"Watch it first and then you have the right to criticize."
If there was a list of the misinterpreted movies in the hindi cinema then this film make it own mark in it. May be the bollywood is still not ready to accept the change or the standard of film making in this country is appreciated only when it goes further down.
The film is a dream project of Anurag Kashyap, the man who made cult films like #devd and #gowasseypur. But this film did not had the great fortunes even before its release, poor marketing, unconventional music and the negative publicity film faced on its first day of release, lead to the downfall or you can say it went so low that now it is counted in the most disastrous attempt of this decade.
To be honest people who were criticizing the film were those who didn't even watch it. The film has great actions scenes, amazing cinematography and the screenplay which is much inspired from the likes of godfather.
The unsuccessful run of such films is a bad sign for the movie industry where the crap is accepted by the masses generously.
"Hindi cinema is good at making bio-pics."
Criminal or a celebrity? Charles Shobraj, the name is enough to create a thought in your mind and the personality that has confused many minds.
To be exact the film deals with a famous part of the legacy charles has created in the criminal world and how it is a story worth making a film on. The film has been beautifully crafted and its a treat to your eyes. it has more of a indo-french cinema feel to it. The performances of all the actors is appreciable but the accent and the acting skill Randeep Hooda manifested is something as good which we rarely encounter in bollywood.
Listed in the list of "things to do before you die".
6 friends, 10 years and all the life hacks you can imagine is the line which basically summarizes the friends series. Started way back in 1994 and still watched in 2015 says a lot about the U.S. show.
The show has set a benchmark for all the sit-com,s and no one has reached even close to the legacy the series has created. Be it relationships, love, friends with benefits, homosexuality and even the live-in culture is portrayed in the show long before people even heard or thought about such aspects of life.
Enough said and now i am rushing back to watch the friends season 4 for the 6th time which is a hint for you to start watching the show asap.
"Problem? Problem yeh hai ki wo ladki hai."
A good research leads to great insights and with great insights we relate to the maximum of our target audiences. Luv Ranjan proved in the previous part of this franchise that movies with good content and not big stars can still work in bollywood.
The film tries to enlighten the boys how they are being played by the girls and still the society perceives the male as the culprit. Relationships over friendship is a bad idea and what consequences it may lead to is the basic plot of this flick.
The Indian society and the culture has made its women furious and this flick showcases it wisely. #classact
Firstly the movie will surprise you with its content and the performances of the lead actors. It focuses on showing the hypocrite mind set our country has for women. One can say that it is an attempt to make a women centric film, with a holiday feel to it, but the film talks about much serious issues.