Insanely impressive
predestination without a doubt is a weird movie,but you will enjoy the weirdness,the plot is trying to stop the terrorist attacks that takes place in future through time travel,but never judge a movie by its plot,there's much more than that,when you'll know get the line right you will be blown way,this flick isn't for people who has soft corner for regular stuff's,they will never get through it,dont miss it if you are not one of them.
Not for the kids
i used to enjoy animations a lot back then,but now things has changed,the animes are moving too deep,back in those days they were plain,easy going and entertaining,if you say these movies are meant for kids,then insideout is way too far,the plot is different,i hadn't seen anything like that,and then as the story moves the game changes,it's actually an outfit of a man trying to fit with adolescent ,this isnt for kids but this too has some solid content to ignore,just watch it if not for for your kids.
A delectable watch
watching regular stuff doesn't get right,some times wathcing the movies out of box are a certain relief,luch box is such one,the storyline simple yet beautiful,this flick bends on emotions,daily life,relations everthing a busy life gets or not,but dont expect too much,if the story is to be said in one line its about a regular house wife accidentally meets a ordinary person through exchanging letters in a lunch box.The film has the finest actors and finest performances too,there not too many characters to count ,but you can count on character performances,this movie is fair enough to recommend someone to watch,not a movie to leave behind also not a must watch if you insist.
this is a "benchmark"
when powerful performances meet the perfect storyline wonders do happen,Games thrones isn't your ordinary storyline,in a nutshell the game of thrones story is where several noble familes fight over a mythical land called "westoros".Every episode leaves you edgy and not to mention the very end of every season holds you in state of anticipation literally you cant wait for the next season to air.This epic series has it all in,whatever you were expecting you will get more than that,never predict the story,not even a single time you will get it right .sitback relax and enjoy playing the game of thrones.
An exceptional attempt
until you watch this movie,one cannot say you are a moviebuff,such a masterpiece no matter you watch this movie 10years later,you will remain spellbound.The movie never gets outdated.The ending is something i had never seen all these years.