I loved this film because of the simple yet beautiful plot and how it focused on the little moments of life which changes our life forever!
"Upside down " has a brilliant plot, it is a literary and creative masterpiece when the protagonists are set apart not just by social, political and economical differences, but also by gravitational differences. The two lovers belong to twin planets having equal and opposite gravity. While the up-above planet is prosperous, the down-below planet is poverty-stricken, where the people of up-above is allowed to enter down-below, those from down-below aren't allowed to do the same. There is only a connecting link - The Transworld!

The boy, Adam, who belongs to the down-below, goes atop a hill, where he meets a girl, Eden, from Up-above. Eventually, they fall in love with each other but the cops catch them. Eden falls down from hill and they are separated.. Forever? Maybe not!

Years later, while working on his aunt's recipe to develop a antigravity cream for facelifts, Adam comes to know that Eden is alive and is working at Transworld and had forgotten him due to amnesia.

Determined to meet Eden again, he joins Transworld after he had created the recipe for face-lift cream successfully, but which couldn't be used for long without Adam.

On the other hand, Adam's friend, Brad, comes to know of his love for Eden and helps him meet her, disguised as Brad. But Brad loses his job and so he had less time left to meet her. Meanwhile, Eden remembers her past memories with Adam and thus, goes to the same hill they met years before. But the cops arrest her, while Adam falls..

He is saved this time with the help of inverse-matter. Later, Brad buys the patent of the cream before Transworld could. Also, Eden is saved because he gives up the recipe and on agreement that he'd never meet Eden again...

Eden, on the other hand, with Brad's help, meets Adam.. And this time forever..

Years later, they have twins and now, both the world have turned equally prosperous! What could be a happier ending to this?

This movie shows how love can win over all, over all the differences, even over gravity! When two hearts are bonded with love, they can't be separated, no matter what!

Overall, it an amazing film and a must watch for those who seek a combo of science and emotions!
Instead of Brad, the name must be Bob. Sorry for the typo.
I hadn't known much about the film before I had watched it. But honestly, it's beautiful!

Based on a real life story, it depicts the love story of Stella and Will, who are cystic fibrosis patients. They are, therefore, required to be at least six feet apart in order to not be infected by cross-infection. While Stella is too strict with the rules, Will is a rule breaker. Though she dislikes him at first for this, she eventually softens.

Later, when Stella's friend and a CF patient, Poe, dies, she laments that she couldn't even hug him before death. This makes her want to live here life to the fullest and thereby, she urges Will to take her along to see the city lights. Later, Will comes to know that a lung transplant is available for her but she denied it. Will then tries to convince her for it. But an unfortunate incidence lands them back to the hospital.

When Stella is lying on the hospital bed, she sees that numerous lights are shining outside the room. Will tells her that he had fulfilled her dream of watching the city lights. He had brought them inside because they couldn't see them together before. As Will walks away for her good, leaving her a scrapbook, Stella realises his love for her.. But Will is gone forever
from her life and she could never meet him again!

This movie gives an insight to our priorities and how we need to reevaluate them in order to live our life fully. Sometimes, even restrictions must be broken, because life, is always uncertain and you never know what's next!
I forgot the exact date when I had first watched this movie "Me before you", but the way I admired Will Traynor back then is still vivid. It's still the same..

I remember watching when he was talking over the phone in the roadside on a rainy day when that vehicle struck him. Will, with all the innocence in his face, didn't know what to do! And, at that time, my heart had stopped for a moment too!

I remember Will, then seated on the wheelchair, all helpless and without a ray of hope and how much I had wanted to help him.. And then, Louisa " Lou" Clark came, with all the happiness in the world and that beautiful smile of hers; I had found myself in her, cheerful and happy-go-lucky and the weird clothing of hers, she resembled me so well.. And I was happy because she had come for him!

But honestly, I was disappointed by the way Will treated her.. Like she was nothing! Well, okay, I admit that she was not like the rest, but wasn't she good enough to at least be treated well? He didn't even look at her and ignored all her efforts to make him smile.. And everytime, she'd greet him, he didn't even greet back.. I really found it rude, but I always hoped for something better to happen!

I remember that day when she took him on a walk and talked about Paris, being the most beautiful place for him.. And that day, when he took her to his ex's wedding and they danced, the most beautiful couple I had even seen!

And on the musical event, Lou wore that red dress, I swear I fell in love with it, even searched for something similar, but alas! I could never find it..

I remember how Will looked at her.. And well, I was happy, for both of them!

And then, when Will was ill and Lou took care of him, I felt that maybe he had found a reason to live, to be happy! But maybe, somewhere, I was wrong!

The day she danced, under the stars, near the sea, on a beautiful night, it was one of the best things to behold.. I thought he would tell her how much he had fallen in love with her! Watching her dance, how much he wanted to look at her, forever.. But then, he said that his six months were over.. That everything would end soon!

I swear I didn't understand then what it meant, but when she sat near him on the hospital bed, it was then that I had cried, for I realized he'd leave her forever..

I had always wanted Will to live, to watch Lou smile and grow old with her, but maybe, somewhere, you were right.. But still, I'd have been a lot happier had it been a happy ending!

But maybe, not every love story has a happy ending, this was one of those.. But, honestly, I'd always admire Will and what he did for Lou! When she sat in a cafe in the most beautiful place in the world, Paris, reading his letter, I realized how much he was in love with her.. And forever, even after he was no more..

He always wanted her to "Live, just live " and, she did!
The titanic is a movie based on real incidence of the drowning of the ship Titanic in the Ocean. It portrays the love story of a young girl, Rose, belonging to the aristocratic class and a young boy,Jack which is narrated by her to her grandchildren. Rose had come along with her and fiance, Cal and her mother while Jack had come with his friend . Unhappy with the engagement, she attempts suicide where she is stopped by Jack.

Eventually , they start to fall in love with each other while meeting a numerous times aboard the ship. But the girl's family comes to know about it and they restrict the two lovers.

Meanwhile, the ship collides with an iceberg and it starts to sink. Before Jack could inform it, he is tied by Cal's men. Later, the situation grows worse and the time comes for the people to be rescued . Later , Cal saves himself but Rose goes back to Jack where he saves Rose while he himself freezes to death.

And years later, when the Titanic is recovered from the ocean and renovated , she visits it with her family. But only thing which remains is his memory and the locket, which she finally drops in the water. She remembers him with teary eyes, and the love story which had made her live, even though she could never see him again.

The movie is overall a beautiful depiction of the condition of the people who had sunk in the ocean along with the huge ship. It also showed how love stays, no matter how much time passes, no matter whether the beloved is alive or not, because they live in the memories , forever ! How memories never fade away, even though people do! No matter how much time has passed, they remain in our our hearts, and remains buried within it till death!..
Dead poets society is a beautiful movie which teaches one to love and live.

It begins with a strict boys boarding school whose environment changes as a new teacher, John Keating, joins who is supposed to teach them English. But to the boys' surprise,the teacher uses a different method of teaching. Keeping aside the conventional system, he talks to them about different spheres of life and seeks their opinion. His methods of teaching are different, so at first the students are surprised but later, they start admiring him.

Later, inspired from John's "Dead Poets Society" the students forms a society when he takes the students to a cave where they discuss about "poetry,love and romance".

Inspired by John, the boys go to pursue their dreams but is restricted by the school and family. Unable to handle the pressure, Neil commits suicide. Taking advantage of the situation, the authority accuses John and one by one, the boys are forced to admit it, leading to John leaving his post.

When John comes back for the last time to take back his belongings, the boys shout " O Captain! My Captain! " and they finally confess that John is innocent as John walks away..

This movie emphasizes how living for our dreams is important and that one has to have the courage to fight for them. Had the students fought for John, the ending would have very much been different. But, at the end, John gets the respect he had always deserved, a loving "Good bye"..! Maybe, that is where the power of love lies, it can move mountains.. It always does!

Notebook is one of the most beautiful films I've ever watched.

The film starts with an old man, Duke, who reads the pages of a notebook to an old woman, Mrs
Hamilton who is suffering from Alzheimers .They sit on a bench and the pages are read out one by one which contains the story of a young man and his beloved.

The young man, Noah falls in love with a beautiful girl, Allie, at a carnival, who happens to belong to the upper class. They later go to a house, where they are interrupted by Noah friend who tells them that Allie's family are searching for her. They confess their love to each other. But when the girl's family discovers this, and in order to separate the two, they take her away back to their honetown. Meanwhile, the distance between the two beloved had increased so much that they couldn't even meet once before parting and the boy comes to know about it through Fin only after she is gone.

And everyday, for a year, he writes letters to her but her mother doesn't allow them to reach her. This makes Allie feel that the Noah has forgotten her completely. Meanwhile, her marriage is fixed to a wealthy man with whom she grows affection towards while she had served as a nurse for war soldiers and they end up engaging each other.

On the other hand, Noah returns home from the war, finding that his father had sold their house so that he can build the mansion. One day, while searching for her, he sees her, happy with her fiance and believing she has moved on, he walks away, but later, he works hard to fulfill the dreams they had woven together. He builds a beautiful white house. And time goes by, when it so happens that Allie is able to find him through a newspaper and she runs away to him.

But now, she had to decide whether she chose her family or him, the society or the love and unable to decide, she walks away . But, on discovering the truth that her mother had hidden, the letters, she realises her mistake and this time , she finally goes back to him.

When he laments that he had lost his beloved once again, she arrives and this time, forever , never to part again !

This movie is overall romantic and emotional one and by the end, the viewers gets goosebumps. The hearttouching story makes one cry atleast once during the movie. The turmoil suffered by the lovers, yet their never ending love makes a beautiful story in itself !
